Fifi being put on the bench might give him the kick he needs to finally put in.
Yes, the best front rower in the game has been put on the bench , to teach him a na na na na lesson.
Best front rower in the game? Maybe 2-3 years ago. Loves to give a penalty nowadays.Yes, the best front rower in the game has been put on the bench , to teach him a na na na na lesson.
yep The team starts firing when he comes on... farkkkthisnot having b2 in the side is a mistake.
I just want a team that wins ,plays their a*ses off, and lets me go home with a smile.I don't care if it's a non official team, an official team or Captain's pick.
And I'm officially stating ,Fiifta is lucky he is an interchanger.If it were up to moi ,he would serve 2 weeks with the Newtown trendsetters.
Well as long as it as about him.......Wow did the haters take their eye off the name Dugan for a minute?