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"Alone" with .........

The scene.
Friday 16 September 2011. Approx 1030am.
Ground floor at St G Private Hosp.
Boarding a lift.
I'm with my sister.
Also boarding is another couple and one bloke.
The bloke is holding two take away coffees.
Buttons are pressed for floors 3,4 and 5.
The (single) bloke is about my age (+ or -) and is wearing casual clothes.
I am thinking..... this bloke looks familiar.
Lift arrives level 3 and the other couple exit.

It is now just my sister, "coffee man" and I.
I wait for the precise moment to act.
Just as the doors have closed I turn to this bloke and say...

You look like Peter Doust.
To which he says - IT IS (and it truly was).

So what do I do ?!?! With my thirty second window (level 4 to 5)??......

I (weakly) introduce myself as "Real Name", Red V member and wish the team the best for Saturday night.

Arrive level 4 and Dusty exits.
Another (life) opportunity lost.
If he had been going to level 5, maybe I could have:
asked him about Wayne...

what ?????

Any suggestions (for next time)?



You look like Peter Doust.
To which he says - IT IS (and it truly was).

So what do I do ?!?! With my thirty second window (level 4 to 5)??......

I (weakly) introduce myself as "Real Name", Red V member and wish the team the best for Saturday night.

Arrive level 4 and Dusty exits.
Another (life) opportunity lost

Any suggestions (for next time)?
My first suggestion would be to put things into perspective. It was Peter Doust not the Queen of England.

Father Ted

First Grade
Danny Robinson said hello to me the other day ( wednesday I think ) heading down to the hospital I wonder (presume) if one of our own is ill?


Village Idiot
Staff member
Arrive level 4 and Dusty exits.
Another (life) opportunity lost.
If he had been going to level 5, maybe I could have:
asked him about Wayne...

what ?????

Any suggestions (for next time)?


questions for doust:
  • you have an itch in the middle of your back that you can't reach - can he please get it for you?
  • would he let you have a drink of his coffee?
  • was he visiting a choking victim?
  • was he visiting wayne casue the newcastle boys slipped something to him?
actions to do next time instead:
  • hit the stop button. once the lift shudders to a holt, scream out "we're all gonna die" and grab a hold of doust and say that you are claustrophobic
  • follow the above, but instead of grabbing a hold of him, start unbuttoning your shirt and say "well, we don't want to die lonely now, do we?"
  • grab a coffee as he walks out
  • ask "are you peter doust?" but have your sister start arguing that she is infact the real peter doust, and that this man is an imposter
  • fart quite loudly and then blame doust


My first suggestion would be to put things into perspective. It was Peter Doust not the Queen of England.

The true perspective is that being in a lift with Doust would mean more to me than being in a lift with the Queen of England. (The Q of E IS Elton John isn't it??) :D
I saw Matt Head at Heathrow airport once, but I have a non-harrasment policy when it comes to Saints players, so I didn't bother him.

If I'd seen Doust I would have asked for an autograph, and then told him I was just kidding. I would have then insulted his wife and / or mother.


First Grade
I saw Matt Head at Heathrow airport once, but I have a non-harrasment policy when it comes to Saints players, so I didn't bother him.

If I'd seen Doust I would have asked for an autograph, and then told him I was just kidding. I would have then insulted his wife and / or mother.

Low blow, I think Doust is alright, I also know of plenty others who wanted to "Oust Doust" at the end of the day we are still the defending premiers, I'm happy with that.

Father Ted

First Grade
Low blow, I think Doust is alright, I also know of plenty others who wanted to "Oust Doust" at the end of the day we are still the defending premiers, I'm happy with that.

Worth pointing out that we won the comp during the period Doustie had agreed to stay out of it ( at Bennetts requesT ).

Tim Smith

It was my birthday friday September 16th and my wife took me to Brisbane for the night to the Stamford Plaza. First i saw alfie and then teo then Wallace and McCulloch; then the broncos squad at the pool. Racing through my mind was how could I make this work for us. How could I sabotage their preparation the day before our elimination semi final. At 1:30 am the fire alarms went off throughout the whole place; I thought to myself maybe Willow was here to and paid the ultimate sacrifice; it was a false alarm but at least they may be tired from broken sleep. I did nothing to help our cause and we went down by a point; I just had to confess that I had motive and opportunity and left it up to our team; one of my few regrets in life.

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