Taisetsu na mono protect my balls!
Boku ga warui so let's fighting...
Let's fighting love!
Let's fighting love!
Taisetsu na mono protect my balls!
Boku ga warui so let's fighting...
Let's fighting love!
Let's fighting love!
Look at the misheard lyrics of anime openings on youtube :lol:Taisetsu na mono protect my balls!
Boku ga warui so let's fighting...
Let's fighting love!
Let's fighting love!
Up to episode 6.
The protagonist is very relateable but they've skipped character development for boobie development.
I love me some fan service :lol:The main selling points of the show are zombies and mass amounts of fan service, of course there is no character development, if you expect to see character development in an anime about zombies you're probably better off with Kore wa Zombie Desu ka, but then you would probably be disappointed when you found out that it's not a traditional zombie.
I love me some fan service :lol:
I knew what I was getting into, but for a couple of episodes the female characters lose their personalities and I felt the contextual reality was unnecessarily broken.
I'm not expecting Shakespeare, I'm just suggesting that writers should be aware of the contextual reality they are building, and incorporate fan service within said reality not at the expense of it.There is nothing wring with a bit of fan service (though it can be overdone, like in Eiken), but to expect any kind of character development in a series whose main selling point is fanservice is not smart
I'm not expecting Shakespeare, I'm just suggesting that writers should be aware of the contextual reality they are building, and incorporate fan service within said reality not at the expense of it.