Well, Harold Matthews amd SG Ball are both only 9 week comps then the finals and they have a way of filling themselves each year from local school sides and competitions aswell as some players from the bush.
Flegg is the only possible problem at least for the start of the year before some of the SG Ball players get call ups.
However, Parramatta's 1st grade squad was 39 players (40 if Leuluai signs, 41 if Davis issue ever gets sorted)
17 players for 1st grade
17 players for reggies
thats 34 players still leaving at least 5 players
and you'll find similar to last year with Afamsaga if a player is still eligible for flegg and they don't get picked in 1sat grade they'll drop down to Flegg instead of reggies.
on top of that there are players not named in the 1st grade sqaud who can still play flegg guys like Daniel Backo, Kurt Sorsensen, Chris Thorrington, Ben and Zeb Taia etc