What is the probability of a sequel to RL?
Is there an RL sequel coming out?
We have no comment at this time.
Does Sidhe Interactive want to produce an RL sequel?
Do the NRL and HES want to produce an RL sequel?
We cannot comment on the wishes of other corporate entities.
Where are discussions or negotiations at in relation to an RL sequel?
We have no comment at this time.
If an RL sequel was to be released, when would we see it?
Assuming a sequel was produced, it would not be released during 2004.
If an RL sequel was to be released, when would it be announced?
Assuming a sequel went into production, announcing the title is at the discretion of the publisher. At a guess (and this is pure speculation) a possible sequel might be announced before the end of 2004.
If an RL sequel was to be released, what features would it have?
We have earmarked a number of improvements and additions for a possible sequel including prioritising improving graphics, adding a franchise mode and adding online multiplayer. We cannot comment on what other features or improvements might or might not be made at this time.
If an RL sequel was to be released, would it be worth buying if I already have the first one?
That is a decision each individual gamer will have to make at the time. Sidhe Interactive will of course strive to make an RL sequel a dramatic improvement over its predecessor.
Are you aware of what your competition is doing?
We have been following the development, release, and consumer reaction to competing products closely. We are as well informed as we can be.