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Anybody who rates todays test an equal of SOO is a tripper!


KFC said:
The rule should be that you play for the country you were born in.

If K. Hunt and B Marshall end up playing for Australia, it will make a mockery of the rules.

I don't know about having it as "the country your born in"... My mate lived in England untill he was 2, but remembers nothing of the place (he's never been back) and supports Australia in all sports... hypothetically, if he was an elite league player and was good enough to represent Australia, but could only represent England, then that would be an even bigger farce... I think the rule should be you have to play where you played your junior footy, sorta like origin.


mullup said:
I guess it depends on ones definition of "backfire" mate.

How many of the trippers above have stated categoricly that TODAYS test match is "as good as origin"?


That match was better than this year's bashathon origin games.


sunny said:
You are probably factually correct dimitri, but I think this a classic example of whats wrong with intl rl (well one of the many things wrong with it anyway). There should be an iron clad rule- the field must be (insert amount) long by (insert amount) wide and the in goals must be (insert amount) in size. If a stadium isn't big enough then it shouldn't be allowed to host a game. Things in intl league must be made to aspire up to certain standards, rather than having the standards pander to them and their incompetencies. Can't find a decent fullback, NZ? Don't worry, you can pick Brent Webb, even though he's from Cairns. Not good enough to make the Australian team, Johnny So and so? Don't worry, your great grandmother was from (insert crap country here) you can play for them. If intl rl wants to survive and earn a bit of respect, it has to encourage excellence rather than mediocrity, and be realistic rather than idealistic. sh*t like this- the field size issue, selection stupidities, OH MY GOD AUSTRALIA DIDNT WIN BY 1000-0, INTL LEAGUE IS BACK!- only encourages mediocrity, which in the end I feel can only lead to a death sentence for what was once a decent intl game of good standard.

Slightly hypocritical when Big Willie plays for us mate, born in Auckland if I remember rightly.


I totaly disagree with the majority of you. As a proud Queenslander i would have a SOO over a International anyday. I am proud to be an Aussie however i cant cheer for some New South Welshmen as i believe they are useless and i just dont like them. Who gets the better viewing stats? I believe the SOO would.

Cheers Bullrider

Dr Crane

Live Update Team
I totaly disagree with the majority of you. As a proud Queenslander i would have a SOO over a International anyday. I am proud to be an Aussie however i cant cheer for some New South Welshmen as i believe they are useless and i just dont like them. Who gets the better viewing stats? I believe the SOO would.

This is precisely the problem.

You are all AUSTRALIANS dumbarse.


SOO is so over rated :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

the only good thing about SOO is watching Australians hurt each other.....I love it! Well apart from Mason, Carrol and Thorn cos they were Kiwi born....


You have to understand. For Queenslanders, you are a QUEENSLANDER first and an AUSTRALIAN second. ;-)

I love em both but do get bigger thrills out of seeing the Kangaroos play, we have such a long heritage of success to defend. And I love watching the best Australia has to offer.

I love internationals because it is the one time of the year when everyone can put aside club loyalties and state loyalties and go for the Kangaroos.

Everyone should own an Origin and Kangaroos jersey!

Dr Crane

Live Update Team
I love internationals because it is the one time of the year when everyone can put aside club loyalties and state loyalties and go for the Kangaroos.

That is what i meant.

Not far away from where i was sitting there was someone in a Panthers jacket with a kiwis flag.

How i love internationals.


Everyone should own an Origin and Kangaroos jersey!

I own a wales jersey - sorry but that will have to do until I get myself a GB jersey :D


I love international footy and I want to see it grow. I think every Aussie will agree with me. BUT, state of origin footy is better and more popular. For the people who disagree with me, then look around you. Why do you think the international games are always overseas? Because we don't care enough about them to have the games here. And why do you think the games are on at 6:00 in the morning? Yes because it's live, but shouldn't they play or replay it at a peak time to get ratings. No it's not popular enough.
What about last year in the ashes series. It was Australia's B side. Everyone was was geting operations from injury. If they really wanted to, they could of played and got the operations later but they don't care enough about those games, it's the NRL they care about.
People are just saying that the Australia vs New Zealand game last weekend was better than origin is only because of their attitude for International footy to grow. They see a close match and beacause its close they think it was beter than origin. The Quality wasn't better. The closeness of the match was, but not the quality. Thats why State Of Origin is beter. Everyone of the players in State Of Origin are good enough to play for Australia. So it's basically Australia vs Australia. Great quality. Great Britain and New Zealand may love international footy and really want to beat us. But we don't care enough. Don't get me wrong. I don't like it, but we have to face facts. Thats why we are playing in the U.S.A.. To promote the game and improve International footy. And I don't like when people say that they want Australia to lose to New Zealand or Great Britain to make the game beter. That's not the right attitude. That makes the game worse by not supporting your country. No international spirit. This attitude doesn't help international footy anyway. We shouldn't get worse to help the game. The world needs to improve. If New Zealand or Great Britain want to beat us. They have to get to our level and outplay us. This will probably take a while if it ever happens, or it may not. That's why I hope this Tri Nations will be an absolute ripper. That would truely be great.


Go_The_Sharks said:
I love international footy and I want to see it grow. I think every Aussie will agree with me. BUT, state of origin footy is better and more popular. For the people who disagree with me, then look around you. Why do you think the international games are always overseas? Because we don't care enough about them to have the games here. And why do you think the games are on at 6:00 in the morning? Yes because it's live, but shouldn't they play or replay it at a peak time to get ratings. No it's not popular enough.
What about last year in the ashes series. It was Australia's B side. Everyone was was geting operations from injury. If they really wanted to, they could of played and got the operations later but they don't care enough about those games, it's the NRL they care about.
People are just saying that the Australia vs New Zealand game last weekend was better than origin is only because of their attitude for International footy to grow. They see a close match and beacause its close they think it was beter than origin. The Quality wasn't better. The closeness of the match was, but not the quality. Thats why State Of Origin is beter. Everyone of the players in State Of Origin are good enough to play for Australia. So it's basically Australia vs Australia. Great quality. Great Britain and New Zealand may love international footy and really want to beat us. But we don't care enough. Don't get me wrong. I don't like it, but we have to face facts. Thats why we are playing in the U.S.A.. To promote the game and improve International footy. And I don't like when people say that they want Australia to lose to New Zealand or Great Britain to make the game beter. That's not the right attitude. That makes the game worse by not supporting your country. No international spirit. This attitude doesn't help international footy anyway. We shouldn't get worse to help the game. The world needs to improve. If New Zealand or Great Britain want to beat us. They have to get to our level and outplay us. This will probably take a while if it ever happens, or it may not. That's why I hope this Tri Nations will be an absolute ripper. That would truely be great.
What you forget is that, while last years Kangaroo team was missing several first choice selections, there was still a world class team that would easily equal or out-do that years state of origins, also the GB team of that year had around 11 first choice players out as well and the contest was more high paced, evenly matched and passionate than any origin (barring maybe Origin 2 this year) match over the past 4 or so years... the fact that we won in the last five minutes of each match just proves that origin football is the best preparation for elite footy! While I agree that the first TN test this year can't be said to have out done origin (though I'd argue it equels several matches), you'd have to say that the competition was very tough and not too far off the quality displayed in Origin... The kiwi's and poms are getting stronger all the time and THEY are bringing passion and pride back to international footy, so if we don't start caring about it, then we may see lackluster roos teams getting utterly dominated by English or kiwi teams that DO care! Believe me, if this continues Origin will be left behind within 5 years...


if Australia aren't the number 1 test nation what does that make SOO?

a fair question to all those non believers about why this tri nations is so terribly important to our game as a whole.


What you forget is that, while last years Kangaroo team was missing several first choice selections, there was still a world class team that would easily equal or out-do that years state of origins, also the GB team of that year had around 11 first choice players out as well and the contest was more high paced, evenly matched and passionate than any origin (barring maybe Origin 2 this year) match over the past 4 or so years... the fact that we won in the last five minutes of each match just proves that origin football is the best preparation for elite footy! While I agree that the first TN test this year can't be said to have out done origin (though I'd argue it equels several matches), you'd have to say that the competition was very tough and not too far off the quality displayed in Origin... The kiwi's and poms are getting stronger all the time and THEY are bringing passion and pride back to international footy, so if we don't start caring about it, then we may see lackluster roos teams getting utterly dominated by English or kiwi teams that DO care! Believe me, if this continues Origin will be left behind within 5 years...

I never said that we should't care. I said the complete opposite. Saying that people don't care as much as they should. I agree with you saying that New Zealand and Great Britain are improving rapidly and Darren Lockyer also said this. I really want to see this. The world improving with our country. It's happening and International footy is gonna be on top of all rugby league games. And your also right saying our team last year was still good enough tp beat both SOO teams. I sort of take back some of the stuff i said before. I want to give Internationl footy full support no matter what. I want to see a good Australian side win the tri nations. But it will be hard.