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Anyone know how the club is travelling?


I hope you are saying that tongue in cheek Drak because he has had the job for three years and the 20s have run well last this year, and for the previous years not much better I think recruitment at the lower level has been appalling.


I hope you are saying that tongue in cheek Drak because he has had the job for three years and the 20s have run well last this year, and for the previous years not much better I think recruitment at the lower level has been appalling.

I don't think it's recruitment that's the problem. They just don't seem to be able to get the best out of the players at the moment, for what reason I don't know. The skill levels seem to be way down on what other clubs have been producing and turning those who show promise into first graders seems to be a real issue there at the moment too. Will have to wait and see but I'm betting Parra and Dogs will get the best out of Filiga and Green.


The disaster was building for 8 years. As for the recovery, I think things were always going to get worse before they get better. I am not sure we have peaked in terms of worse yet. Probably the reason we arnt spending our cap and arnt running a reserve grade team next year. However, I am very confident about the future. The changes made this year will be a turning point in the clubs history.

In regard to the retrenchments, also remember that four new roles were advertised on recruitment websites a couple months back. I am sure if you searched around the links they would still be there. Also add the new group CEO role. Dont believe everything you read in the RLW. A big re-structure has occurred across both clubs.

I don't. However, it's a simple "fact" they reported and it's either true or not, right?

I haven't seen anything about these restructures apart from the CEO role. I don't remember anything about the 4 new roles either.

You often seem to have the "good oil" samshark. How close are you to the club?



You can get as personal as you want sunshine but be prepared to get it back in spades!

Also may I refer to your previous post in this thread "Craig Wilson - recruitment- fail"

Not much positivity there would you say?

I replied to how I think we're traveling.
The last time I checked we still live in a free democratic society that allows all thoughts and opinions with freedom of speech.

If you think we're traveling far better then express it. But I'm afraid I haven't found much positivity about this year and our current predicament going forward. Let's just say I've heard plenty of B.S in the past by the Club and read plenty of B.S by the Club. You do tend to get cynical about the spin that comes out these days.

I know what I've seen on the footy field this year and I know what the crowds and atmosphere has been at the ground this year and it ain't bloody good.

If anyone thinks that things are going to change in any large way next year on the field then they really do have their heads in the clouds. But you sound like you've got yours up your ass!

hahaha Hey DS... take a pill mate.... you can have your opinion, althoug hit seems you wont let me have mine. So much for a democracy. As for getting personal mate it was a throw away comment, sorry you took it so seriously.

Lack of positivity in the Recruitment comment was warranted as far as im concerned, i think our recruitment has been woeful t say the least. John Morris will prove that.

My comment about you being negative was because all you highlighted were negative things abotu the club, including making assumptions that the club ran at a loss for each home game aswell as saying the club has doen nothing about creating revenue by taking any home games away EXCEPT FOR the game to adelaide.... well they are taking 1 game arent they. Anyway loosen up mate im just saying nothing we say here weill make much difference but im not a fan of deathriding the club when they had a bad year, il leave that up to you and magnay.

I think you mean Craig Wilson but if it's true then it would be a shame. He will certainly be a big loss. He has recruited some excellent juniors over the years.

Classic typo... yep Craig is what i meant.
hahaha Hey DS... take a pill mate.... you can have your opinion, althoug hit seems you wont let me have mine. So much for a democracy. As for getting personal mate it was a throw away comment, sorry you took it so seriously.

Lack of positivity in the Recruitment comment was warranted as far as im concerned, i think our recruitment has been woeful t say the least. John Morris will prove that.

My comment about you being negative was because all you highlighted were negative things abotu the club, including making assumptions that the club ran at a loss for each home game aswell as saying the club has doen nothing about creating revenue by taking any home games away EXCEPT FOR the game to adelaide.... well they are taking 1 game arent they. Anyway loosen up mate im just saying nothing we say here weill make much difference but im not a fan of deathriding the club when they had a bad year, il leave that up to you and magnay.

Classic typo... yep Craig is what i meant.

Fair enough.

Yes I am very negative about the Club at the moment because I see the same mistakes being made year after year especially with recruitment.

At least we agree that recruitment in both grades has been a shambles.


I don't. However, it's a simple "fact" they reported and it's either true or not, right?

I haven't seen anything about these restructures apart from the CEO role. I don't remember anything about the 4 new roles either.

You often seem to have the "good oil" samshark. How close are you to the club?


Probably no closer than you Frenz. I just keep informed and if I want to know something Ill ask someone at the club instead of jumping up and down and expressing incorrect opinions and criticisms like some on here.

Found some info re. these jobs I was talking about. Some of the links are no longer there because the jobs are obviously filled. This was back on the 10th August.

The position of football manager is also advertised on seek at the moment, Applications close 8th Oct for anyone interested. Guess this debunks the mole in RLW. The mole is Tony Adams. He is a goose and doesnt like the sharks.

Sharks jobs


    Fri 07 AugThe Cronulla Sharks Rugby League Club is looking for an energetic person with talent to help develop one of Australian Sports true iconic brands.
    Community & Sport > Other
    Sydney - South

    $65,000 - $80,000

    Fri 07 AugLooking for a challenge? Have a background in sales & marketing? This is could be the position for you!
    Sales & Marketing > Business Development
    Sydney - South


    Fri 07 AugA unique opportunity to join a leading sporting club for an individual with a passion for rugby league and community relations.
    Advert./Media/Entertain. > Public Relations
    Sydney - South

    $65,000 - $70,000
  4. CORPORATE SPORT SALES Cronulla Sharks

    Fri 07 AugDo you want to join one of Australia's top sporting brands and show off your exceptional sales skills? Then read on...
    Sales & Marketing > Sales Rep./Consultant
    Sydney - South




hahaha Hey DS... take a pill mate.... you can have your opinion, althoug hit seems you wont let me have mine. So much for a democracy. As for getting personal mate it was a throw away comment, sorry you took it so seriously.

Lack of positivity in the Recruitment comment was warranted as far as im concerned, i think our recruitment has been woeful t say the least. John Morris will prove that.

My comment about you being negative was because all you highlighted were negative things abotu the club, including making assumptions that the club ran at a loss for each home game aswell as saying the club has doen nothing about creating revenue by taking any home games away EXCEPT FOR the game to adelaide.... well they are taking 1 game arent they. Anyway loosen up mate im just saying nothing we say here weill make much difference but im not a fan of deathriding the club when they had a bad year, il leave that up to you and magnay.

Classic typo... yep Craig is what i meant.

Fugg some of you have no idea.

Yes recruitment has been a big problem for a long time but it is getting better, especially under Sticky. Whilst I am critical of our lack of outside backs recruitment overall we recruited pretty well. Who else was on the market that you would go for or have a chance of actually getting. We nearly got Poore, we chased Brett Morris. We will be stronger at hooker and in the halves next year, probably forwards as well. If Collis fires and the young guys continue to improve our backs should be stronger also.

Consider as well:

- our club was a shambles this year and a financial basket case. Would you be knocking down our door if you were a player
- we have no money and no major backer. The football club just cannot record another loss. The bank wont allow it. A major factor for our cap
- The players on the market next year are apprantly a lot better than this year. Zappia mentioned this earlier in the year. You have to be careful not to go crazy signing more players on two and thre years if you want to be able to recruit others the next year.
Fugg some of you have no idea.

Yes recruitment has been a big problem for a long time but it is getting better, especially under Sticky. Whilst I am critical of our lack of outside backs recruitment overall we recruited pretty well. Who else was on the market that you would go for or have a chance of actually getting. We nearly got Poore, we chased Brett Morris. We will be stronger at hooker and in the halves next year, probably forwards as well. If Collis fires and the young guys continue to improve our backs should be stronger also.

Consider as well:

- our club was a shambles this year and a financial basket case. Would you be knocking down our door if you were a player
- we have no money and no major backer. The football club just cannot record another loss. The bank wont allow it. A major factor for our cap
- The players on the market next year are apprantly a lot better than this year. Zappia mentioned this earlier in the year. You have to be careful not to go crazy signing more players on two and thre years if you want to be able to recruit others the next year.

Could you enlighten me on that theory Sam?


sorry Mr know all samshark....

but i was referring to years of recruitment not just this last year. Since when were we in with a chance of Brett Morris, the only chasing we did of him was when he was streaking away to score against us.


Fugg some of you have no idea.

Yes recruitment has been a big problem for a long time but it is getting better, especially under Sticky. Whilst I am critical of our lack of outside backs recruitment overall we recruited pretty well. Who else was on the market that you would go for or have a chance of actually getting. We nearly got Poore, we chased Brett Morris. We will be stronger at hooker and in the halves next year, probably forwards as well. If Collis fires and the young guys continue to improve our backs should be stronger also.

Consider as well:

- our club was a shambles this year and a financial basket case. Would you be knocking down our door if you were a player
- we have no money and no major backer. The football club just cannot record another loss. The bank wont allow it. A major factor for our cap
- The players on the market next year are apprantly a lot better than this year. Zappia mentioned this earlier in the year.

the bold has some indecisive wood amongst it sam...

Card Shark

The reason I ask is that in RLW today it has been reported that Craig Wilson (recruitment), Steve Litvensky <sp> (football manager) and 3 office girls have all been given the heave ho. Not to be replaced.

Reason given - no money

I'd say there are plenty of employees at the sharks that have been "bludging / underperforming" over the years - this goes from the board to the office girls. If the new regime has identified these people as fitting into this category, that is why they are no longer employed.

I'd also say - expect a few more (prominent) heads to role if they don't lift their game.

I have no inside info - just an observation. With a more professional approach from the club in running a business, this was par for the course - it was gunna happen. Saving money is only part of it. These employees were taking more than they were offering.


Can't believe some of you guys are wingeing about recruitment. We've done better than most clubs as far as attracting decent young players. Considering the situation we are in, we've excelled.

Ricky Stuart has done a fantastic job recruiting good juniors, as a matter of fact we have better prospects than most clubs recruiting promising juniors..

The Popper

I'm sticking firm. When he first got here Sticky saw a problem with junior recruitment. I was very happy to hear about this, it saved me voicing my concerns. Ricky said he would bring in programs to address the problems. He basically saw it as a lack of physical strength of most of our juniors - most of ours are Caucasian who are physically smaller and weaker than the Polynesians who contribute to many of the other clubs' junior leagues. He was also going to arrange for his own `scouts' to report the attributes of players in the junior league.
It's been many years since I have been involved but I was involved in junior league for a long time.....predominantly Cronulla but also the Bulldogs. This led to a close viewing of other junior Leagues. The problems I saw at the time. Yes...Cronulla did not seem to be as physically strong as some of the others. And yes....it did seem to me that players from `favoured' clubs were getting called to grade in preference to superior players from `less lavoured' clubs. I believe Sticky's innovations should address both these issues. I really hope Sticky is sticking to his guns and having his own blokes judge talent and not relying on biased advices from some Junior League officials.
The other issue I saw as a problem (but I don't know if it still applies), is the refereeing in the Shire? I saw referees in other districts (particularly Penrith) allow players to get away with much more than our referees did. I believe this strict refereeing developed a `softness' in our junior league culture. I haven't been to JL matches for years, so I hope this perceived matter has been addressed as well.
In saying all this, I was very impressed that Sticky had identified the above issues at a very early stage. I believe he is astute and I definitely support him at this stage.
Last edited:

Card Shark

thats a careless accusation

especially off the back of this comment

Do you think they would sack someone who was costing them $80,000 a year but giving them $100,000 value or an office girl who went over & above the call of duty, had the clubs best interests at heart & was a good employee even though her role was somewhat redundant. Doubt it (at least I would hope not - if their roles are redundant, find them something more relevant & sack the person doing that job only half-hearted).

I honestly believe they are cutting those employees who are the dead wood. That makes good business sense. Getting our act together off the field means we will get it together on the field - to me this is part of it. Maybe I am way off the mark.


Do you think they would sack someone who was costing them $80,000 a year but giving them $100,000 value
i didnt interpret your comment in that fashion - quite the opposite, more of an under handed claim

reason why i said careless CS

but yes, its pure business sense


Could you enlighten me on that theory Sam?

So Aiton and Morris are not better than Hughes and Seu Seu? Then you also have Joudo who will train with the top squad and will only get better. Fugg me DS, surely even you can see that looks stronger.

In the halves we have the same in Barrett and Porter with Kelly coming in for Green, Morris as an option if needed and the NSW U18 halfback Townsend who will train with the top squad. I would say that looks stronger as well.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
So now the sharks have a link to register your interest in 2010 membership packages.


All good

try to use it and

Server Error in '/' Application.

Runtime Error
Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.

Details: To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a <customErrors> tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This <customErrors> tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off".

<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->

<customErrors mode="Off"/>

Notes: The current error page you are seeing can be replaced by a custom error page by modifying the "defaultRedirect" attribute of the application's <customErrors> configuration tag to point to a custom error page URL.

<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->

<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="mycustompage.htm"/>

If it was a small business I would understand, but as a multi million dollar entity the presentation and functionality of our web site is very poor.


If it was a small business I would understand, but as a multi million dollar entity the presentation and functionality of our web site is very poor.

To be honest, I feel that the content on the site has come ahead in leaps and bounds this year. News items are updated almost daily during the season. Some of the subpages which have been 'under construction' for yonks are now acquiring content.

I actually think progress is being made in this area and (as long as that progress continues) I'm pretty happy with what is happening in that area.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
Fair enough.

I find all NRL sites ugly, more to do with Telstra.

Perhaps because I deal in web security the standards I expect (such as links that work) are higher.

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