i missed most of the game
i sat and watched the opening. signs were good. we scored a try. porter ran through the line, so did snowden.
but we couldnt deal another substantial blow. the youngens just dont do the little things. like stapleton. he should have been there for ports. he should have been there for snowden. he was ther when topou put him through but he dropped it.
i then left for the movies. i had a feeling something bad would happen. something would go wrong and our 10 point lead wouldnt be enough.
for the record i agree with the penalty taking. its free points. its not like we are point scoring machines anyway.
i was resigned to losing after the sendoff i heard in the car. so i enjoyed the movie. apparently world war 2 ended in a theatre. i knew we would lose. probably by 30. once again brookvale beats the shire. 73,78,95,96. this year, 2 huge matches in a year when we are trying to avoid the spoon and them defend their title. when its an important game, we never beat them. things just "dont go our way"
you cant argue that we lack the finish. but the point is that our rookie team of young guys dosnt f**king need someone sent off for us to lose. we can do that b ourselves. its dead set unfair.
a team in our position just does not need this bullsh*t.
The refs ave a pre concieved notion of who should win. subcontiously they ref on who's higher on th ladder. who "should win" ive seen enough blunderous reffing efforts watching the bottom dwelling rabbitohs with my old man to know that the NRL is like any good pyramid scheme. the sh*t rolls down hill. this year we are in the same position and the same sh*t happens its just digusting.
the same teams get the cash week in week out.
the dragons got gifted a game against the dogs.
the titans have been heavily legged up all year at home as they are strategic cog in the NRL plan. have you seen how many penalties thy conceed in the 20 and yet no one ever gets binned?
fridays games were hatchet jobs. the cowboys lost due to a foward pass try that the touchie was standing a foot away from, followed by a dropped ball for the second try.
at the other end, canberra cant buy a video reff decision. we cop what we did yesterday. in the words of didier drogba..."its a f**king disgrace"
and then yesterday. the team that no one likes is winning by 10 over the premiers. this has disaster written all over for the nrl. manly would lose. the stairwell snake wouldnt win on his return to the scene of the crime. the roosters would be LOCKED IN for the spoon, needing a win and an 80 point swing to give it back to us.
Hasler said it himself earlyer in the year, for when the first time in their histor manly were dudded. "the game is proffessional, the officiating isnt"
were used to this. its been happening the whole time, and frenzys right, unless the new board...he who must not be named and the powers that be kick up a a stink itll be the same old story.