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Are you strong enough?


Honestly though, there is such a thing as being over positive, and certain supporters here cross the line comfortably. They could look at a pile of sh*t and find something positive about it... "at least it's organic" I can hear them saying.

While the "nego's" as we have been branded might, I do understand, get annoying from time to time, we only have the best interests of the club at heart. Setting high standards and continually kicking people up the bum until they are achieved is the way to go IMHO. That's not to say we don't give the occassional rap where it is deserved, but I'm sorry to say that very little this season has justified that.

The club however don't seem to give a toss about what the fans think and are just sitting on their hands. Elliot is consistently out-thought with his game plans on the field by opposition coaches and seems resigned to his fate. It's time he got a bit stronger and called a spade a spade... using vague platitudes such as "I know what is coming from this group of people, I work with them everyday, etc. etc." is not going to get us anywhere.


Whoa up there big fella. I didn't say that was the only thing you were doing. I was trying to turn the thread around from a slanging match and was asking for suggestions. Instead I cop a spray.

However, if nothing else I got what I wanted. You have set the example of what I am saying. This is what we need to do. Get out there and do something about the demise of the club.

:clap: :clap: :clap: I commend you for what you have done Greeneyed. The more like it the better. I bet the Canberra Times barely got a letter about the Brumbies this year. Holy cow. Greeneyed I think you just had a 'Hank' moment. Go out and hire the film 'Me, Myself and Irene' and you will know what I am on about.


First Grade
Don't worry Woodgers.... I have had a lot of 'em in recent weeks.

I have sent Hadley many emails supporting our club. He has read out quite a few of them even though he trashes you half the time, half the time we get our message out there. Try it guys. Make your message very sensible and SHORT and it inevitably gets read out.

Send Bevan Hannan at the Canberra Times your messages. He is a real rugby league supporter. Just read his column today. He talked about his trip in his Corolla up to Penrith on Sunday... he loves the game and I think he loves the Raiders...... he will do his best for league now he is back, despite the union and AFL loving editors.

Get out and get active guys. I am. And stop bagging the so called "whingers". We are active already in trying to fix our problems and shape the debate.


First Grade
woodgers said:
Why are the majority cursing and acting as if it is a chore to follow the Raiders?

I don't think the negatives are in the majority, not do I think the positives are - I think the majority form the middle ground. It's just that the positives and negatives are a little more vocal than the majority.


First Grade
greeneyed said:
No, No 1, I am sick of this. I am doing everything I possibly can as a fan. I have done all of the things that I am being told I should think of. I have tried to communicate the feelings of Raiders fans as widely as I think I possibly can. To be told I am just posting in this forum and not trying to do anything constructive.... Jesus......

:clap: That is exactly what we (all) need to be doing. Perhaps if everyone was doing that, the message might be getting through.


First Grade
jed said:
woodgers said:
Why are the majority cursing and acting as if it is a chore to follow the Raiders?

I don't think the negatives are in the majority, not do I think the positives are - I think the majority form the middle ground. It's just that the positives and negatives are a little more vocal than the majority.

I am sooooooooooooooo annoyed. Like people think because I am complaining about the way the Raiders are going, with current management, coaching and the way the team is performing, that ... I don't LOVE the Raiders. I LOVE THE RAIDERS (like it isn't obvious!). It is a massive part of my life. I don't know how it would feel without them. But the club needs to recognise that the club is not just some instrument for them to play with. It belongs to the fans. It belongs to us. It is time for them to show some faith with the fans.

Raider Azz

You're a champ, greeneyed, a true Raiders fan :clap:

I think sometimes people here can be negative TOO much. We all feel your pain, but "SACK THE MANAGEMENT" "SACK ELLIOT" is not a way to solve problems. Like woodgers said, do exactlly what greeneyed has done. Critisise, but make it constructive. Suggest what we can do to fix these problems.

Raiders Rock

Schif_Happens said:
Thicko's is a gibberer. Just because we understand his gibberish is the problem, or is that not a problem or....

You all forget one thing about this 'crisis'. Alan Tongue will resume playing next season, and that my friends, will end any 'crisis' this club has. And I am serious. 8)

As the proud owner and creator of the "Slip The Tongue In" banner, I must agree with you whole-heartedly young fellow. With the Tongue comes the premiership!!


First Grade

I apologise if anything I have said offended you, this was not my intention. Your dedication to the Raiders is evident through the stories you tell and the effort you put in to reporting the Raiders news we don't have access to. No one, especially me, was ever questioning your passion for the Raiders. Nor would i question Bay 56 and the other 'negos' - you can't buy passion and you guys have it in bucketloads.

I am glad you have done what you do regarding emailing the club, Ray Hadley and the like. I have done likewise before, trying to get in touch with Phil Gould through his Sun Herald column regarding the ill-treatment the Raiders receive through the media at the selection table for rep teams. No luck. Obviously I am also involved in (hopefully) spreading the word about getting out to Sydney games and supporting the players - a visual show of support in a hostile environment. Just on Saturday we had a 'newbie' approach us and ask me all about the SGB, where we sit etc. Its all about spreading the word. It's what all of us do, we're here talking about the Raiders and trying to get the message out.

The point I was raising was that sometimes, the negativity can drown out any constructive message that some of us are trying to get across. Re-directing things so we build constructively, IMO, is the way to go.

I think we should all take a leaf out of greeneyed's book. :clap:
greeneyed, I applaud the approach you're taking. While I don't agree with some of your thoughts your passion for the Raiders is unquestioned. Sadly though, no matter what we say, no matter what we do, I highly doubt a couple of us are going to make a difference. That's why I don't really get negative, because there's no point, it doesn't achieve anything.


Well thicko, now you think we can be a force.what happened to the crap you were giving me when i said we can still win the comp and the finals are a diffrent ball game.
You contradict yourself and obviously never played the game in your life


sorry about that but he has pushed my buttons, laughing at my ideas then being suprised when i give it back to him


First Grade
Dazraider said:
sorry about that but he has pushed my buttons, laughing at my ideas then being suprised when i give it back to him

I think you are mistaken. If you are referring to this post:

thickos said:

Geez you are a right royal comedian. You've got everyone laughing in the aisles over here!

If you have nothing useful to say, here's a tip- take your useless snivelling comments and go and linger somewhere else

Which was posted in your thread 'Raiders can win competition', if you read it you will see that what i said was directed at Wobbygong for coming into our forum and stirring up shit.

If you look at my thread 'Are you strong enough' I am encouraging people to stay positive and be optimistic about our chances. I agree with you that we can win the comp, but a lot of things have to go right.

other than that I have no idea how i 'pushed your buttons'


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