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Backyard Footy!


the ARL foundation are now selling the NRL official Backyard Footy Set.
Backyard Footy Sets
Backyard Footy is a fully licensed product of the NRL and a great junior development product. Backyard Footy retails for $89.95 including GST.
The Backyard Footy set is designed for kids 5 years and up and allows you to set up your own Rugby League field right in your own backyard! Backyard Footy is a miniature version of the real thing. It's very safe and made of high quality PVC production. The post bases fill with water or sand
to make it very sturdy.

You receive the following contents in the Backyard Footy set.

One set of mini goal posts standing at 1.8m high

Goal post pads

Goal post Flags

A mini football

Kicking Tee

Football pump

A set of all 15 NRL club stickers

A set of NRL stickers

A shoulder carry bag

This reminds me of the times i played footy against my neighbours and we'd use the best lawn in the street and made up our own silly rules. some times we'd play where we could only score off kicks and had one tackle only games, one on one games, three way triangle games where hell but fun! what backyard footy rules did you guys play???


Crap try penalties.

Quite simple: if you scored a try in a boring manner, it was pulled up and a penalty went to the defending team. Meant that tries had to go through a few sets of hands, or a chip over the top, or a bit of all of it if they were to be awarded.

Made things interesting.

Eels Dude

Ah those were the days. Didn't play too often but I do remember playing backyard (frontyard actually) footy at a mates place a few times. It was one on one or two on two so there were tries after every kickoff. And we kicked the ball over a small shrub for conversions.

Then there was lunchtime footy back in high school. About 5 on 5, played on a field maybe 40-50 metres long, normal league rules applied. It was great fun, I miss it.

Forum Idiot

Mighty Heighty said:
lunchtime footy is awesome, once we had a game with over 60 students.... 30 v 30
:lol: yeah lunchtime fotty was the shiznit! our school was reluctant to let us play tackle though :cry:
backyard footy was the ultimate pass-time. sometimes we used to play on a side-lawn at a guys we called "popeye"s house. his lawn was sloped at about 60 degrees so it was interesting.
i want to go and play backyard footy now!
2 on 2. me and a mate versus another bloke and his brother. One off the ruck runs only, big hits, big runs, only passes were from tap to guy steaming onto it or as offloads in tackles.

Use to play on a strip near a ark that had gravel all around it...you could dead set build another kid from the skin left on those rocks over the years

The Colonel

CouldaBeenAnything said:
Use to play on a strip near a park that had gravel all around it...you could dead set build another kid from the skin left on those rocks over the years

We used to play on the road outside our house - on the asphalt. The best tries were scored along the nature strip on either side as nobody dived on the road. It always started out as touch but by the end developed into tackle. All the kids in the street used to play.

One of my mates lost four of his top teeth and two from the bottom after being tackled into the gutter.....
Colonel Eel said:
CouldaBeenAnything said:
Use to play on a strip near a park that had gravel all around it...you could dead set build another kid from the skin left on those rocks over the years

We used to play on the road outside our house - on the asphalt. The best tries were scored along the nature strip on either side as nobody dived on the road. It always started out as touch but by the end developed into tackle. All the kids in the street used to play.

One of my mates lost four of his top teeth and two from the bottom after being tackled into the gutter.....

Good times man....good times...


What a GREAT thread!!

Man, we had so many different rules depending on our mood!!....and depending on where I played - there was one gang of us used to play on the road outside my place....which was therefore Grab only (Though someone would ALWAYS take it too far, and end up completely towelling someone onto the asphalt! :lol: )

And then when I went to visit my Nan, there was another different gang of us used to play - and those games were played on the grass covered footpath - full contact!...that one was possibly the world's narrowest footy field ever, so as u can imagine we had to come up with some pretty creative rules to make THAT work! :lol: Stuff like if u kicked it, u could bounce it of the front brick fences that lined one side of the footpath - but u had to then pick it up one-handed if it hit the wall...or if someone had kindly parked their car on the road side of the footpath - u could do the same off that car...my Dad learned pretty soon to park as FAR away from that spot during footy season!! :lol:

Conversions for the games on the road at my place, were taken from the footpath - u had to kick it between 2 handily placed trees on the OTHER footpath, and OVER the power lines - quite challenging - and dangerous as I found out one day, when a not-so-sweetly struck attempt actually brought down one of the wires in a shower of sparks, and then set fire to part of next-door's ornamental hedge out the front of his place, when the cable ended up there....That poor hedge NEVER recovered!! :lol: I got in SO much trouble, but it idn't matter - they came & fixed the cable that same day, and we went STRAIGHT back to banging goals over it the next!! :p

Ahhhhh I'll NEVER forget it!!!

Though completely manic - One Tackle footy was probably my favourite of all!!...youd be ab-so-lutely KNACKERED by the end of it - but DAMN it was FUN!! :D :clap:

IAnd I also now wanna go out 'n play some backyard/street footy!!! :(

andrew flap

when I was about 14 we played 4-6 a side in a small park about 20m x 15. We had to dodge swing and see -saw sets, concrete slabs, rocks and a vicious slope.

It started out as just a friendly match up but usually ended up with us hitting each other as hard as we could. Smash tackles were highly valued and the best of them permitted bragging rights for the day.

I still have dents in my shins. Oddly enough, we never had any one seriously hurt and there was never a hint of bad feeling when you got dusted up.

Ahhh, great times indeed.


My favourite part was when someone you didn't like got the ball, suddenly the teams didn't matter and it was everyone versus him trying to smash him. :lol:

Dragon Fanatic

I'm lucky as I'm only 16 so we still play! We play at lunch times down the park across from the school and absolutlely NAIL each other. I always get introuble for ripping my pants up the crotch and having miles of dirt on the legs. We also played mini hits in the cricket nets with poles everywhere it is a challenge and a few people have been KO by the poles. We also have interschool muck around games in the holidays where next week its one of my mates school friends vs us. 8 on 8. will be nutso!

Dragon Fanatic

We also play knee footy which is good in a small proximity. This one kid has learned how to step off his knees. Leaves your knees nicely cut up though.

Dragon Fanatic

Yeah sometimes it gets out of control because somebody put a cheap shot on and everyones in there swinging. But no matter what happens you are always mates as soon as the dust up is over.
As you can see I love backyard footy.

Eels Dude

Just remembered that once we were very desperate to play lunchtime footy, the only problem was that my mate who used to bring the footy to school was away sick. So we played footy with an apple instead. The apple came off worse for wear after the game, especially after a kick, but it was great fun all the same. We also played with a coke bottle filled with water a few times, it was alway a laugh when someone caught it and got drenched.

The Colonel

We used to get the football taken off us at high school. We used to play down a slope at the back of our block and they were afraid we would get hurt. So instead of footballs which people were sick of having taken off them one of my mates made a football from a balloon and a roll of brown packing tape.

Sack was a legend...
Best footy as a kid was played on the hill at Henson Park. Plenty of room. When there was a solid crowd in though just jump over the fwence and played on the running track. One funny funny memory after a day at Henson was walking back to Sydenham Station and kicking the footy across Sydenham Rd and having the footy land in the back of a tow truck never to be seen again.

Still gets a mention the games and fun had at Henson. In the early 90's when the Roosters were struglling we used to grab a couple of carton of VB from the Henson Park Hotel and walk down with them to Henson and play $2.00 as a child to get in. The ole bloke up at the top gate always greeted us with back fopr more punisment boys. It was fun though.

We had one rule apart from the standard league rules. If you kicked the ball into the house on the corner with the barbed wire and the dog you had to be brave and

A. Jump in and get it
B. Knockon the door and ask for it.


Post Whore

I destroyed about a million pairs of pants playing Lunchtime Footy. Depending on whether we played on the Basketball Courts or the Parkland adjacent to the school, It Was Tip or Tackle.Parkland was alot more fun! :lol: .

Some Brightspark then came up with the Idea of playing Flogball instead :roll: . That died in the arse, and lunchtime footy died at the end of year 9 :cry: .

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