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Backyard Footy!


Yes i remember the days of playing backyard footy either with friends in the street or at lunchtimes at school

lunchtime footy at school was the best, when there were no teachers around, we used to play tackle and when they come back, we used to all play (or pretend to) touch


Post Whore
Aussie Rules. One of the Many Benefits of schooling in Sydney's Eastern Suburbs :roll: ...


Lewis said:
Yes i remember the days of playing backyard footy either with friends in the street or at lunchtimes at school

lunchtime footy at school was the best, when there were no teachers around, we used to play tackle and when they come back, we used to all play (or pretend to) touch
i hate that, your parents and the government encourage children to play sport and be active, yet they won't let you play tackle footy! tackle over touch anyday.... i'd bet that they'd let ya's play tackle rugby, it's a union conspiracy i say!

my old school owes me some footballs! and nextdoor too.....


We played on a grass netball court in the park across the road from a mates house. We played every afternoon, 7 days a week during footy season. Not all the neighborhood kids could make it every day but we always had enough for atleast 6 a side and the teams were divided up as evenly as posible considering age, size and talent. Some of the biggest hits ive ever been involved in (both giving and receiving) happened on that net ball court. If there had been a bit of rain about we would give mother nature a helping hand, brining hoses and buckets with us to thouroughly drown the field. We would come off looking like Provan and Summons. Playing on a netball court meant that conversions were taken in line with where the try was scored and you had to throw or chip the ball through the hoop. Success was rare but when it did come off it would be the topic of conversation for days.


i played backyard footy with a mate once and i won 120 - 117

a try was worth 1 point #-o ....i was stuffed after that


Tackling obviously wasnt a priority.

On a side note there was a st george junior leageue game a couple of weeks ago that ended in a 66 all draw. I think it was u/16s.

The Engineers Room

First Grade
Had a house that was a bit down slope so we use to kick the ball onto the roof and it had to be caught in the ingoal to score. But you still had to get the ball down.
We use to play a bit at school also...I only remember two injuries, one guy in grade 2 got KO'd which was kinda bad, another guy in year 11 got his nose smashed when he went to go low on a bloke who had a naturally high knee action. Timing was shit and he copped it square...

good times...


First Grade
My backyard/front yard footy games were held in two diff locations. One across the road from me where we used two adjoining lawns aswell as trees. The other was at a mates house, my footy game is modelled on playing in his frontyard! There was no such thing as forward passes (no crazy gridiron stuff, but the ones that were forward by a few feet were ignored), no offsides and only occasionally did we penalise high/speak tackles :D

I'm written in Forresters Beach frontyard footy folklaw after in the dying seconds of a game, behind by a try, I threw what is now known as " the gem" which floated perfectly over a shrub and landed right on the chest of my team-mate. Complete fluke but meh.

School footy was crazy. Back in the year 7 and 8 days just about every bloke in the year aswell as others (100, 120+) you DID NOT want to end up with the ball. After suspensions and leve's were handed out the games became smaller with just my group and the opposing group playing. Ended up around 10 V 10. The only injury we ever had involved myself when I went down awkwardly in a tackle from a bloke double my size and I was wearing a ball beating necklace at the time. Just my luck the impact causes the thing to break my collarbone in two different places. Soldiered on for the rest of the day just constantly saying " oi f**k me shoulder is starting to hurt aye".

Good, good, good times. I'm tempted to drive over to my mates house where he and the crew still play every afternoon at the age of 16,17.

Johns Magic

Often when me and my brothers played 2 on 1, we made it that the team with 2 players could only pass three times per tackle, as otherwise it just got ridiculous with just passing to and fro'.


Beaussie was always the geek who went to the library during lunch time. Because the other kids made fun of him for being gay and liking AFL. And they used to smash him if he came anywhere near the game.


CouldaBeenAnything said:
We use to play a bit at school also...I only remember two injuries, one guy in grade 2 got KO'd which was kinda bad, another guy in year 11 got his nose smashed when he went to go low on a bloke who had a naturally high knee action. Timing was sh*t and he copped it square...

good times...
ah injuries..... the worst lunchtime game injury that i've ever seen is when one of my mates got injured in a tackle, he was taken to hospital and we found out later that afternoon that he had his testicles twisted and he had to have surgery to un-twist them.....


School/Backyard footy was and still is the best, alot rougher than the real thing and alot more fun(everyones alot more creative), sooooo many stories to talk about with them hahahaha.

I remember when the girls used to play with the guys in year 7 and Erin got the ball for a nice little run when Karl the smart ass soccer player thought it would be funny to come bounding down the sideline and put the hit of the millenium on her and break her arm. HA it's classic when the teachers come poking their heads around the corner of the classrooms trying to catch everyone off guard playing tackle, that's why we always had lil Bitch up keeping an eye over things so we didn't get in trouble.

Soo many memories, and soo many head high tackles hahahaha

Dragon Fanatic

Mighty Heighty said:
ah injuries..... the worst lunchtime game injury that i've ever seen is when one of my mates got injured in a tackle, he was taken to hospital and we found out later that afternoon that he had his testicles twisted and he had to have surgery to un-twist them.....

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

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