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Bad Crowd Behaviour @ Roosters Game?


First Grade
Raider Ultra said:
As Bay said, the language used towards us was much worse at the SFS. Those in glass houses....

:?: I didnt say that :idea: ... ahh gotcha, you mean BAY25 :)


hrundi99 said:
It wouldn't surprise me at all if it was Roosters-supporting members of this forum (and Chookpen members) who did this just to try and get us into trouble.

It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

The truth is out there...


how stuoid is this - yeah all the Rooster fans were going to get all your memebers supporting your forum - let me let you who cares, grow up...,however all I have head is tha the banter was in good humour. maybe if we are realisitc - the woman may have over reacted.

Last year I sat in Bay 56 and it was tremendous the banter - but no one went over the top - in fact after the game my family andmyself got invited back to the club..

I think this is really a non event.


First Grade
ozzie said:
hrundi99 said:
It wouldn't surprise me at all if it was Roosters-supporting members of this forum (and Chookpen members) who did this just to try and get us into trouble.

It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

The truth is out there...


how stuoid is this - yeah all the Rooster fans were going to get all youmemebers sont his forum - let me let you who cares, grow up...,however all i have head is tha the banter was in good humour. maybe if we are realisitc - the woman may have over reacted

Do they speak English in What?

Explain to me how many average Roosters supporters know who the SGB are. All it takes is 1 or 2 idiots with an axe to grind to compromise our relationship with the club.

I'm not even suggesting it definitely happened, merely that it wouldn't surprise me if it did.


hrundi99 said:
ozzie said:
hrundi99 said:
It wouldn't surprise me at all if it was Roosters-supporting members of this forum (and Chookpen members) who did this just to try and get us into trouble.

It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

The truth is out there...


how stuoid is this - yeah all the Rooster fans were going to get all youmemebers sont his forum - let me let you who cares, grow up...,however all i have head is tha the banter was in good humour. maybe if we are realisitc - the woman may have over reacted

Do they speak English in What?

Explain to me how many average Roosters supporters know who the SGB are. All it takes is 1 or 2 idiots with an axe to grind to compromise our relationship with the club.

I'm not even suggesting it definitely happened, merely that it wouldn't surprise me if it did.

since you are the spelling wizz - let me tell you I just couldn't care a rats about what the SBG is - what difference does that make ?

The point i was making I think your comments were over the fence...you are a dickhead of the best degree.. yes we had people down there to upset the SGB (Sydney Green Brigade??. You make our supporters to be out like the Nazi's. I think not...how stupid are you really!! I really don't care a rats about your comments now

I will go back to my orginal comments - from what I heard the banter was in good humour and there wasn't any problems..so suck eggs Hyundaistuffup


First Grade
:clap: :clap: :clap:

How old are you? Seven?

(disclaimer: I don't mean to offend any seven-year-olds by comparing them to ozzie so please disregard where appropriate)


I still say that this is a genuine complaint from tardy Rooster fans and not a stitch up. If you guys from the SGB want to get angry at someone, get angry at the club for being so inept that they dragged your name into it.


First Grade
Why blame the club for it?

We don't know exactly what they were told versus what they interpreted.


True we don't know what they were told. However if the complaint did not specify the name SGB then Jason made an assumption it was you guys. If he knew what went on at Bruce he would know a) Raiders Army are the supporters group at Bruce. b) SGB wouldn't be involved in anything of the sort. Therefore he should never have called Raiders Rock through process of elimination.

Realistically, with the amount of people that work at HQ that I have dealt with they should be more organised and in the know. It is not like they have 2 people running around doing everything is it?


First Grade
That's why I reckon he was told the "SGB".

Perhaps Thickos can have a chat to him from a different angle.

I think it's important to understand what really happened so that the SGB collective (and the Raiders Army for that matter) can confirm their innocence to the club if appropriate.

Raider Ultra

Isn't it? Labbozetta and his cronies managed Soccer Australia better than what the Raiders management do, mmm, actually, maybe not.

Raider Ultra

On this subject, who cares, this has been completely blow out of proportion. If physical violence was being threatened, or if there was really strong abusive language then there is a problem, but I think everyone has over-reacted. Its a footy match for God's sake, not a library.


Its a footy match for God's sake, not a library.
Tell Mario that.

But to respond to you Ultra, I let the issue of the complaint slide. The issue of the running of the club is still really frustrating and the fact they really don't know what is going on. Imagine if you were shareholder in a business where the staff that worked there were unaware what the business partners role was? Yoink, you would pull the pin. I know that is a fairly roundabout way to say it but that is how I feel.

Raiders Rock

woodgers said:
At half time I went to Bay 25 for a quick visit with the Raiders Army. When I was there, there was a woman who complained about the language in the chants due to there being children around. The last time I was in Canberra I sat with the Army and to be honest I did think the swearing was a little inappropriate, but that's probably the prude in me talking.

No that is not being a prude that is showing respect which is a wonderful trait mate. I have been trying to make sure we hold a respectable position at the club by not getting mixed up in anything that could scar the club. You will remember Bay25 telling the lady that her kids were also giving us stick. Although swearing is unacceptable what right does she have asking me to get others to tone it down when she can't control a few kids under 10 years old?

Now I would like to say what I am most annoyed about in this whole situation. Why did the club call you Raiders Rock? If the Operations Manager knew anything about what was going on at HIS club he would have known to call me as I have been the go to man in the Raiders Army. He should know we are the ones that sing at Bruce, why the hell would he blame the SGB? Why? Because the club treats the Raiders Army with no respect whatsoever. The fact that we have raised over $4000 in season ticket revenue that they did not have last year has still gone unthanked. Every time they think of a supporters group to do with the club they immediately think SGB. That is not right at all. My guys turn up every week at Bruce and sing their hearts out for the club to turn around and go "gee that SGB do a great job". Bay25, Thickos, #1 and a few others have been brilliant in getting the differences between the 2 groups sorted out this year and there have been some good times. However we never seem to get any recognition for it at all. The club is run like shyte and nobody really knows what is going on up there. Let's hope this new Marketing Manager has some kind of idea and together these supporter groups could go anywhere. Currrently I am really pissed off that I have put so much time and money into getting this organised, probably twice as much as anyone I know and they still don't give a crap. I am doing their job for them - for free I might add and it gets taken for granted. What would you expect with Furner and Hawkins at the helm?

Woodgers, that was my whole point, I have no idea why he called me considering that the SGB weren't there in the first place?? The only thing I can suggest is that it was a case of mistaken identity. They got a complaint and needed a scape-goat so we copped it!!

And yes I agree with you, the Army get bugger all recognition for everything you've done for the club over the past few years. Why don't you invoice them...


Thanks Rock

As an aside, some of the members of the Raider Army had a meeting with Jason the new marketing manager, Ali - who takes care of operations on game day and Leanne from ticketing/admin last night. This new guy is very keen and seems to know what he is on about. He has been in the job 3 weeks and already helped more than the last person. Look for big things from Raiders Army and SGB next year. I look forward to all 3 parties working together to get a really good thing happening. :clap: :clap:


First Grade
woodgers said:
Thanks Rock

As an aside, some of the members of the Raider Army had a meeting with Jason the new marketing manager, Ali - who takes care of operations on game day and Leanne from ticketing/admin last night. This new guy is very keen and seems to know what he is on about. He has been in the job 3 weeks and already helped more than the last person. Look for big things from Raiders Army and SGB next year. I look forward to all 3 parties working together to get a really good thing happening. :clap: :clap:

:clap: :clap: :clap:


Marge: We need someone to perform CPR!
Homer: "I see a bad moon rising"
Mate, I was p*ssing myself when I saw that. Those jokes that kids wouldn't get that we do makes the show all that much more enjoyable.


First Grade
The look on Homer's face as he starts to sing is what makes him so lovable.

He's worried about the congressman and he wants to help and he's worried about the quality of his singing.
woodgers said:
Thanks Rock

As an aside, some of the members of the Raider Army had a meeting with Jason the new marketing manager, Ali - who takes care of operations on game day and Leanne from ticketing/admin last night. This new guy is very keen and seems to know what he is on about. He has been in the job 3 weeks and already helped more than the last person. Look for big things from Raiders Army and SGB next year. I look forward to all 3 parties working together to get a really good thing happening. :clap: :clap:

I sent an email last week, as expected nothing came back as a result. But hopefully they realise that the SGB tends to either sit in their season ticket seats, or up with you guys in bay 25. None of us were involved. I would love to get in on these meetings, being Canberra's link to the SGB and all 8)

Onto who may have been involved in the incident. There is a group of characters who sit at the front row of Bay 56/57. Drink lots of beer, and swear and carry on. You see them on the big screen, the ones with the Big Mal poster (they are kaleen boys, went to school with the Gaf). I asked my sister, whose lives with one of the boys, if anything untoward went on. The reply was if anything there was some foul language, directed at Elliott and the Raiders more than anyone else. Perhaps some Roosters fans took offence? Who knows? But from what I can tell it is a nothing incident. Pity really.