Also, Brett Mullins at his peak. Nobody better.
Add Nagas, Nadruku, Belcher, Daley..the pace was fantastic. Just what the Warriors are missing now. Canberra's forwards matched it with the best too. Todd was perfect for his role, Clyde was like a centre playing backrow, and vice versa. David Barnhill, Gary Coyne, Kevin Walters, they had stamina and strength, the latter had plenty of skill to boot.
I didn't have a Sydney team until Canberra in 1989, although I was very aware of Kiwis playing in certain teams, and I wanted them to do well.
One of my earliest memories was seeing a picture of Dane and Kurt Sorenson, in their Cronulla gear, circa 1978. But that's as far as it went. We had no Sydney league on TV. Early pictures like that spurred something though, I became a life-long fan of the game.
Up until 1989 Rugby League mostly meant the Kiwis to me. They were the biggest and the best.