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Bay 45 Eels Supporters

StEely Matt

I can't let this weekend go by without expressing my disappointment at the fans in Bay 45 on Friday night.

Don't get me wrong... I totally understand their frustration at the performances our team has put in in the first 4 games of this season, but the way they vent their frustration and anger is appalling.

I am just as frustrated, but yet I do not go on the way some of these so called "fans" do.

Such things as:

1. Accusing Kearney as being racist:
- "Burt got dropped to Wenty because he's too white!"
- "Freddy, you wouldn't even get a run because you're too white!" (Fittler was sitting in front of us on the sideline).
- "Kearney favours the islanders!"

2. Calling out to the players and telling them what they think of them as they come off the field for substitution (anyone that came off besides Fui, Hindy and Mannah), having a go at them if they make a mistake by telling them how s**t they thought the players were, and even giving it to the Panthers players using foul language, even with young kinds around (some of the supporters using this language even had kids right next to them!).

3. Booing the players off the field... every player except Hindy. As if the team doesn't feel s**t enough already! Hindy would not appreciate it... you boo one of the players, your basically booing them all... it doesn't make a difference.

4. Coming up with some of the WORST jeers I have ever heard... it's like they sit at home ALL WEEK and practice them just to use them at the game, hoping to get a reaction. They were SO LAME but yet kept on repeating them! I felt sorry for Freddy sitting on the sideline having to put up with it. He sometimes turned around and looked... I could tell he was thinking "What the F**k...". It was embarrassing to say the least.

As if the atmosphere at the game was rubbish to begin with from the poor performance our team dished out on Friday night, but having to put up with that sort of crowd behaviour made it ten times worse. I was embarrassed by the behaviour, the swearing, the booing, the calling out... and yet they sit their in their Eels jerseys, representing some of our fan base.

If you are a real Eels supporter, you stay behind the team no matter what. You keep the faith. You encourage them. You show them that no matter what, you are on their side through the tough times... and having been a supporter basically since I was born (Dad is a supporter, so I pretty much got no say in the matter!), I think this could be the toughest season yet. Fingers crossed we improve.

But no matter what, I will not degrade my team, and I will not stop believing that we will get through this. I will always be behind them 100%.

Sorry if I have offended some of you who sit in Bay 45... It is not everyone... it is only a select few.

ethan tremblay

I can't let this weekend go by without expressing my disappointment at the fans in Bay 45 on Friday night.

Don't get me wrong... I totally understand their frustration at the performances our team has put in in the first 4 games of this season, but the way they vent their frustration and anger is appalling.

I am just as frustrated, but yet I do not go on the way some of these so called "fans" do.

Such things as:

1. Accusing Kearney as being racist:
- "Burt got dropped to Wenty because he's too white!"
- "Freddy, you wouldn't even get a run because you're too white!" (Fittler was sitting in front of us on the sideline).
- "Kearney favours the islanders!"

2. Calling out to the players and telling them what they think of them as they come off the field for substitution (anyone that came off besides Fui, Hindy and Mannah), having a go at them if they make a mistake by telling them how s**t they thought the players were, and even giving it to the Panthers players using foul language, even with young kinds around (some of the supporters using this language even had kids right next to them!).

3. Booing the players off the field... every player except Hindy. As if the team doesn't feel s**t enough already! Hindy would not appreciate it... you boo one of the players, your basically booing them all... it doesn't make a difference.

4. Coming up with some of the WORST jeers I have ever heard... it's like they sit at home ALL WEEK and practice them just to use them at the game, hoping to get a reaction. They were SO LAME but yet kept on repeating them! I felt sorry for Freddy sitting on the sideline having to put up with it. He sometimes turned around and looked... I could tell he was thinking "What the F**k...". It was embarrassing to say the least.

As if the atmosphere at the game was rubbish to begin with from the poor performance our team dished out on Friday night, but having to put up with that sort of crowd behaviour made it ten times worse. I was embarrassed by the behaviour, the swearing, the booing, the calling out... and yet they sit their in their Eels jerseys, representing some of our fan base.

If you are a real Eels supporter, you stay behind the team no matter what. You keep the faith. You encourage them. You show them that no matter what, you are on their side through the tough times... and having been a supporter basically since I was born (Dad is a supporter, so I pretty much got no say in the matter!), I think this could be the toughest season yet. Fingers crossed we improve.

But no matter what, I will not degrade my team, and I will not stop believing that we will get through this. I will always be behind them 100%.

Sorry if I have offended some of you who sit in Bay 45... It is not everyone... it is only a select few.

great post!
i get really pissed off when they boo the players onto the field give them a chance ffs they might be about to win how do you know?

Eels Dude

I agree with most of that, except for booing players. I can't be bothered booing them but I don't blame others for doing so if they honestly believe they weren't trying. Which at times it did look like they weren't.


There is absolutely no problem with boo'ing the team (vs individuals) if they collectively dog it like Friday night - a mediocre club with pathetic fans will clap politely as their team plays at 15% and gets flogged - not the Eels (or Liverpool Football Club, who did the same thing last night when their side was beaten by relegation-threatened Wigan - proud clubs can boo their side).

I would have boo'd the team 2-3 times from 1987-1996 during the dark days - the team was weak but the guys in the side tried hard. They didnt do that against Penrith.

I wouldnt single-out players though - it is a team game, and though individuals make mistakes, you shouldnt say anything personal and NOTHING racist to them (or anyone in the stadium for that matter).

I just hope the team put in more effort again so I can cheer them on as is the case 99% of the time.

forward pass

There was some ordinary behaviour. A guy at the scoreboard end took off his eels jersey, and threw it on the field in digust. He then got up and left.

Dumb fool. Another supporter asked the security guard to pick it up for him, and he promptly put it on. Scored a free jersey!!

The Omen

the coin throwing was something that disgusted me

I sit in the KTS stand and saw 3 walk down from seats up near the commentry/ coaching boxes stand at the railing throw a few coins then turn to each other and laugh

i hope the CCTV footage caught that and they are asked never to return

some poor display of being a fan and sticking with your team was seen all over the stadium on friday night
I agree with most of that, except for booing players. I can't be bothered booing them but I don't blame others for doing so if they honestly believe they weren't trying. Which at times it did look like they weren't.

my point is you can boo them off at half time and full time after they have put in a shit performance just dont boo them going onto the field before they have had a chance to do anything

StEely Matt

I also love how these "fans" have their own opinion of how the coach should be doing his job and yelling it out so everyone in the near vicinity can hear their "expert opinions".

If SK gets the sack, I hope these muppets apply for the Head Coach position.

born an eel

the coin throwing was something that disgusted me

I sit in the KTS stand and saw 3 walk down from seats up near the commentry/ coaching boxes stand at the railing throw a few coins then turn to each other and laugh

i hope the CCTV footage caught that and they are asked never to return

some poor display of being a fan and sticking with your team was seen all over the stadium on friday night
at what stage was this?
the cops came up near the end of the match but didn't know who they were looking for only that somebody was mucking up. There was security there all game but besides the booing and abusing, I didn't notice anything.

The Omen

at what stage was this?
the cops came up near the end of the match but didn't know who they were looking for only that somebody was mucking up. There was security there all game but besides the booing and abusing, I didn't notice anything.

it was a few mins to go and there were a few players and staff from each team packing up ready to leave as soon at the siren went ,
the cops had walked by and were up near end bay 6 and start of bay 7 with their backs turned
the guys threw a few coins then took off pretty quickly getting themselves hidden i think in the crowd that were leaving

phantom eel

First Grade
Most of my bay left at half time, so weren't around to yell out comments in the second half. The rest left after the first try in the second half. I was tempted too, but through force of habit stayed until the bitter end. I never saw any coins or objects thrown.

Bottom line is that there are some very disappointed members out there - and they (rightly) blame the coach, when they've seen these same players play a whole lot better last year and can't understand why this coach can't get that level out of them consistently.


I missed the game, but just read about the coin-throwing. Can someone enlighten me as to what that is meant to mean? I always thought coin throwing was reserved for people who sold your club out for a bigger offer?

phantom eel

First Grade
We tried to figure this out too when reading the articles.... I guess it's meant to imply the players are only playing for the paychecks, and there is no team spirit, pride in performance or the jersey?

Either way, it's counter-productive. Emails to the CEO about the coach's performance would achieve more of a change I'd imagine.
I was sitting in Bay 45 - there is only a handful in the bay who carreid on like that. I heard more abuse from the freebies sitting in the corporate area behind us.

Just on the booing, I think you will find it was directed at Parramatta - i.e. the players, the coaches, the management, the board...........everyone.