Danish said:
It doesnt matter how it became good.
.if you dont know how something is built, how do you expect to maintain, improve or troubleshoot your structure? Silly thing to say.
Danish said:
It matters how it will remain good.
Indeed, and that begs the question
who is more suitable to keep things on an even keel, those in the business or outside interests, in our case media interests? Who does MacDonalds turn to help improve its performance? Holden, Ford, Coke
who do they turn to Danish media? Do they allow the media to tinker with their products? Cmon, its plain common sense, leave those in the know to maintain the game, leave the media to do what they do best present.
Danish said:
do you think anyone at a national or SOO level would continue to play league if their salary was half what could be had in England or Union?? I wonder how "good" the game would be if anyone with a scrap of talent left?
First off, were already in this situation anyway, the rah rah boys will get whatever man they want, and many League salaries in England are well ahead of us anyway. Your point is moot, not to mention the fact, that for a few dollars less we can maintain some measure of control of our sport on-field wise.
Danish said:
Its not "just a few dollars". Its the NRLs primary source of income.
Im not suggesting we ditch ALL TV income, Im suggesting that for a few dollars less, we can maintain a semblance of control, we can avoid outside interests tinkering with the very fabric of our sport. Again, allow them this one time and you open the flood gates for them to make any manner of change that suits their interests, get that, their interests to our sport.
Danish said:
How do you think 9 makes money off the game if not through advertising? Hopes and dreams???
Learn to read Danish. Advertising income is a necessity, get that, a necessity, losing control of our game however, for a few dollars more is stupidity, plain stupidity.
Danish said:
How exactly would we have had that without money?? What position are we in right now which means we dont need TV rights money??
Unbelievable, simply unbelievable. Danish, if you think I advocate doing away with TV rights monies, then please, quote me, quote exactly where Ive stated such intent. Failure to do so which simply showcase to us all your severe lack of comprehension, and dear I say it, penchant for ballyhoo.
Danish said:
Thats what Piggins and co said about PHaC and Crowe isn't it??
Tell me this Danish
are these guys advocating any changes to the on-field nature of our sport, and what are their chances of ramming through such change if they are. This is the point, the fact that media interests can tinker with the on-field nature of our sport, and do so rather easily to boot, that to me, is unbelievably alarming, and begs the question whats next
what will they want to do with our code next?