Before I buy my popcorn and settle in to watch this show, can someone provide with some background info on all this, thanks.
*Generic Movie Trailer soundtrack plays*
Basically Ben is a kid looking to be "famous", he is looking for his 15 minutes of fame. He is a bad reputation from ripping off original works from other content produces. He is a Facebook like hoarder. On a number of a occasions has stole content from LU and Rugby League Week.
He is basically a kid who doesn't care about anyone's originality or copyrighted works. He can be a keyboard warrior when he doesn't get his own way.
So grab the popcorn and enjoy. Because it's going to be interesting to see how many designs he has ripped off.
Is this the kid that ripped off you twitter display pic az?
well its December 1st
I feel so deflated after the build up
Just saw on Twitter he's now got a role updating NRL matches live for Sportsmate (they make the RL Live app for iOS Android etc)
Well, If he's "working" for them now then I'm deleting those apps; and kissing them goodbye. Time for me to get my ass back on XCode and do something...
Apparently he is, and I have already deleted the League Live app from Sports mate off my iPhone because of that.