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Best book



My mongrel mob??????? I have no idea what or who that is. I know the Rebels are the most dominant bikie gang in Sydney and their base is like a fortress. It has massive steel doors like something out of a mad max movie.


The Magician, by raymond E Fiest. There about 5 or so books after the magician. This is the kind of book that could not possibly be made into a movie, it is just too good for a movie.



How could I forget Robert G. Barrett! Great stuff.

Goodoo Goodoo is based in Cairns, Port Douglas and Cooktown (my backyard), and loosely based on the disapperance of the Lonergans on the Great Barrier Reef in 1999/2000 - a great read.

My personal favourite bit is where he's visiting this bloke at the Port Douglas Marina, and, giving the bloke five bucks, tells him 'ferchristsakes go and buy some Nescafe, that coffee tastes like my Count Yorga pissed in it'

A great read!


I remember reading Z for Zacchariah in about Year 8 or 9. It was a good read but I remember not being happy with the ending- maybe it had something to do with the fact that it was finsihed by the author's wife and daughter. He died before he could pen the final chapters.

On the Milperra Massacre. The Viking Tavern no longer exisits. Or should I say it no longer "exists". These days the Hotel runs under the unstained name of Milperra Palms.

The Fatal Shore - Robert Hughes
Women of Botany Bay - Portia ----
Dictionary of Australian Bushrangers - Stephan Williams
Australian Bushrangers - George Boxall (1890 edition)
Orphans of History, The forgotten children of the first fleet - Robert Holden
Great escapes by convicts in colonial australia - Warwick Hirst
The Floating Brothel, the extraordinary story of the Lady Julian and its cargo of female convicts bound for Botany Bay - Sian Rees
Settlers and Convicts - Alexander Harris (1840)
An Organized Banditti, the story behind the 'jewboy' bushrangers - Colin Roope and Patricia Gregson.

mud n blood

Legend .... I was under the impression you were a keewee !!!! Are you not ?

The Mongrel Mob is a highly "active" club here on our shores. Let's just say thay don't have too many - if any - friends .....


Mud, I am dinky di, true blue, 100% Australian prime beef. No imports here mate. I am a Cabramatta boy born and bred and a proud cockroach. I have never been to NZ, although I would like to get there some day. I'm still stumped on this mongrel mob though. Is there such a gang? Who would ever take them seriously with a name like that? I apologise in advance if I have offended any members of the mongrel mob who may be lurking orare members.


mud, do you mean the nz mongrel mob?
do they have chapters over in oz?

if its the same outfit, they are the lowest peices of shit in the world. luckily your coppers are armed, i hope they use their guns on those pricks.

i am quite a regular visitor to rotton.com. it amazes me what we can do to each other.
Ozbash -
Just off the thread tiopic, Rotten.com is one of the most discreditable Web Sites on the Internet ... so they say.
I read in an Internet URL Journal a few months back, that the site was voted one of the Top Ten most bogus Web Sites on the 'net,through an independent study by a group of U.S 'testers' for Internet magazine.
They reported that the majority of their pics were computer generated / enhanced by a group of 'frauds' who were out purely to decieve the public. It was due toan outrage by the public overtheautopsy photos of Tu Pac Shakur that lead the magazine to do an independant test.
Oh .. and BTW the photos of Tu Pac were neither confirmed to be authentic or not by the magazine.

I'll try and find the URL so you can read the report on the Web Sites they tested for yourself .. and come to your own conclusion.
But the evidence they provide, as I remember, was pretty overwhelming.



Aaron, have you seen the pictures of the bikie massacre? They llok pretty real and are not that gruesome. According to my cousin, who is a police officer, the photos are the legitimate forensic photographs taken at the time. I have'nt really looked at the others but I did come across a bloke who had an accident with a Harley. Shocking stuff(if it is real).
legend -
The photo of the guy (I imagine it's the same one we're talking about, the close up)who had the motor bike accident, was voted one of the most bogus photos to ever grace the Internet.
Many forensics and medical personel agreed that an accident of that nature would have severed many vitalarteries and tendons, that it would have been impossible for the person to survive - let alone stare into a lense for a snap shot .. It also, aparently, shows many arteries that are still attached that shouldn't be.
A number of special effects, photo analysers andcomputer genereated / enhanced prefessionals also unanamously agree.
I'm just passing on what I've read, as I'm no expert at identifying 'bogus' photos, and don't have an opinion either way.
I guess people can make up their own opinions.
Cheers / Aaron C.


Aaron, I am no expert either and that photo was probably bogus but it did make me cringe when I saw it. I still think the bikie massacre ones are the real deal. That site is not for the fainthearted.


can someone help,i can't get into the rotton.com site,appreciate the address anybody.



thanks legend,i eventually found it,for some reason i wasspelling rotten as rotton,i always was a rotton speller!!!

mud n blood

Yes Ozbash, unfortunately they have crossed the creek and have established a number of chapters over here .... with a number of rather unsavoury incidents occurring wherever they go !!!!


they are scum mate. they intimidate by numbers and their trademark weapon is the sawn off shotgun.
we have a few of the bastards up here where i live but we also have another maori gang known as the Black Power. they are sworn enemies of the mob and usually keep each other under control.
have a look at this,