WHen will that useless good for nothing turd Robert Finch not scribble one of these ego maniacs on the Umpiring panel for one of our games.
These 2 pricks have had it in for us for as long as I can remember. Just to clear things up, the team itself have been bloody average this season and we deserve no more then the moderate 11 wins and 8th place we currently have.
Now you might just think, this is just another crazy fans latest conspiracy. *edit*
Thne you come to the Hollywood farkwit Bill in the box. Hollywood loves to have just 1 look at opposition tries. Their are the NRL's rules and then their are Bills rules, and any Video decision for an opposition try against the Tigers Bill will have one look and press the green light. Does not matter how dubious it looks he loves showing off and having just the one glance. Just like the match deciding decision against Newcastle in 2006. However When lo and behold the man downstairs sends one up on a possible Tigers try, well he will find every single camera angle in the ground and have 4000 looks. Still no benefit of the doubt, often NO TRY and bugger off Tigers.
Is it just me or for the last 6 or 7 weeks have we had at least one of these clowns umpiring in our fixtures.*edit - not wanted here*
Then theres a part of me that things these guys would love nothing more then to end our season
Is it just me or does every Tigers fan despise these 2 wank!rs??
These 2 pricks have had it in for us for as long as I can remember. Just to clear things up, the team itself have been bloody average this season and we deserve no more then the moderate 11 wins and 8th place we currently have.
Now you might just think, this is just another crazy fans latest conspiracy. *edit*
Thne you come to the Hollywood farkwit Bill in the box. Hollywood loves to have just 1 look at opposition tries. Their are the NRL's rules and then their are Bills rules, and any Video decision for an opposition try against the Tigers Bill will have one look and press the green light. Does not matter how dubious it looks he loves showing off and having just the one glance. Just like the match deciding decision against Newcastle in 2006. However When lo and behold the man downstairs sends one up on a possible Tigers try, well he will find every single camera angle in the ground and have 4000 looks. Still no benefit of the doubt, often NO TRY and bugger off Tigers.
Is it just me or for the last 6 or 7 weeks have we had at least one of these clowns umpiring in our fixtures.*edit - not wanted here*
Then theres a part of me that things these guys would love nothing more then to end our season
Is it just me or does every Tigers fan despise these 2 wank!rs??