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Boycott Channel 9

I'm sorry, didn't they give gallop equal air time ? I seem to remember then putting the story from every angle.

What upset you ? The bit on kieron jack and co playing AFL ? The bit about the AFL wanting to expand into western sydney and the gold coast being reported ? The bit were gallop said that league is strong now and will be in a hundred years ? The bit were the kiddies in melbourne said they support the storm or the bit were they showed kiddies in sydney playing AFL ? Was it billy brownless (everyone in AFL land thinks he is a wanker too) ?

What was so horrible that you swore a blood oath never to watch nine again ?
Exactly i totally agree
there is no need for a boycott

Mr Opinionated

I have an intense hatred of all network TV stations.

They screw us over with their devious ways to increase ratings i.e. to keep us watching their channel instead of another channel.

For example, a show is programmed to end at 7:30pm but somehow is still going at 7:40pm while another show on another channel was programmed to start at 7:30pm and instead started at 7:35pm (this channel was not as devious as the other channel) so you miss the start of the the show on the other channel and then throw something at the TV out of annoyance hence destroying the TV and needing to buy another TV ... okay slight hyperbole there.

That is just one thing I hate about commercial TV

I also hated how Channel 10 cuts the Simpsons short when it goes to commercial so you miss the end of the joke. Hated it. I haven't watched the Simpsons on Channel 10 for a long time so I don't know if this still happens. I now get my Simpsons fix on Fox8.

Thank God for Foxtel.

Boycott all networks!!

But that is just my opinion.


I'm sorry, didn't they give gallop equal air time ? I seem to remember then putting the story from every angle.

What upset you ? The bit on kieron jack and co playing AFL ? The bit about the AFL wanting to expand into western sydney and the gold coast being reported ? The bit were gallop said that league is strong now and will be in a hundred years ? The bit were the kiddies in melbourne said they support the storm or the bit were they showed kiddies in sydney playing AFL ? Was it billy brownless (everyone in AFL land thinks he is a wanker too) ?

What was so horrible that you swore a blood oath never to watch nine again ?

Does 60-minutes actually categorize itself as Journalism?
Originally Posted by Mark Geyer
The AFL at the moment are like a large octopus with their tentacles everywhere. The NRL are like a little goldfish trying to swim against the tide. I think we've got to turn into a shark and start devouring this octopus.

Mark IS a dope. It's obvious the NRL goldfish can't just 'evolve' into a shark and swim up to the AFL octopus and start devouring it, because the octopus will just squirt ink in its eyes. If this happen the shark will be blinded, and will never have another chance to devour the octopus, and will probably just wander the sea aimlessly, bumping into "coral" and "ships" until it dies. Instead, the NRL goldfish has to call its shark buddies and form a "school". This school can teach the octopus a lesson by attacking it from all angles, rendering its small supply of ink ineffective. But then the octopus could call its friend the "giant squid", then the only way we can win is by calling a "sperm whale" to help us out. And what are the chances of that happening Mark? Slim to none.
Boycott...no point in boycotting when there is no league coverage in Melb anyway.

Channel 9 is garbage full stop.


Well good luck with that Joel Caine.

Where Eagles Dare - I've seen footage of a large squid that was devouring sharks in an aquarium. The staff kept finding shark carcasses each morning as the numbers dwindled so they set up a night-vision camera and watched as this squid plucked a shark from above, suffocated it and ate it! Thus, I have concerns too of the NRL becomes a shark.

Father Jack

Originally Posted by Mark Geyer
The AFL at the moment are like a large octopus with their tentacles everywhere. The NRL are like a little goldfish trying to swim against the tide. I think we've got to turn into a shark and start devouring this octopus.

Mark IS a dope. It's obvious the NRL goldfish can't just 'evolve' into a shark and swim up to the AFL octopus and start devouring it, because the octopus will just squirt ink in its eyes. If this happen the shark will be blinded, and will never have another chance to devour the octopus, and will probably just wander the sea aimlessly, bumping into "coral" and "ships" until it dies. Instead, the NRL goldfish has to call its shark buddies and form a "school". This school can teach the octopus a lesson by attacking it from all angles, rendering its small supply of ink ineffective. But then the octopus could call its friend the "giant squid", then the only way we can win is by calling a "sperm whale" to help us out. And what are the chances of that happening Mark? Slim to none.

That's brilliant! You should email it to Peter Harvey straight away.

I'm not being sarcastic either, you really should.


I'm sorry, didn't they give gallop equal air time ? I seem to remember then putting the story from every angle.

What upset you ? The bit on kieron jack and co playing AFL ? The bit about the AFL wanting to expand into western sydney and the gold coast being reported ? The bit were gallop said that league is strong now and will be in a hundred years ? The bit were the kiddies in melbourne said they support the storm or the bit were they showed kiddies in sydney playing AFL ? Was it billy brownless (everyone in AFL land thinks he is a wanker too) ?

What was so horrible that you swore a blood oath never to watch nine again ?

Agree with boycotting being a bit much.
That is not the point.they ignored the fact that Garry Jack's other 2 sons played rl(conveniently perhaps).They gave a former AFL player the opportunity to serve it up to rl.Where was a RL player given the opportunity to return serve?.Did they speak to a Victorian AFL parent whose kid plays rl (such as at the Altona roosters)where their junior numbers have skyrocketed?.Did they show kiddies in Melbourne play rl?.
That 60 minutes story whilst showing AFL's intentions,was one of the most slanted stories I have seen from that mob(ch9).More so coming from a station contracted to show and promote rl,and doing an ordinary job at it.More so from the same mob,who can't even show rl before midnight in Melbourne,when it is required by the contract to do so.

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