ShireShark said:
couldnt be a solution
and we have a 5/8 problem now???
The coach mustn't be satisfied if he continues to rotate those playing it. He must see it as a problem area. Bird, Hilder, Sullivan and Gallen have all played in 5/8 this year, and it's only round 13. Bird was punted for his 'moment of insanity', but even you were complaining about him being our 5/8, crying out for someone else. Sullivan is playing fairly well now, but he's playing well off the bench. I love Gallen, maybe even more than friends, and he's a great player, but I'm not quite sure he's an ideal 5/8.
I think Drew could be a handy pickup, he can play halfback, 5/8 and hooker. If he wants a release I doubt he's seeking big bucks. You never know, could even prove to be a better buy than that fantastic Seers bloke.
Anyway, talking about people who rotate...
McSharkie said:
This from the man with 5000 posts and 0 friends. I suppose you're not going to ask me out for a drink.
Let's examine some of your topics.
If you missed out on seeing the new hair do's... - Football players have hair. You like hair eh? EH? Alright we get it.
Do we have a Jamaican in the Jersey Flegg side? - Who gives a toss. Do we have any Eskimos playing in Premier League?
What do you reckon he is saying? - I bet he's saying 'See that guy over there? His name is McSharkie. He ain't got no friends and no life. That's why he makes sh*tty topics like these that have f*ck all do to with anything. Oh, and he likes your balls.'
OT: This space reserved for El Garbo & Shireshark . . . - You got something on your nose. Looks like shit. Blends in with the rest of your face.
Michael Russo - You were looking forward to seeing him again? Wow, why don't you tell us how many times you took a dump today as well.
And who can forget...
5.30pm this week, anyone meeting for a beer?
OT: What are you doing for SoO?
Watching the game at Taren Pt pub . . . - if anyone is interested in joining me
DRINKS before the game! - Who else is interested?
Anyone still going to drown their sorrows on Friday?
My Internet Friends. - by McSharkie
My Internet Friends. These are friends that I have met on the Internet. I have not met these people in person but over time we have developed a friendship. One of these days I will visit them or they will visitme and then I will move them into our Extended Family.
McSharkie Poem said:
My Internet Friend
I type my love for you
On the Cathode Ray Tube Monitor
Never will you truly know
Just how much you mean
Some may say it's crazy
But I don't really care
They could never understand
all that we have shared
All the nights you've spent with me
Felt like you were here
Always with a open heart
And an open ear
I never had to wonder
If you truly care
Because when I turn on my Cathode Ray Tube Monitor
You words are always there