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Buderus tackles Brian by the book


First Grade
Buderus tackles Brian by the book

KNIGHTS legend Danny Buderus has revealed the breakdown in his relationship with former coach Brian Smith after the controversial player clean-out in 2007 made him feel unwanted, and convinced him to leave the Knights with a year left on his contract.

Buderus, who was disillusioned and despondent during what he described as the toughest year of his career, provides explosive details about those issues in his autobiography, Talent Is Not Enough, to be published early next month by Random House Australia.

Buderus, now 31, said he considered leaving the Knights at the end of 2007 to play out his career in England with Wigan because of Smith's "personal attack" on him at the peak of the club's contractual wrangle with Kirk Reynoldson.

Exasperated by the lack of communication from Smith and Knights management about the treatment of his friend Reynoldson and the "dismantling" of the roster, Buderus writes that he was talked out of leaving by former teammates Stephen Crowe and Paul Harragon.

Buderus stayed and played another year in 2008 until he ruptured his biceps against the Cowboys with two games left in the season, then left to join Leeds at the start of this year.

He explains he had already discussed with his manager, Darryl Mather, the idea of finishing his career in England, but the turmoil of 2007 "helped make up my mind".

The 2004 Dally M Medallist says he regretted his decision to publicly air his grievances he told a Sydney newspaper the sweeping changes Smith made were "too much too soon" but stood by the sentiments he expressed in that article published in August 2007.

"We had our say in a good heart-to-heart phone conversation a few days later, something I wish we'd had before anything came out in the media, but I have to be honest and say our relationship was purely 'business only' after that," Buderus writes.

In the same chapter, he says he and Smith "didn't talk much; I didn't find him nearly as approachable as [predecessor] Michael Hagan.

"I know Brian would not have got any pleasure out of telling a player he had to move on and was not required; it was a tough job for him and the club had given him a brief."

Buderus was incensed when Smith spoke to the media the day before Manly crushed the Knights 50-16 at Gosford and "hit back with what I felt was a very personal attack on me and my right to have my view".

"I think Danny could have done it in a different way but like I said, if you want to find someone who's not at the top of their game and is going to make an error of judgement, then you go to someone who is suffering from severe disappointment," Smith told reporters at the time.

"Danny's a real proud man. He wanted to have an enormous effect and he has. He's just not seeing and feeling that as the new captain of the Knights after Joey [Andrew Johns] left.

"He wanted to be an effective and winning captain of the Origin series and it didn't turn out that way. His position as No.9 in the Australian jersey is probably under threat.

"For a proud guy who's done so much service for Australian footy, and particularly the Knights, when it's not going well you're likely to find a bloke who is going to say the wrong thing. I wish he hadn't said it. I'm sure he does, too, but them's the breaks."

Buderus writes: "Some of those comments got my back up; I thought what he said was condescending and belittling.

"And plenty of people obviously agreed; my phone rang hot from people fuming at what had been said, including players from other clubs he had dismantled, who wanted to lend me support.

"To suggest I was too out of touch to know what morale was like, when I had been at the club for 13 years and spoke to the players more than the coach, CEO or the board did; to suggest I had made wild statements because I was the losing Origin captain and being under pressure for my Test spot, or that I was frustrated by not being a winning captain at Newcastle after succeeding Joey what did that have to do with what I said?

"I was the one fielding all the comments from players about how they felt because no one in the club seemed to care; that was the whole issue of my concerns.

"I went to our operations manager, Steve Crowe, and told him I'd had enough; that I didn't want to be at the club anymore because, like a lot of other players, I no longer felt wanted.

"I asked him about getting out of my contract at the end of the season even though I had a year, and an option for a further year, to go.

"I went to Paul Harragon, who was on the board, and asked the same thing. I wanted to go overseas and play because I couldn't bring myself to play against the Knights.

"What had happened, especially with Kirk Reynoldson, showed that NRL football had become a hard-nosed business and I didn't want to be part of that anymore; I'd had a gutful."

When contacted by The Herald yesterday, Smith said he had not read the book and did not want to comment.

Buderus is due back in Australia this week to attend former NSW and Test teammate Steve Menzies' wedding, then he has planned a holiday before embarking on a publicity tour to promote his book. The Herald understands the Newcastle launch will be held at EnergyAustralia Stadium on November 5.

Buderus, who expresses an interest in returning to the Knights in a coaching or mentoring role after he retires, stands by his feelings of two years ago. But he says Smith, who was replaced by assistant Rick Stone with four games left in the 2009 regular season, would leave a "legacy" at the club.

"He has stripped the system right back to the core in a technical sense and introduced a new structure, then reintroduced some of the principles that the foundation of the club was built on," he writes.

"As tough as he was with how he approached things, he has improved a lot of players. The club would be smart to continue the principles he introduced, and build on them."

Very mixed review of Smith by Buderus.

Just hope that this is a better book then that Fallacy that Joey released "I am not trying to excuse what I did" 28,000 times did my head in by the end, nearly sent me insane when he went on each time to make excuses.

Ghost writing at its poorest.


Its not up to the captain to question what is being done by the coach when he had a mandate to do it. Danny can use smith as an excuse all he likes for abandoning the club when we needed him, he can feel ok about it. It doesnt make it the truth. So what, you dont like how Kirk was handled, most of us didnt, but we were happy to see him go nonetheless. As for the rest of the wholesale changes, tell me what you would have done danny to turn around a side that was totally centred around Johns and yourself and that had finished last two seasons prior and only came good the year before when Andrew came back. Given that history has gone close to provign Smith's decisions were spot on.


I don't see it as him "abandoning the club when we needed him". He did his time with us, he was entitled to leave if he wanted to without any guilt. We have a more than adequate replacement in De Gois.
Well said Alex, De Gois will never be the player that Bedsy was but then again from Smith in the last 5 years no Hooker in the comp has come being the class of player that he was.

Joker's Wild

Danny can use smith as an excuse all he likes for abandoning the club when we needed him, he can feel ok about it.

While I agree with the rest of your points Hans, the above quote is way of the mark.

Bedsy had spent over 13 years at our club, through some of the toughest periods we have ever seen, and he was entitled to go and have the UK experience to end his career. Suggesting that he "abandoned the club" at the end of '08 is pretty unfair.


Can't bag Buderus for leaving the club.

He stood tallest when we were shot ducks. His Dally M season for example.

Also, i believe it is upto the captain to question what is being done by the coach. If the coach and the Captain aren't on the same page, then there is a massive breakdown in communication.


He didn't go 'above and beyond' under Smith as he did in the years before, but there was never a time when he wasn't doing as much or more than any other player to get on the field and play his best.
In the past Buderus has played most of a season with a broken bone in his foot - and that sort of dedication isn't bought for money - it's pure spirit - and Smith's clinical approach doesn't inspire that sort of spirit.

It's a great example of why it was time for Smith to move on. Smith was ruthless in cutting the players we needed to cut, but he will never inspire players to go to the next level.


Staff member
My only gripe with Buderus is that he was too much of a 'good old boy' to recognise that players like Reynoldson were dead weight. It's that kind of mentality that still has our club in the dark ages.
Bedsy will never just come out and bag a bloke. He has always got to be the diplomat. As great a player as he was I believe Beds always was more concerned about what people thought of him. Fair enough.The truly great bios are purely from the heart and at their best when people just verbally let rip when it is justified. Gordon Tallis would write a corker, if he hasn't already. Smithy was articulate and 100% correct in his assessment of Bedsy's form at the time. Clearly Cameron Smith taking Danny's spot hadn't sunk in yet. Beds clearly admitted he was going to walk out on the club at the end of 2007 because he didn't want to stand up to Smithy. Joey would have given both barrells to Smith if a similar comment was made about him. Hages being more apporachable is code for more 'bendable' to a senior player's will and opinion.
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What a f**kin pissant. 'dismantling' the club is Buderus talk for 'removing all my friends from the team who weren't putting in'.

f**k you Bedsy. Man up and stop being a sook.



Obviously a considerable number of the playing roster Smith took over were going to be pissed off at how he managed the team. Guys like Bedsy were used to playing alongside their mates under a bloke like Hages, who'd probably keep Greg Smith in the side if they got on well enough. This "boys' club" attitude was what caused the team as a whole to slide, and is what Smith was brought in to put an end to. Funny that the Roosters board seem to have twigged on to this only recently themselves!

A coach should only be judged on how the team performs on the field while he is there, not on whether his players invite him round for beers or not. That is where people like Ray Hadley and Josh Massoud show their bias.



Obviously a considerable number of the playing roster Smith took over were going to be pissed off at how he managed the team. Guys like Bedsy were used to playing alongside their mates under a bloke like Hages, who'd probably keep Greg Smith in the side if they got on well enough. This "boys' club" attitude was what caused the team as a whole to slide, and is what Smith was brought in to put an end to. Funny that the Roosters board seem to have twigged on to this only recently themselves!

A coach should only be judged on how the team performs on the field while he is there, not on whether his players invite him round for beers or not. That is where people like Ray Hadley and Josh Massoud show their bias.

So based on this how do you judge Brian Smith? The man is a myth.


I rate Brian Smith highly. He took two St George sides that were average on paper to the Grand Final, he made a Parramatta side who lacked a superstar like Johns or Lockyer into runaway minor premiers in 2001, and he turned the Knights around from being a lazy side who'd play like lame ducks when a few players were out, into being arguably the most resourceful team in the comp. Should have made the semis last year if Archer hadn't f**ked us several times in games. And surely you aren't going to give Rick Stone all the credit for Newcastle's finals appearence this year?

Bring it home Knights

First Grade
I'm not surprised Buderus is carrying on like he is here. I dare say any team that goes from being coached by Hagan will have a similar mind set. I mean it must be a shock to the system going from a pub footy team culture, to a professional culture. This is why I am very confident that Hagan will never coach first grade again!


Well a professional club isnt your local watering hole so if your crap you deserved to be dropped friend or no friend. Bedsy served the club so well for so many years I am sure he was very upset at the situation as was many loyal supporters of the club.

Roopy put it well and I totally agree with him.


Why are people trying to turn this into a Smith OR Buderus argument.

Both are what they are - the club got great service from both guys.

You don't have to choose one and dislike the other, just because THEY didn't see eye to eye.

Joey and Ben Kennedy had a fight once - doesn't mean we have to pick one and diss the other.


I rate Brian Smith highly. He took two St George sides that were average on paper to the Grand Final, he made a Parramatta side who lacked a superstar like Johns or Lockyer into runaway minor premiers in 2001, and he turned the Knights around from being a lazy side who'd play like lame ducks when a few players were out, into being arguably the most resourceful team in the comp. Should have made the semis last year if Archer hadn't f**ked us several times in games. And surely you aren't going to give Rick Stone all the credit for Newcastle's finals appearence this year?

Nope just curious to know what you were basing your comment on. You have now answered that.
