MFC- you were actually the articulate Bulldog fan I had in mind

Reservoir- the funny thing is that you though that you were going to get all sorts of support. You got none.
This comment may prompt a few sympathizers to speak up, but on the went out on a limb and fell off a ledge. "This isn't WORL mate where every tool replies to this kind of garbage you started" That's lucky, because I'm banned there....idiot "Very few, if any, are going to bite at your bullshit. " I noticed the more respected posters all had their say, with the exception of Ozbash and the inclusion of yourself. Couldn't help yourself could yer'. Here's the scenario- I throw out bait, you take bait. Who's the fish ? "Take it back to your Footy Show forum where the IQ is more your level. You'll have more luck with replies there." Suggestion noted, although if your posts are an indication of your IQ, I'll see you over there... "Talk about a waste of athread
" The old saying goes...if you don't like it, don't read it, don't post..... "Goodreply Moff

" Agreed "PS- Your analysis of the posters here displays what are tool you are. Not them. That kind of crap might sell over at the kiddies place where you are a Mod (or on a power trip), but it doesn't happen here. Grow up and get with the program." It doesn't sell over here? Never? Cripes I haven't adjusted my style over here at all, neither has EA and we have been getting on fine. Oneeye is enjoying it here though- that crap doesn't wash over at TFS. But hey, while I'm over here.... PPPPPPPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO