@Iron Lion
Humour me here.
Ok, everyone laughed when you said sport would be cancelled, but here we are.
But in hindsight, this was a predictable outcome even if no one wanted to admit it.
But how do you see a situation arising where we need to stockpile 6 months of supplies?
The worst case outcome for cv19, if every single person got it at once, is a 2-3% death rate, hospitals unable to cope and people dying due to under-resourcing.
The consequences of governments shutting down food supply would be far worse. People would die of poverty or riot or turn to crime to feed themselves and their families. Total social collapse if the food chain is stopped. Letting everyone get sick and 2% of the population dropping is a less drastic outcome than the alternative.
IF IT CAME TO THE ABOVE the government will let the virus play out rather than force people into jobless and foodless isolation for months.
The current plan is to delay the spread while keeping essentials running. The slower the spread, the less hard hospitals are hit, and the less deaths by the time a vaccine is developed.