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Bye Bash

The Rhino

When you get your tickets, they will have a table number on them. Hope you can make it. No matter where you sit, you should be more then comfortable and introduce yourself to others at the table. Last year was a top night and this year should be the same.

Well, I'll be drinking some "BLACK MAGIC" tomorrow night with about 4 others and some others will be drinking their "COWBOYS" :evil: :evil: :lol: :lol: :lol:

PK, I'll be having a "BLACK MAGIC" for the person who came up with the idea last year since he won't be coming - PHILBY. The only reason the club took over it was because they saw how much of a success it was last year and wanted to take the kudos for it. They got some credit for last year's from the footy show when all they did was provide some stuff and a couple of players.

jc benny

Yeehah (oops that's Cowboy slang ain't it? ;-) ) Just bought my tickets and I'm rarin' to go. Really looking forward to it, from what I heard last yr it was a great night. Just wish I didn't have to drive all the way home...Hmm maybe I need an alnighter.

See you all there, I'll probably be the one in pink :lol: ...or black? :?


First Grade
I kept forgetting to ask Phil if he was coming or not! I wonder why he's not coming :? I'll miss my Danny! :cry: Drobba I know is coming for sure.

JC benny! Welcome to our little community! :D Just ask around for Rhino or PK and someone should know us and point us out and make sure you come and say hello to us. Or you could probably look for 2 tables in close proximity of each other that are the loudest on the floor! :lol: There will be more females to males and we range in ages. And there will be a few pretty loud and drunk ones but they won't hurt you! :mrgreen:

jc benny

Will do PK & thanks for the welcome. It is like a little family/community in here so I guess it'll be like a family get together Saturday night, wiTh all the lost relations showing up at once! :lol:

BTW I'll be the sober one, unless I decide to camp out somewhere for the night.. :)

See you all there!


Drobba isn't coming now - he's off to the snow.

Philby, well, as far as I know, he's snubbing it - never had any intention of going. Could be wrong though. I can understand his intentions - it was his idea, and he feels as it's been hijacked. Don't blame the guy. None of his mates are going either as far as I know.

Won't feel the same without him, but the show will go on.


First Grade
As much as I love Phil and all (cause he is my Danny and all :D ), when I have read PI on occasions, I did note that Kate Curtis did say on a couple of occasions that she would welcome any help from him.

And as far as I know it may have been his idea last year but it was Kate and Sharon who got it rolling. If it wasnt for them two it wouldn't have been the bash that we know of it today as. It would have been more like the Finals Fling night.

Now I may be reading into this the wrong way but I hope he called her, for he would have had her number, and actually spoke voice to voice, rather than relying on text on a unfriendly user :lol: site to sort things out.

I wish I had damn well remembered to ask him because I would have given him my opinion on it all. Kate on the otherhand - where has she been? Does she have reserved seating this year or something - I have never seen her at any games this year! :? I could be forgiven for thinking that she has been corrupted in her thoughts of the army! #-o Anyway I can be pretty damn forward at times and these questions I will be asking Kate myself tomorrow night.


It was a good night last night.

The highlight was the fever pitch bidding to get Benny Ross' state of origin training shirt, and then later on a date with the same person. In a way, it was a pathetic sight, but entertaining nevertheless... :lol:

And also myself trying to whip up any lose change to bid for the Bunnies jumper... we got $3, between about 12 of us. That was our limit... just a joke really... :mrgreen:

But what was disappointing was the number of players that turned up... only Ross, Wrigley and Fa'aoso turned up... and Rooney made an apperance later on. I hoestly would have thought that nearly all of them would have been out there.

Ah well. Raised plenty of money for Panthers On The Prowl. Which was great. :clap:


*sigh* It's disappointing that most of the players didn't show up, but at least you all had a good time anyway. It would've been fun to go, but since I live in Melbourne, it's a bit of a hike. lol

Okay, so here's the question I'm sure you've all been waiting for.

How is Jason? Is his knee improving? Is he still as nice a guy as I remember? Is he staying with Panthers next year (Please tell me he is, I couldn't handle liking any other teams besides Storm and Panthers...maybe broncos, but it'd still be a bit of a stretch. lol)?

Okay, that was more than one question, but I like to keep track of my favourite players. Even if I can hardly remember what they look like. :lol: It's a very strange obsession, I only picked him as my fav because I liked his tattoo (I know, I know, I was young and stupid, but I suppose that hasn't changed much anyway. LOL) and then when storm got rid of Wrigley I decided to get stubborn and stick with him anyway. It worked out quite well, I think (except for the him getting injured part. Stupid cowboy person who did that. *glares*), he's ended up with a good team. I'm happy.

Anyway, I'm going to stop rambling now and hopefully someone will give me gossip. ;-) :D

jc benny

The low player turnout was a little disappointing at first (although it was my first and I had no idea what to expect) but the guys that did make it made up for it, ESP. Rossy, he was great ;-)

Food was good, entertainment was good (speaking of which I never knew Scotty was so multi talented, hehe) and the atmosphere, namely the auction atmosphere was good. Good night overall and I'll definitely be back for more next time :clap:



Ok WildKat,

Let's answer your one question......one by one.......shall we ??? ;-) :lol:

How is Jason?

He's very well thank you. (lol).
He was there with his girlfriend and at first was just sitting quietly at the table looking very shy and awkward, but once he had a few drinks he loosened up and started to mingle freely with everyone.

Is his knee improving?

Definitely yes. He said that at first they expected him out for the season, but he has improved much quicker than expected, and he just started running last week, albeit very slowly and carefully.

He said he's not 100% sure when he will be back, but if the knee keeps improving at the same rate, he was hoping for about 3 weeks from now.

Is he still as nice a guy as I remember?

Yes, he is a really nice guy. Especially seeing as he happily allowed all of us girls to pinch his behind, and feel his biceps (which are HUGE I might add). *hubba hubba*

We also got to pinch the behinds and feel the biceps of Benny and Scotty Macrae as well. (And yes we girls did had a fantastic night.....thanks very much :mrgreen: )

Is he staying with Panthers next year?

I asked the same question, and he said he doesn't know. According to Jason, the newspaper that said that none of the Premier League side had been re-signed yet was true. He has no idea why the club has held off for so long.

He said that as far as he knew, the only player to have agreed to terms so far was Trent Clayton, and he was pretty sure that it was only for season 2005.

The club has told them that they will supposedly all have their contracts organised in the next week or two. Of course he wasn't real happy about the long delay, but as he said, there isn't a whole lot that he can do about it.

I wish that damn club would pull their bloody fingers out and get on with it and get them all signed up. Don't they care at all if they lose any of them ??? You would think they had already let enough go for one season wouldn't you ???



I agree MP, we have lost enough for one season and these boys are the Panthers future stars! What's going on...........???? :shock:


Aw, thank you Mighty Panther, you've made my year, although, I'm green with envy that you actually got to touch his butt and biceps! But still, *drools* LOL

I hope the club pull their fingers out too, with all the great players they're losing I'm amazed they don't seem all that keen to hold on to and build up their promising younger players. With all the players that are being poached, you'd think they'd want to try and take care of the younger ones that are the club's future. But, a lot of sports teams (not just in the NRL) seem to have the same mentality, so what can you do? *sigh*

Well, again, I'm glad you all had a great night. I really hope I can get up to Penrith next year to catch the Storm V Panthers match like I had planned to do this year. You guys are great supporters and the atmosphere has always been awesome when I've visited! Only this time, while making my plans, I'm definately not going to rely on my friends! I think I'll make my own plans and start saving a lot earlier than I did last time, just in case people decide to bail on me again. LOL

Thanks again MP... :D


First Grade
Wildkat - I took a couple of Jason Wrigley photos for you. I think I even got some photos of him flexing his muscles cause I certainly wasnt one of those girls touching and pinching him :? (I always happen to miss out on the fun!) My only highlight of the night was when Scotty ran into me on the dance floor and he apologised for his hand brushing past my bum - I said to him `No you are not, you just wanted to touch my arse!' I cracked him up and he gave me a hug for my efforts! :D ;-)

I even missed the fever pitch bidding! :oops:

Yeah - ummm - Good night though! :mrgreen:


Oh PK, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!! *hugs*

He was flexing his muscles? How adorable. *melts* (It's really easy to get me excited, as you can probably tell. LOL) I can't wait to see the pics! :D

Oh well, at least you got a hug from Scotty :D And remember, there's always next time for getting a bit of a "pinch/squeeze" in with the players...half the fun is surprising them! If you didn't do it this time, they won't be expecting from you next time, will they? :twisted:

Um...yeah, don't mind me, my friends always tell me I have a strange definition of fun. :roll:


First Grade
That's alright chick. Hopefully I will be able to email them to you sometime today otherwise you will definately have them by the weekend.


Thanks again MP...

No worries.......anytime.

Always glad to help out a Panthers fan in need..... ;-) :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ahhhh...........come on............you know deep down you really are one..... :lol: ;-)

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