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Bye Bye Michael Ennis.


'in Michael ennis nsw have a player they can build their team around for the next 10 years' - Andrew Johns

'i can see Michael Ennis being nsw's next captain' - Laurie Daley

seriously farah got roasted on here (and rightly so) for his performance in game 2 last year. Ennis's game tonight was 10 times worse. Where this 'made for origin' crap has come from I will never guess.

Gidley was actually great from hooker tonight and if he got the 9 next year I couldn't complain. This isn't a farah v ennis thread, this is a ennis is a complete genius thread.
IMO, Farah, Hayne and Wing were the reason we had the spark we did in game 1 and 2 last year, i personally thought Farah was solid it was just a few lazy passes off dummy half that got him, but its as he said that is really out of class on his part. Ennis was most definately brought in simply for the consistency out of dummy half as opposed to any form of creativity around the ruck. But yeah its painfully obvious we need a more creative hooker for next year. Can't say its Farrah but someone - passport for Isaac Luke ? :p


i am still a fan of Ennis' grubiness, btw. it was hilarious watching him bury himself up Snowys arse after throwing a few cheap shots around. hilarious. he's just not good enough as far as actual talent goes for origin.


lol, for two years everyone has said he was much more made for origin and all the Farah supporters were shot down for disagreeing.

Farah's origin performances, as ordinary as they were, outshone Ennis' efforts in every origin game he played.

Tonight's effort has shown that Ennis is a Myth.

'Farah isn't made for origin'

he certainly wouldn't niggle and give away crucial penalties when the game is on the line.

he would certainly stick to his tackles in defence.


watch all the Farah haters come crawling back now.
I won't lie, Ennis had me convinced after 2009 game three.

Although cut me some slack, I was supremely high after riding the ecstasy of our win.

Game 1 this year I wasn't so convinced after his performance. But Game 2 and 3 have done it for me. Farah should have been in for 2010 game three, with the Gidley rotation. But like you said. I guess everyone now is fully with Farah


I'm a Tigers fan but I'm just incensed with this persistence to go with trash like Ennis. Yeah Farah screwed up game 2 last year but I think he's more than had to suffer enough already.

You guys all bought into this myth known as Ennis especially after game 3 last year. As one poster said "he must have photos of the selectors and Bellamy blowing goats or something." I mean why else could you explain why he keeps getting picked?

"If there's one positive to come out of this series for NSW, we're starting to find a spine that we can hopefully stick with in Jarryd Hayne, Mitchell Pearce and Michael Ennis." - Craig Bellamy. You gotta be kidding me!

Can someone please put together a "highlights package of Ennis" and send it to all future NSW coaches/selectors. It would include the following (feel free to add any I missed)
- Running away from the brawl in game 3 last year
- Going for cheap shots on QLD players on the ground
- The "best of Ennis tackles." Ie where he is like the 4th one coming in for a "shooter tackle" so he can rack up his tackle count and get a cheap shot in at the same time.
- Penalties he has given away in the play the ball
- The number of potential tries or linebreaks he screwed up by taking the wrong option
- Kicking the ball over the dead ball line numerous times when NSW were in good field position
- Kicking the ball out on the full or over the sideline gifting QLD penalties
- Letting Shillington make a 40m break after a piss poor attempt of a tackle
- Cowering behind Snowden after punching a QLDer thereby giving away a penalty that led to QLD scoring the winning try....

I'm sure I've missed others?
The problem isn't Ennis vs Farah. Both have been woeful at Origin level. Smith is a pile of sh*t too, but we just haven't had anything useful at all. Before the Tigers fans winge, I said Farah has been sh*t at Origin level. Individually he's clearly better than Ennis

To be fair Farah played an ok game 1 last year and a crap game 2 when he was injured.

He also played with crap halves and a powder puff pack in his 2 games. Put him into a good side and he is a great player.

Tiger Hawk

He ran and hid behind a teammate.....you've gotta be f**king kidding me. That was the single most embarrassing moment in NSW history and I hope against hope that someone out there puts it up on youtube for all eternity.


Staff member
I was of the belief that Ennis would go better in Origin than Farah- not because he is a better player than Farah but because he was an 'Origin player'. That theory is dead- him hiding behind Snowden last night was the final nail in the coffin.

Joker's Wild

He'll have to live with the fact he cost NSW the game and handed QLD a clean sweep.

F***ing flea.

Turn it up Alex

He layed on a superb try for Bird to put NSW in front and yes, he gave away a silly penalty after getting elbowed in the back of the head, but you dont think Gal and Snowies soft c**k arm grabs on the smallest player on the field to let him stroll over had no bearing what-so-ever?

He was far from the reason NSW lost tonight


f**k off Moffo, he's f**king useless.

We looked 1000 times better with Gidley at hooker, that's just sad.

But the NSW players will most likely lose coach Craig Bellamy and no one wants that to happen.

"I've loved playing under Craig. I pulled him aside yesterday and told him that," Ennis said.

What a suckhole!


Judging by the noises from NSW hierarchy in the immediate aftermath, Ennis will still be there when hostilities resume.

He'll be there next year regardless of what people say. Just get used to it.


Once again I fear the NSW hierarchy will build the side around the wrong players.

Can we bring Craig Wing back?


Farah had a good game 1 last year, 1 try assist (should have been 2, the famous Hayne disallowed try), his game 2 wasn't good, but he was injured and he is getting kept out by this spastic, who probably gave Queensland the momentum.

Mr Saab

Ennis did f**k all last night apart from putting a grubber thru for a try....he didnt run from dummy half at all i dont think...he missed tackles, he ran away from fights. The guy is a total f**king myth as far as a hooker is concerned. Enjoy him bulldogs