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Carney In


benmeyer said:
Mate, when you do come down, feel free to join the us all for a piss up.
Are any of the raiders army coming to Suncorp for the game against the Broncos on 30th July? Need all the support we can get.

Brissie Raiders supporter.


nickraider said:
Are any of the raiders army coming to Suncorp for the game against the Broncos on 30th July? Need all the support we can get.

Brissie Raiders supporter.

Iam mate.Will see you there


not a bad line-up considering.I like the look of graham back however. But elliot might be taking a bit of a risk naming Tyran smith IMO. I really do think this is the week Carney has to step up a notch to impress,whether or not he can do it we'll find out.
Stunned raston is still not named for his FG debut.


First Grade
Roy Rover said:
I think it's a pretty good looking side and I'm looking forward to the game.
Re Benmeyer - Don't worry mate I think I agree with most of the things you say.
Maybe some of these madmen should head to the GH where they'd fit right in!

Oi! The GH has a lot of debate and discussion, doesn't mean we are mad!

I am called a "nego" by "posos", but I believe I give credit where credit is due. I watch every match I possibly can, from JF through to the NRL side at home matches.

I have been watching the Raiders for over 20 years - in fact, I saw their first ever game - and I reckon I can see a good footballer when I see him.

I agree with Ben, we can't have the NRL side full of PL players... but the likes of Howell....and Robertson...... how many more chances do they need? I am pleased that we have Carney in 7 and Withers in 9 and Tongue on the bench. I don't have much faith in T. Smith or Cross, but the only real gripes I have with the side this week is no Milne/Ale and Howell/Robertson listed.


First Grade
And we need to stick with Carney for an extended period. To say, "this is the week he has to step up" and play a blinder is not very sensible IMO. He is only 19! He has a lot of time and we have to stick with him if we are to expect him to develop into a top line half back (which I am very confident he will do).
Chachi said:
Not a bad looking team IMO. I can only hope Tyran pulls a brain cartilage in the warm up and gets replaced with...well...anyone. I also guess it would be too much to ask for Mogg to be abducted by aliens on the way to the stadium - but other than that it looks OK.

My not-so-secret fear is that Graham and Frawley will actually be the two no-shows again - only to be replaced by our two wingers from hell.

Can I ask what exactly it is that everyone has against robertson?


First Grade
Robbo tries hard but what his will wants his body cant deliver, hasnt been the same since that leg injury.

He was a pretty solid player when he had pace.
Im not overly fussed on it, as long as he runs forward a majority of the time, which in the last few games, he has, id much prefer him to be there over howell and frawley atm

Boing Boing

Robbo has been attacking the line, I hate him as a person, but he has been playing well.

Ausraider, I sparked up when I saw the word f**k 5 times in a sentence that went off at me for expressing my opinion, but I love a good, well constructed argument and all swearing and crapping aside, I do see your point, but disagree in a way. We're all fighting for the one cause - I'd be happy to have a beer with you mate. Won't be in Brisbane because a) Money and b) I travelled to Melbourne for those bastards and they gave me and my two mates the slip after the match. read my review at the site in my signature to learn more.

GE: Spot on mate. I'll always listen to what you have to say. You've been at it for a lot longer than me and I know you see even more football than me. I just get very frustrated reading these boards sometimes at people simply amplifying the opinions of others, namely you and Bay56, without any real experience to back it up.


nickraider said:
Are any of the raiders army coming to Suncorp for the game against the Broncos on 30th July? Need all the support we can get.

Brissie Raiders supporter.

I am... With Bells on.


Staff member
Timbo said:
Then why is Robbo there?
Mistyped a bit with my post, robbo is there for frawley just incase he gets injuried before the game. Gafa there just incase he gets injuried during the game

Boing Boing

Roy Rover said:
benmeyer said:
Robbo has been attacking the line, I hate him as a person, but he has been playing well.


It's a long story, I'd tell you in person, but not in an open forum. If you're ever at a game, seek me out. I'm the dumb bastard at the front of the Raiders Army in the green mesh hat that only starts "Raiders!! Clap clap clap!!" chants!

Boing Boing

Yes, but it's hard to mimmick those in writing. We'll call it the "Flaming Homo".

Get on your bike mate, you're due in civic soon.


First Grade
One of the better teams so far this season, besides Tired and the extended bench.

Despite Frawley's zero game time to date, he is potentially one of our better backs and I for one think the team looks a lot stronger with Flying Phil on one wing and Frawley on the other. Surely Howell is on borrowed time however.

I hope that is the run-on team, especially the backline. C'mon Toddy, have a blinder with Smith there to take the pressure off you. :clap:

Mal Meninga

Howell & Robbo just run sideways too much, I remember when Robbo was a constant starter and would continually run sideways no matter what, but atleast he's starting to improve that, but now he's starting to get smashed. The likes of Milne and Ale showed that they had no qualms running hard and straight.