First of all, my commiseration goes out to Hightown_Tiger and all the other Loyal hardcore supporters of the Tigers over the past seasons of poor performances.
It's pretty dissapointing to see such a talented team having to be relegated, I hope for your future in National League one, you can build a strong enough squad to entitle you to challenge and gain promotion.
You only have to follow Huddersfield when they were relegated and also promoted as your role models for the next season or so.
Hopefully you won't lose too many of your good players due to the salary cap, as you have some talented players such as Gibson, Pryce, Godwin, Hudson, Saxton, Jackson, Motu Tony and Mark Tookey who are quality players.
Best of Luck for next season and hopefully things can only get better, I'm going to miss going down to the Jungle, now it's probably heading to the Collesium in dirty Lancashire.
Cheers, come on the Tigers!