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Coffs Harbour 7s

Fanny Batter

Doug Keen and Wes Patten were on 7 news tonight.newtown should enter a team up there itd b gr8!

norths had an "old boys" team the jets could do the same

Fanny Batter

i don't think it was a junket.he looked like he was involved with the torunament because he stood next to russelll crowe while crowe was talking to patten about something.he was wearing a green t-shirt - the colour of the nrl or the orara valey axemen.

Fanny Batter

there are big national companies (now who can't spell!) in sydney. look at the airport. sydney is the business capital of australia

he wouldve just been there reffing

Fanny Batter

a national coach - what esteemed company he would be in.ricky stuart, biran noble, john monie, the nz coach (whatsisname)

Fanny Batter

u were right hrundi99

this is on the jets website

30-Jan-06 Jets Representation at the Orara Valley Sevens
The second Orara Valley Axemen Sevens was held near Coffs Harbour over the weekend and the Newtown Jets were well represented. A number of our players and trialists played on the weekend including:
- Laurie Bamplett & Anthony Avery for Moore Park (1/4 finalists)
- Matt Olsen & Ricky Lyons for Camperdown Dragons (second round)
- Hamilton Hughes & Billy Balemona for Fiji A
- Alf Duncan for USA Tomahawks
- Anthony Farrah for Lebanon Winners

Jets General Manager Doug Keen also managed and coached the Japanese team over the weekend.

Also seen wearing the very stylish Newtown Jets apparel were Russel Crowe, Bill Harrigan and Jimmie Smith from 2SM's Talking Sport.


mate i thought i was the one that couldn't spell. Anthony Farah, billy's name is definitely spelled wrong.and isn't it laurie bamblett (with a b and not a p)

is alf duncan going back to the jets.u guys dont need him anymore.he'd be worth too many points at jim beam cup.
whats buckets doing up at the 7s on a junket when he should be pounding the pavements of the innerwest getting sponsors for the season ? how will this help the boys in blue with him hobnobbing with the stars ?
just think his time coudl have been better spent seeing hes a jets employee

Fanny Batter

a friend of mine was up there with the north sydney old boys team and he said that doug was refereeing.

nkod i think u r being a bit slack on doug.the 7s were on the weekend.his job is during the week.what sponsors would be available on the weekend.

its not like he took time off work to go up there.


First Grade
Fanny Batter said:
A number of our players and trialists played on the weekend including:
- Laurie Bamplett & Anthony Avery for Moore Park (1/4 finalists)
- Matt Olsen & Ricky Lyons for Camperdown Dragons (second round)[/QUOTE=Fanny Batter]

once again the senior club sends its players elsewhere as opposed to the Juniors. I've got ten bucks banking that if these blokes don't make JBC then at some stage this year it'll be my job to tackle them when they are running around for other clubs in the souths comp.



Once again brendothejet overreacts.

It is not a matter of the club "sending" players away from Newtown JRLFC. Newtown RLFC did not send their players up there. The article is carelessly written and misleading in the sense that it says the Newtown Jets were "well represented".

No one up there represented the Jets. We simply had former players (and many unconctracted triallists) playing for other teams where they could get the money. Which brings me to my next point. If players that were contracted to us are now uncontracted triallists or released players, we have no legal power to forvce them to play for a team.

If you honestly think that Newtown RLFC is out to weaken the position of Newtown JRLFC you are mistaken.

For goodness sake Alf Duncan isn't even playing with us. They could have added Wes Patten and Taffy Nicholas if the author wanted to clutch at more straws.

Newtown JRFC didn't even enter a team up in Coffs Harbour. And if they did, we would not be able to force uncontracted players that had somethintg to do with Newtown once upon a time to play for them. Further, when you have clubs that pay their players (Moore Park being one of them and Camperdown has practiced that before) it is hard to compete.


First Grade
Mate, okay, i totally understand your point.

I simply read the article and yes, reacted. A poor atricle lead to a poor reaction.

I don't think seniors are out to weaken the juniors, BUT, i have heard and seen a few things that make me wonder if they give a flying f**k.

For a side trying to re-establish itself in a high quality league it just seems a little strange that there is not more done between juniors/seniors.


I simply read the article and yes, reacted. A poor atricle lead to a poor reaction

True. Hopefully the article will be removed.

I don't think seniors are out to weaken the juniors, BUT, i have heard and seen a few things that make me wonder if they give a flying f**k.

I think a lot of the problem lies with the people who feed you the information - like the thing you heard about sponsorship before. You need to get a better source.

The club cannot be all things to all people. We do not have a budget the size of Mascot, Moore Park or any of the other big teams. Yet we still managed to fill teams. You have to expect a compromise to a degree.

For a side trying to re-establish itself in a high quality league it just seems a little strange that there is not more done between juniors/seniors.

Not many other A Grade sides will have the chance to train with a Jim Beam Cup side once a month! There are some things we can offer junior players because of the link with NSWRL competition sides. Other things we cannot provide because of our bank balance, a general lack of resources or Boundary Rules.

Newtown RLFC is a special case. They are the only side that competes in NSWRL without their own junior district. Newtown JRLFC, whilst technically our club, has to follow the orders of Souths Juniors in many respects. We had to move mountains to get development fees payable (which will be a trickle anyway and a long time coming).

Ideally we would stack A Grade with fringe Jim Beam Cup players but that cannot happen.

I will reiterate what I said at the beginning. Change your sources or take what they say with a grain of salt.