Australia took out all 3 medals in men's, women's and physical disability. Looks like a more descent crowd turned up of about 1000 which was great to see
Great to see Australia show WHO is top dog, Mr Teacher.
And if a tournament like this struggles to draw a thousand spectators, is this the fault of the Vichy crew?
Finally, is it really any surprise that Australia is "top dog?" That is actually the main problem for the international game, not something to be celebrated by somebody who claims to want the game to expand against unfair competition. The unfair compettion comes from Australia, mate. If Australia is prepared to make some sacrifices for the sake of the game................... you fill in the rest of the sentence.
I would not just put it down to the "Vichy " crew. It's bigger than that! And yes ignorant based apathy within Australia is a big part of rugby league not going forward internationally. No doubt!
I really admire your passion, mate, but in my humble opinion you should be directing it to targets that might actually listen to you, and then do something constructive about the points you are making.
I have been around a very long time, played both codes, watched both codes, lived in several countries, including England and Hong Kong and, frankly, no important rugby union that I have met or read about knows much about rugby league, and if they do, they just see it as a novelty. Which is what it is in many countries.
People support one code or the other, if they grow up liking rugby union, it would take an awful lot to persuade them to switch, and vice versa.
But there is absolutely no doubt that the game here in Australia is the proverbial 800 lb goriilla, stitting where it likes, and if that happens to squash a few much smaller countries, well, so what?
There's an old saying: "all's fair in love and war".
if you had the power, would you use it?
I remember a lot of similar comments during the period leading up to the RUWC in France, a few years ago.
Perhaps not. Awareness helps! Apathy doesnt!
Thefe were quite a few posters calling for boycotts, protests, you name it, all kinds of action to draw attention to the suppression of rugby league in France.
Nothing happened. Lots of hot air.
Be as outraged as you like, but for goodness sake, direct your outrage at targets who (a) might actually listen and (b) might actually be motivated to something constructive for international rugby league.
As a former serviceman, you know the importance of effective strategy. Get the strategy right first, then work away at the tactical level.
You are industrious at the tactical level, my friend, but your strategy is skewwiff.