Well I'll get something started this, on what looks to be a novel concept we may be able to embrace here.
I think you'll find religion motivates most major decisions in governments world wide, particularly war...err sorry, peace keeping missions.
The reason behind it all is simple, appeal to people's prejudices.
It's easier to make a country predominantly filled with people whose religions are all quite similar and make them hate another religion practiced mainly in other countries. You're dealing with harnessing people based on their passionate religious beliefs. Any true religious person cannot be swayed from their belief. But people can be swayed of their political beliefs.
The problem with this though is that it creates new sects of current religions, more deluded, warped perceptions on what their religious text states. You only have to look at Al-Qaeda, Jamahl Islamiah et al to see that they have got the true meaning of their religion completely arse about face. They twist things to suit their agendas to help them get more people to join their cause.