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First Grade
not to mention the machine that is Big Dell. Man I can't wait to see that bloke run out for us.


here here well done cooper bet he doesnt have a rugby get out clause or a french girlfriend or is possibly owed thousands by sponsers.

Slippery Morris

First Grade
There should be a statue of this bloke outside WIN stadium. The most loyal Dragon player we have had in a long time. All others get offers and desert the Dragons where as this man shows how much the red V means to him. He shows alot of respect for the club


Some good news for a change...... now we just need confirmation that Noddy Nobody signed with the Dogs.......


excellent news. I am over the moon coops wanted to stay, it wouldn't look right seeinh him in any other jumper.

The Preacher

First Grade
I think it also needs to be said good on the Dragons Management team for starting to show some sense in signings and retention ie coops nightingale weyman ( yes i think under bennett he will destroy the competition)

now we just need to get hannant and wallace :D

Now they could show some more sense and resign.


Assistant Moderator
There should be a statue of this bloke outside WIN stadium. The most loyal Dragon player we have had in a long time. All others get offers and desert the Dragons where as this man shows how much the red V means to him. He shows alot of respect for the club
I think you can put Ben Hornby in the same class.

From what we've seen in the past, there's very little fuss when it comes to re-signing him.

Slippery Morris

First Grade
Ryles until the last few months was also loyal when it came to the red V. When his contract was up he would literally sign as soon as a contract was thrown in front of him for an extension.

If it was not for the fans abusing the poor guy he would only play for the red V. Makes sense why Baz is considering not coming back because of the fans.


Ryles until the last few months was also loyal when it came to the red V. When his contract was up he would literally sign as soon as a contract was thrown in front of him for an extension.

If it was not for the fans abusing the poor guy he would only play for the red V. Makes sense why Baz is considering not coming back because of the fans.

True mate, but I dont know if there is anyone out there who hasnt at least copped something from the fans. Take nothing away from his workload and effort, he plays his heart out most of the time, but he does have tendencies to give away penalties and unnecessary offloads. Fans can be judgemental and some are passionate, so I really dont feel its right use "Oh the fans abused me" excuse not to play for us, its the same everywhere you go.

PS. Why cant Gaz be more like Coops? :(


Assistant Moderator
Ryles until the last few months was also loyal when it came to the red V. When his contract was up he would literally sign as soon as a contract was thrown in front of him for an extension.

If it was not for the fans abusing the poor guy he would only play for the red V. Makes sense why Baz is considering not coming back because of the fans.
Yeah... its all the fans fault why these guys are forced to shop around for deals in excess of $300K per year.

There are multitude of reasons why a player decides to move on. Blaming it on the fans is a crock of an excuse.

And please, spare us the 'true supporter' jibe. Players don't leave clubs because they cop a bit of ribbing from fans on the hill, unless you think they are sooks.

In all seriousness, if the club knew the first thing about instilling the habit of winning into the players, and having some fair dinkum pride in the Red V jumper, then I'm willing to bet the discussion wouldn't even be taking place.


Dead right Willow,

Being loyal is one thing, looking after your family and future is surely one of the most important objects of life.

If I could earn 300k a season playing footy, the fans could bare their arses at me for all I would care.

I really think we have to acknowledge that the players need to look after themselves financially, after all they only have a limited time playing the game.

Just my thoughts



Assistant Moderator
I didn't mean to sound curt in my previous reply, of course everyone is entitled to their view. But whenever I hear any suggestion of players or management blaming it on fans, I just laugh.

It defies logic.

For example, if or when Jason Ryles joins the scum (that's the mail we keep getting), then do we think he is going to get an easier ride there? The self-hate in the shire is legendary.... probably brought about by 41 years of Juan sticking sharp twigs in their collective nether regions.

As you say G.O., a player will always put his welfare and family ahead of the club. Money isn't everything and I'm sure most players would like to remain with their club of choice. But if they can earn big bucks and the conditions are right for them elsewhere, then good luck to them.

While the fans are important and essential to any club, they are surely not a priority when it comes a player putting pen to paper. IMO, its oddball stuff to even suggest it.

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