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Could this be the new NRL theme song?


Now, I must have my say to many of the other posters who have not provided any constructive comments whatsoever. Infact TheRams post was one of the only intelligent posts. To say the singer is crap is offensive. I myself am the singer and it was very difficult to put this up for the world to see. To say such things about me is hurtfull (not only to me but also my friends and family who are on this site) and to be honest wrong. I have had many music teachers tell me that I am a good singer.

Also the fat guy on the couch, as you put it so coldly, well he is my friend. He had major learning difficulties as a child so he would not be able to sing it like me, leave your cheap shots outside please.

For those who are supporting us in this quest to have this song as a background tune for next years SOO adds I have attached chords and lyrics for you to sing along with.
Any sympathy you might have had from me is out the window thanks to this post. A little tip - if you're going to get along in the world in any business you have to be prepared to take criticism, be it constructive or 'hurtful'. And you have to have a thick skin - the things said by posters in this thread may not have been nice but many were said in jest, those that weren't, shrug them off.
By the by, your song needs work and a lot of it. A LOT. If Sir Russell Crowe happens to be floating about on this forum he may love it, but then again he headed the biggest pile of sh*t band in existence so his taste may not be so credible.


anyone remember that song from Roy and HG years back..
"Go you good thing.. put a gap in them!" :lol:

good times..


c'mon now Druid dont get down. Are you a cat amongst the pigeons? Or are you a snake with the eyes of a hawk!

Be like the hawk-snake and break the shackles of the bad path. Remember, you gotta have a heart of gold to be the best. Live the dream and good luck


c'mon now Druid dont get down. Are you a cat amongst the pigeons? Or are you a snake with the eyes of a hawk!

Be like the hawk-snake and break the shackles of the bad path. Remember, you gotta have a heart of gold to be the best. Live the dream and good luck

Yes, thanks for the advice Dragon. I lay on my bed and I listened to the song again. It really works! I feel much better.

I will admit that I was a little emotional yesterday. It was just that I had expected everybody to say that the song was really great, because that is what everyone else I have shown the song to had said. Alot of people have told me that it is perfect the way it is.

I will send a copy by post to Warren Ryan at ABC radio. Does anyone else have a suggestion of who I could send it to so that we will be able to hear it on the television early next year.

There are a number of other songs I was thinking about putting up but now I am not sure I should do this. I am afraid that people will steal our ideas and perform them. I think that all the negative comments could only have come out of jelousy and that these are the people most likely to steal our songs:x


First Grade
So the people you displayed the tape to in person told you it was great. But the unidentifiable masses have been more critical....

Seriously why become a musician, or any performing artist if criticism will impact your emotions negatively...

Good luck guys - but don't forget to study. Is the rhythym guitarist relateed to David Shillington? Looks like he could be a younger brother.

Eels Dude

Yes, thanks for the advice Dragon. I lay on my bed and I listened to the song again. It really works! I feel much better.

I will admit that I was a little emotional yesterday. It was just that I had expected everybody to say that the song was really great, because that is what everyone else I have shown the song to had said. Alot of people have told me that it is perfect the way it is.

I will send a copy by post to Warren Ryan at ABC radio. Does anyone else have a suggestion of who I could send it to so that we will be able to hear it on the television early next year.

There are a number of other songs I was thinking about putting up but now I am not sure I should do this. I am afraid that people will steal our ideas and perform them. I think that all the negative comments could only have come out of jelousy and that these are the people most likely to steal our songs:x

I hardly think that'll happen. Your song is good for a bunch of guys starting out but that's as far as it goes. You may be copping a bit of criticism but you asked people whether they thought the song was good enough or inspiring enough to be the NRL theme song but quite frankly it's nowhere near good enough. Instead of writing songs for major sporting codes, you should just be concentrating on getting a couple of starter gigs, recording your songs properly, and ironing out the flaws in your music. Then people will take you seriously. It's hard to seriously consider a homemade clip of a jamming session for a theme song. Friends and family who've listened to your song will always be supportive, however the general public will be more honest and if people on here don't like your song then you have to get over it. Good luck regardless, but you should get off your high horse thinking you're your the greatest band going round and this is a perfect song, when you haven't even played a gig yet.


Few tips from a music philistine:

- Reading the lyrics whilst singing on the video hardly screams "passionate" either.
-Practice, practice and then when youve practiced enough, practice some more.

Keep plugging away though mate.


So what is going on with this song? Have any of you put the song forward to an official yet? Or have we just been wasting our time trying to do something good for the NRL.

This is a good song, let me tell you. Remember the name The Surgeons. You will hear of us again, and maybe that will be too late. We might be too big to want to use one of our songs for the NRL....



So what is going on with this song? Have any of you put the song forward to an official yet? Or have we just been wasting our time trying to do something good for the NRL.

This is a good song, let me tell you. Remember the name The Surgeons. You will hear of us again, and maybe that will be too late. We might be too big to want to use one of our songs for the NRL....

LOL!!! this guy!!!

move this to the classic threads plz mods..


here's a question.. what have YOU been doing with YOUR song?

you talked to an official yet? Presented your song to anyone?

emailed to anyone? or you just been sittin on your lounge with your band buddies playing call of duty black ops all day long against each other?

Eels Dude

So what is going on with this song? Have any of you put the song forward to an official yet? Or have we just been wasting our time trying to do something good for the NRL.

Why would we? It's your song... do it yourself. Maybe... just maybe nobody on here just doesn't think it's a very good song and having it as the NRL theme song would be doing something BAD for the NRL

This is a good song, let me tell you.

Let others be the judge of that and the consensus here is FAIL

Remember the name The Surgeons. You will hear of us again, and maybe that will be too late. We might be too big to want to use one of our songs for the NRL....

Good luck with that you cocky troll. You cannot even promote your own music you expect complete strangers on forums to do it for you.

By the way, work on your lyrics. Decent lyrics require more than stringing a stack of cliched metaphors together. And learn how to sing without cue cards... how can you sing with passion if you don't even know the words.

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