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Covell kicks on


Miracle Balls said:
Why are you so caught up with the glory of being selected in a NSW Residents team? It's only open to Premier League, Jim Beam Cup & Country players for crying out loud. No high achievement in my eyes I'm afraid.

So out of ALL the Premier League, JB cup & NSW Country players in the whole state - Covell gets picked. And this is no achievement? No recognition of talent perhaps?

And Whatuira as an international

Don't go on about him being an NZ international - that's no big achievement.

& Grand Final winner

LOL. He was in the team. He didn't win the GF by himself.

is also a long way from being a "fringe first-grader". If you don't rate the bloke fair enough, but don't cloud the issue and condemn the club with
bogus arguments.[/quote]

In this 16 appearances this year, Whatuira has scored an amazing 3 tries and made 2 line breaks. Sign him up quick!


Mate i think your arguing for arguments sake..Can you see our centres setting the world on fire at the moment?? I dont think so - if you want to bring statistics into this go have a look at how many tries our fleeting, whole punching centres have scored.
On Covell..he has had numerous oppotunities to make a name for himself in first grade and as of yet he has not made a real name for himself..your carrying on about Covell like he is in the same class as a Tahu or Lewis and im afraid he isnt in the top 10-15 wingers in the league at the moment!
Whatuira not winning a GF by himself - has anyone before him done that - he started the game played well and was actually IN a gf, alot more then wat our players have achieved. Pull your head out!



Centres do not just 'set the world on fire' by themselves - they need to get the ball first and they haven't been with Wilson at five eigth.

Covell played well last year and did prove himself - so he is not the fastest winger around - big deal. Neither is El-masri or Halligan and how many games did they win for their clubs?

If Covell was crap, he wouldnt have been selected for NSW Residents.
If Covell was crap, he wouldnt have been signed up by another club.

No wonder this club is in such a sh*t state - we sign players like Buettner, Whatuira, Branighan & Kusto -> and let go Ryan Hoffman, Richard Villasanti and Luke Covell.

Paul Whatuira - FMD.


I dont think its fair to measure a players ability by their tryscoring feats.

Its rediculous! Of course Fatz isnt going to score many tries with Wesser, Lewis, Rooney, Girdler, Roberts and Campbell around him.

Hes a great, young, underrated player, and we couldnt have hpe for anything more.

He is FAR better than Covell ever will be.


goangod said:

Centres do not just 'set the world on fire' by themselves - they need to get the ball first and they haven't been with Wilson at five eigth.

Covell played well last year and did prove himself - so he is not the fastest winger around - big deal. Neither is El-masri or Halligan and how many games did they win for their clubs?

If Covell was crap, he wouldnt have been selected for NSW Residents.
If Covell was crap, he wouldnt have been signed up by another club.

No wonder this club is in such a sh*t state - we sign players like Buettner, Whatuira, Branighan & Kusto -> and let go Ryan Hoffman, Richard Villasanti and Luke Covell.

Paul Whatuira - FMD.

We also signed a couple of the buys of the year in Hodgson and Prince

You say if Covell was crap he would not of been signed by another club????

Does this mean Corey Pearson, Hassen Saleh and John carlaw are good??

You say if Wiki was good he would of attracted interest from clubs like Easts and dogs, i didnt see them lining up for Covells prize signature

Continue to jerk off over a slow winger kicking at 70% in reserve grade if you must, i know Cronulla fans are dead set doing hand stands over their latest signing :roll:


I agree with simon says.

Covell was a good solid player but we can last without him. He wasn't really fast enough to be the kind of winger we need. If we resigned him he would prob be in PL behind other players.

Whatuira is a good quality player. He was starting centre for Penrith and is only kept out by Rep players - ie Lewis and Girdler. But Girdler is injured atm so Whatuira is in the starting side.

He's not slow like some ppl say.

goangod - you are too negative. Covell goes well but honestly he's played maybe 15 odd first grade games in 2 years and we will never pick him ahead of the guys we have.

Covell was indeed picked in the NSW residents, but so too were Kurt Hancock, Adam Capovilla and Cameron Phelps. Heard of them??? The team had solid but honestly fringe first graders - Gorrel, Clayton, Dorn etc.


f**k goangod,you go on about mediocrity and then tell us we are fine at centre.

wilson was dropped when playing centre and you admit he sucks at 5/8.
yeah f**king great player there.

fitzy,not consistently good in any position in the backline.he would be my no.14 next year if sheens wants to keep with the 2 hooker policy.he is not exposed in this position defensively like the backline.

halatau,also is not exposed in the forwards and should stay there and develop as a running backrower.

elford,they only reason he has not spent time in reggies is because we have no f**king depth at centre.

and collis,unknown potential at this stage.i hope he does make a big impact for us in the next 12 months to give us some potency out wide.
but as you have all seen with gibbs,you don't pin all your hopes on a f**king rookie.

please don't spin your mediocrity bullshit with me when you say that is depth,even if you were to include benji. :roll:

the second thing is,stop believing everything you read. :roll:

have you f**king learnt nothing in your lifetime.
if i were to belive everthing i read and hear.today i would be thinking that trent clayton still plays for the tigers as was reported today. :roll:

"Clayton's runaway effort brought back memories of his days as a Redcliffe colt when he was heralded as a future NRL star. In the five years since then he has spent most of his time in the lower grades at the Roosters and now Wests Tigers."

year after year people get sucked in by the silly season. :lol: :roll:


Yeah Geez, Covell is what you call a solid player who adds depth, we're looking for someone who can go beyond that Perhaps Whattuira will, i would rate him a better player than Covell, thats for sure.


I`m disappointed at seeing Covell go,but to be fair,it was going to be hard for him to crack a regular 1st grade spot with the Tigers particularly as Hodgo has been kicking surprisingly well.I can`t decide whether i`d be happy if the Whatuira signing rumour is true or not.He is a good solid player and would add to our depth.But the question I ask is will he be a better centre than Collis,Harrison or Halatau by the start of next season???WE NEED CARL WEBB AND PAUL STRINGER,WE NEED CARL WEBB AND PAUL STRINGER,WE NEED CARL WEBB AND PAUL STRINGER!!!


Whattuira is defenitaly a better player than covell will ever be. Cov's has had many chances in the top grade in his time, and obviously Sheens moved on from seeing Covell as a viable option as of last year. Miles is another player who has shown litlle potential during his time at the club, and should also be shown the door. Whattuira adds alot more to the squad than there is presently he runs hard, and although he is not quick is powerful. If the speculation is true that would be great, but i also agree we have youngsters who could fill the gap.

Despite the obvious need for forwards, we also need a couple of speed merchants, im not sure how many of these are still left...

Covell is like moodie but can kick goals, we need less solid players that wont stuff up and more potential game breakers out wide.

i know this would be a long shot and a gamble but how do people rate brenton bowen?

given whos left he could be our cheap whippet!


goangod said:
Miracle Balls said:
Why are you so caught up with the glory of being selected in a NSW Residents team? It's only open to Premier League, Jim Beam Cup & Country players for crying out loud. No high achievement in my eyes I'm afraid.

So out of ALL the Premier League, JB cup & NSW Country players in the whole state - Covell gets picked. And this is no achievement? No recognition of talent perhaps?

And Whatuira as an international

Don't go on about him being an NZ international - that's no big achievement.

& Grand Final winner

LOL. He was in the team. He didn't win the GF by himself.

is also a long way from being a "fringe first-grader". If you don't rate the bloke fair enough, but don't cloud the issue and condemn the club with
bogus arguments.

In this 16 appearances this year, Whatuira has scored an amazing 3 tries and made 2 line breaks. Sign him up quick![/quote]

So it's quite amazing that Covell, a mere mortal, can be bestowed the prestigious honour of representing the NSW residents side, but Whatauira (sp?) shouldn't be recognised for representing NZ, the 2nd best nation in the world? :roll:

Give it up you fool!

Whatauira > Covell. SIMPLE!!!!!


You peanuts that bag Covell are kidding. He never let the Tigers down in any of his appearances and scored a hat trick in his second last game. Plenty of guys with far more first grade experience do far less and keep getting selected.

He played lock on Sunday and brained it there running and setting up tries galore (but then he kills it week in week out wherever he gets played). He is going to be a very handy player for the Sharks either as an outside back (which is where they want to use him) or as a back rower. Unlike some of the duds that continue to put their hands out for dough this guy puts in 100% every week and never turns it up. His kicking %age is down this year, but that's mainly due to where they are from. He'd be disappointed still and you can put your house on the fact he'll get it back where it should be.

There's gonna be plenty of revisionist pretending that they always thought he was a gun in the next few years.

simon says

First Grade
He is a dud....I dont bloody care how many games he slays it for the Maggies,anyone would look good in that team atm :lol: .In first grade he is a bumbler with no speed or talent.

And thats the bottom line.

simon says

First Grade
He is a dud....I dont bloody care how many games he slays it for the Maggies,anyone would look good in that team atm :lol: .In first grade he is a bumbler with no speed or talent.

And thats the bottom line.


Ryan Hoffman - is that the guy who struggles to make the Melbourne bench even though his father is best friends with Craig Bellamy. Why would we want him back? He is average nothing more, not unlike Covell. Mark my words Covell wont be playing first grade next year


s. tiger


i disagree about covell. he is no where as bad as you blokes are making out.

in his 20 or so first grade games for us he NEVER let us down, as well as potting goals from every where as well as scoring a few tries.

he might have been a little slower than most wingers, but speed can be gained with some proper training.

i was a covell fan and am said to see him go.

good luck at the sharks cov, you did whats best for you, as the blokes around here didnt have the time for you.

simon says

First Grade
I can remember severeal times he stuffed up and it really cost us.The one that sticks out is the knock on against Canberra...thatbloody cost us.

Covell wasnt a bad player......he just wasnt good.


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