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Craig Frawley signs

Bay56 said:
Schif_Happens said:
Walt Flanigan said:
And if that is actually what you are saying I think I'll just join the long list of people who ignore you, because your full of sh*t.

Walt's been here a day and look, he's already figured some of the kids out. If you listen to half the dribblers around here you believe the sky is gonna fall down, and that Jimmy Spandex and the Sunflower Gang are the number 1 band in the world. Onya Walt! Now, how's that dog of yours?

Yeah good on ya Walt .. join the club of dribblers.

Dont know how old you are schif but I reckon I've seen it all before, more times than you have. If you think Frawley is the end of our problems, you've got problems. Some time you should take of those rose-coloured glasses mate.

But you see Mr 56, age means sh!t all. I have been around for longer than the Raiders have, so I have seen all I need to. You can have your opinions, but I do not have to agree, in fact in the many years I have read your posts, I doubt I have ever agreed...except on Finch and even then I don't think I agreed with running the bugger over in the street. Even last year when the team was doing better, you were saying there was problems. They have won 5 from their last 8 games, and they have problems. You should be a journo because all you ever see is negative. The raiders could win a premiership and you'll still be here complaining more than a girl.


from what i've read, he's not on a particularly large amount of money (at least compared to what we were offering monoghan). don't get me wrong, i'm happy about that, but haven't the nrl introduced a rule whereby we must use $3 million of our cap every year (which i think is a ridiculous rule) to prevent what manly, the eels and other clubs have done and using money from the current year's cap to pay players signed for the next year? if so, we've lost davico, wiki and monoghan, signed frawley on less than monoghan received, signed jason smith (of whose value i am unaware) and several premier league players. by my calculations, we should be nowhere near the cap. how're we going to spend the remaining money? i certainly hope we're not putting it into contracts because we're obligated to. that'll be doing us more harm than good. i'm thinking there's a more appropriate way to use this money. ideas??


First Grade
Schif Happens .. please read

Firstly lets just state that my last post was a direct response to you referring to others, that do not have a similar opinion to yourself, as "kids", “dribbler” who “believe the sky is gonna fall down”. Once more you attempt to drag me into an unsavoury slanging match .. and if you want one I will give it .... it is a pity you had to intervene in some healthy discussion.

Point 1: Where did I state that you have to agree with my opinion … please explain.

Point 2: Where did I ever state that finch should be run over in the street … please explain.

Point 3: Correct, last year I did say that the team had problems …. we played a one-dimensional game of which the coach admitted to at the beginning of this season, and attempted to rectify.

Point 4: You will find in my “negative” posts that I often state that I hope to be proven wrong and will be the first to admit so if I am. Contrary to what you may think, I have no joy in seeing my team falter in some important areas. I would rather my team win every game between now and the end of the year (and that means a premiership my friend) .. dont question my loyalty to the Raiders as if you have some mortgage on it.

Point 5: You seem to have taken exception to my posts based on the point of “negativity”, and so have some others in this forum. If management was to read only your posts they would think everything is hunky dory. Take off those rose-coloured glasses and listen to some of the things I say. If you can honestly look me in the eye and state that this team has, with current management and coaching staff, the same potential as the Roosters, Broncs, Bulldogs, then I am sure you would also attempt to place a positive spin on haemorrhoids. With our current set-up we will always come off second best to these teams. My “negative” posts attempt to QUICKLY rectify this … I for one am sick and tired of being in a “re-building stage”.

Walt Flanigan

Greeneyed, why is ones opinion lessened due to the number posts in here? Just because I spend alot less time in front of a computer than you do does not mean I just started to support the Raiders. I was born the same year as the Raiders and have never supported another team. You sound ridiculous Greeneyed...........fair dinkum.


Schif_Happens obviously has an axe to grind with anyone prepared to call a spade a spade and resorts to clever use of emoticons (NOT) and witty retorts (NOT again). I must say it is very tiresome indeed.

Walt, I am prepared to accept that you might have misinterpreted what I said but go back and read it carefully. If you do you'll see it makes perfect sense to suggest we can't rely on a forward dominated game next year.

And no, I don't have myself on ignore :lol: I saw that one coming though. Like I said, if you really have a problem with my posts, put me on ignore. I don't really care, I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to state my opinion on the club I am passionate about and hope that the more reasonable posters will accept and respect my perspective for what it is. Obviously those who put me on ignore wouldn't be the ones who could cop a different point of view so I don't really care whether they read what I have to say or not. The people who I am interested in hearing from will often respond to my posts so I know they don't have me on ignore, which is all that matters.

Walt Flanigan

Azza, I am prepared to admit that I misunderstood your post at first. I orgiginally took acception at your stab at Matty Elliot who I think gets a rough go in this forum. I think he has done an awesome job with the club, and I just wished people would wait until the at least the end of the season before they passed judgment on his efforts.


Post Whore
just on elliot i will clarify my thoughts toward him
he is a great bloke and has done a good job getting us to this point, however i have doubts over weather he can take us any further... i doubt he can bring us a premiership and many will agree with me
azza said:
Schif_Happens obviously has an axe to grind with anyone prepared to call a spade a spade and resorts to clever use of emoticons (NOT) and witty retorts (NOT again). I must say it is very tiresome indeed.

Rah rah rah rah. Nobody listens to you she-bear.

I wish I was a cack-eyed knob like you. :roll:


Do us all a favour and put me on ignore then, Witts. Your wit is so brilliant I am not worthy of receiving a response from you anymore. PLEASE. Can I use a few roll eye emoticons too? Admittedly I would never be able to do it as well as you...


First Grade
Schif_Happens said:
azza said:
Schif_Happens obviously has an axe to grind with anyone prepared to call a spade a spade and resorts to clever use of emoticons (NOT) and witty retorts (NOT again). I must say it is very tiresome indeed.

Rah rah rah rah. Nobody listens to you she-bear.

I wish I was a cack-eyed knob like you. :roll:

Schif happens ... where I work we have a phrase that we use for an obnoxious ostrich such as yourself.
azza said:
Do us all a favour and put me on ignore then, Witts. Your wit is so brilliant I am not worthy of receiving a response from you anymore. PLEASE. Can I use a few roll eye emoticons too? Admittedly I would never be able to do it as well as you...

oh no, please do not waste your intelligence (or lack thereof) in responding. If only you would stop hiding from under your keyboard, I'd go through you quicker than a dehli vindaloo, emoticons and all. You big man. BIG MAN!

Schif happens ... where I work we have a phrase that we use for an obnoxious ostrich such as yourself.

uh huh....work for the dole isn't considered a job.


First Grade
Schif_Happens said:
Schif happens ... where I work we have a phrase that we use for an obnoxious ostrich such as yourself.

uh huh....work for the dole isn't considered a job.

Stop it, stop it .... ohh boy my side aches ... schif how do you come up with these beauties ... mate you're really Bill Cosby aint ya :lol: :lol:


First Grade
Walt Flanigan said:
Greeneyed, why is ones opinion lessened due to the number posts in here? Just because I spend alot less time in front of a computer than you do does not mean I just started to support the Raiders. I was born the same year as the Raiders and have never supported another team. You sound ridiculous Greeneyed...........fair dinkum.

Someone's opinion about the football is not dependent on the number of posts someone has made.

But it is a bit surprising that someone can make instant judgements about what other people on the forum are like... whether they should be put on an ignore list... like a "long list" of others have done.... etc etc

That is all I am saying..... Give the posters a bit of a chance before you judge them.


First Grade
Let's stop attacking eachother and focus on the Tigers supporters instead.... :lol: :lol: :lol:
azza said:
Personal threats now eh? Shows what a "Big Man" you really are :lol:

What threat? Vindaloo's generally give people the sh!ts, I thought someone of your supposed intelligence would pick that up, alas it wasn't to be.


First Grade
greeneyed said:
I also think Gafa is playing better than Robbo. A full strength backline IMO, no injuries would be Schifcofske, Gafa, Frawley, Mogg, Graham, McLinden, Carney.

Agreed. Robbo has gone back into his shell after scorching out of the blocks this season. He is still solid but he just isn't catching the eye anymore. In Gafa's current form he is a walk-up start, no matter who we buy.

Well done Frawley BTW on choosing an excellent club 8)


First Grade
thickos said:
greeneyed said:
I also think Gafa is playing better than Robbo. A full strength backline IMO, no injuries would be Schifcofske, Gafa, Frawley, Mogg, Graham, McLinden, Carney.

Agreed. Robbo has gone back into his shell after scorching out of the blocks this season. He is still solid but he just isn't catching the eye anymore. In Gafa's current form he is a walk-up start, no matter who we buy.

Well done Frawley BTW on choosing an excellent club 8)

And I had concluded this BEFORE Gafa scores three tries yesterday... 8)