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Cricket on WII

The Engineers Room

First Grade
Dogs Of War said:
What did you get heaps of that on the PS2 and Xbox? Considering that Wii is a lot more powerful than them?

Wii does just fine in the graphics compartment, and I love the fact that Nintendo put gameplay above just offering the same crap with better graphics this time around.

I am not making a statement on the ability of the system but simply the fact that the characters in games on the WII look like they are drawings and not realistic. What people want from sports games is some amount of realism.


The Engineers Room said:
I am not making a statement on the ability of the system but simply the fact that the characters in games on the WII look like they are drawings and not realistic. What people want from sports games is some amount of realism.
if nintendo themselves made a cricket game (as a 1st party title) then yes, they would probably use the Mii system to populate the characters. if EA made the game (or whoever else currently owns the ICC licensing rights) then it would look like every other cricket game that was released for the ps2, perhaps marginally better.

you're making a total generalisation based on the artistic styles of a small number of developers.


Hired the Wii out and loved it...and have been a Nintendo fan for years. But one thing that's always irked me is the lack of games like Cricket, Rugby etc that are available on the other systems.


First Grade
Bumble said:
I wouldn't bother. PS3 fanboy to the max, can't handle the fact that millions of people are buying a "kiddy console with no games" :lol:

Can't handle? I own one, dumbass.

What I can't handle is the pure obnoxiousness of Nintendo fanboys, particularly you, who insist that everything Nintendo does is pure, perfect innovation and brilliance. It's just a FACT that there are no good games on the Wii, certainly none worth spending the money on. I'd more than recommend it to a family who don't really like games, Wii Sports is a hell of a party game. But it's not a gamers console, don't pretend it's anywhere near the PS3 or 360.

Just look at Wii Fit, and tell me Nintendo have made a great games console. It's a novelty, trendy toy.

Dogs Of War

I suppose it comes down to me having been a gamer since 1980 when I first played Space Invaders. I am so over the traditional joystick, and for me playing tabletennis standing up as if I am playing in real life makes the game so much more fun. Yes it may have been good on the 360, but I don't find myself wanting to stand up to play it.

Just to add, I have played PS3 and it's nice, but really it's just the same old thing with nicer graphics. And now with the install base that Nintendo has, I hope some developers really decide to push the console a lot harder. Especially seeing that it is a lot cheaper to develop for compared to the 360 and PS3.

Anyway, it all comes down to personal preference. Being 36 I only have an hour here and there these days to play, so when I do I want something that lots of fun, and is easy to pick up and play. Wii ticks all those boxes for me, and as a bonus, it also means I can get my wife to play, which as I have said previously, is something she wouldn't do with my previous consoles.


Staff member
ParraDude_Jay said:
It's just a FACT that there are no good games on the Wii, certainly none worth spending the money on.
Exhibit A: A screenshot of GameRankings.com, with a search done covering all formats, genres, and sorted by average score of main gaming sites and publications:

Here, you can clearly see that Super Mario Galaxy, a Wii game, is ranked the second best game of all time, second only to The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, another Nintendo product.

Exhibit B: The same search done, but extended from top 10 to top 50:

As you can see from above, the highest ranking PS3 game is Call of Duty 4, which barely scraped into the top 50 at number 46. You will also notice that the highest ranked PS3 game was beaten by not 1, but 2 Wii games, with The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess coming in at number 34. Seems as if those Wii games are certainly worth spending money on, moreso than any PS3 game.


First Grade
Oh goodness, how could I forget the game I already mentioned?

...wait a minute.

What is it with people NOT reading my posts when they decide to try and prove me wrong? Anyway, good old Kotaku has just shown me some evidence of my own.



Bar graph, showing the average review score for (in order) Xbox 360 games, PS3 games and Wii games. But like I said, SUPER MARIO GALAXY IS THAT GOOD THAT IT DOESN'T MATTER THAT IT'S THE ONLY GOOD GAME, IT'S THAT GOOD!!!!1111

Nevermind, for the record I can't even bother to finish Galaxy, very very overrated, a very good game but not one that deserves to be called the second best game of all time. David Jaffe said R&C Future: Tools of Destruction was a better game, and I completely agree. Mario Galaxy would have been a better game if the motion controls worked, but I have lost count of the amount of times I have died or messed up because of how unreliable the controls are.

And for me, that sums up the Wii, there are some titles who make brilliant use of the controls and they are unique experiences that can't be had elsewhere, but for the most part, for most games, motion controls don't work. Good luck to Nintendo, I will always have a soft spot for them since it was the SNES that brought me into gaming to begin with but the Wii is too novelty, it's a toy for the masses not a console for the gamers. In a way, that was the only way they could be a successful business (at least with consoles, Nintendo will always run the handheld industry).


Staff member
ParraDude_Jay said:
but I have lost count of the amount of times I have died or messed up because of how unreliable the controls are.
The controls are fine. You're obviously just sh*t at it


ParraDude_Jay said:
What I can't handle is the pure obnoxiousness of Nintendo fanboys, particularly you, who insist that everything Nintendo does is pure, perfect innovation and brilliance. It's just a FACT that there are no good games on the Wii, certainly none worth spending the money on. I'd more than recommend it to a family who don't really like games, Wii Sports is a hell of a party game. But it's not a gamers console, don't pretend it's anywhere near the PS3 or 360.
lol, you're at the opposite end of the scale. no good games on the wii... what a completely ignorant and false statement. get the sand out of your vag. as dogs of war said, some of us gamers have been playing games an awefully long time, and have grown tired and bored of the same formula presented by the xbox360 and the ps3. that is - take old sh*t, bling it up, resell it. we're sick of beating the same game 10 times in a row with better graphics each time. if you're fine with that - that's your prerogative. what do you define as a gamer anyway? i think you're just lost in your own arguements...

not a gamers console? you think you represent all gamers? if those of us who appreciate what nintendo are doing with the wii are purely obnoxious, then you're purely arrogant. the landscape of what constitutes a gamer is seriously shifting and it looks like you're being left behind... and you're quite bitter about it too.

the most laughable thing is that you blame nintendo for the lack of innovative titles on the wii.


First Grade
perverse said:
lol, you're at the opposite end of the scale. no good games on the wii... what a completely ignorant and false statement. get the sand out of your vag. as dogs of war said, some of us gamers have been playing games an awefully long time, and have grown tired and bored of the same formula presented by the xbox360 and the ps3. that is - take old sh*t, bling it up, resell it. we're sick of beating the same game 10 times in a row with better graphics each time. if you're fine with that - that's your prerogative. what do you define as a gamer anyway? i think you're just lost in your own arguements...

Awfully mature bunch, the Wii fans. Sand in my vag, it's funny because I'm a man and since I disagree with you I must have a vagina with sand causing irritation to it :lol:.

You're making out like Wii is so new, the PS2 had motion controlled games and that was great, they were made for a peripheral and designed for motion control unlike the Wii where every game has to use the motion control regardless of whether or not it's actually suited to it.

I also find it funny you would say you're sick of the same game over and over and then defend Nintendo, who manage to release the same game with a graphical upgrade for every generation of their consoles. What's so different between the original Mario Kart and the most recent one? Between Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario 64? Zelda: Twilight Princess and Zelda: OoT? Do I need to go on?

Then there are games like Mass Effect... I haven't played a game like this before, a third person shooter with squad commands and RPG elements that completely dictate the way the story unfolds, inside an entire galaxy with a backstory that would put most movies to shame. Just like BioShock, and for purely new and innovative experiences, LittleBigPlanet is going to change gaming, in fact it already has and it hasn't been released yet. Even Reggie praised LittleBigPlanet, and since he is from Nintendo that must really mean something :sarcasm:.

Why bother anyway, I'm sure you'll dismiss everything else, pick one sentence out of my entire argument and make another post about it, like the way you completely dismiss the average review scores of Wii games and then proceeed to tell me there are good Wii games without even naming one. You're really making this argument easy for me.

In fact, this is the common trend, everytime I argue about the Wii's lack of games, the Wii fanboy always turns the argument towards innovation and the merits of motion control because they can't name any good Wii games, let alone the "million" Bumble promises. Somehow I don't think it's a coincidence.

perverse said:
not a gamers console? you think you represent all gamers? if those of us who appreciate what nintendo are doing with the wii are purely obnoxious, then you're purely arrogant. the landscape of what constitutes a gamer is seriously shifting and it looks like you're being left behind... and you're quite bitter about it too.

:lol: Bitter? For presenting facts to counter un-truths from Bumble? Seems like I'm in good company, being left behind. Wii games aren't selling at all since most people bought it for Wii Sports and have no interest in gaming beyond tech demos so I must not be missing much.

perverse said:
the most laughable thing is that you blame nintendo for the lack of innovative titles on the wii.

At no point did I say anything like this. Tell me next time before you start making up stuff so I can join in, and not be left behind like I clearly am with games.



ParraDude_Jay said:
Then there are games like Mass Effect... I haven't played a game like this before, a third person shooter with squad commands and RPG elements that completely dictate the way the story unfolds, inside an entire galaxy with a backstory that would put most movies to shame.

I was going to mention Mass Effect.

It has so many faults yet totally blows me away regularly.

On my second play through I made a ruthless evil chick. Some of the facial animation has to be seen to be believed. The scene on Noveria when I told Anoleus about the internal affairs investigation blew me away. The look on Shepherd's face was perfect for the character I made.


The Engineers Room said:
I am not making a statement on the ability of the system but simply the fact that the characters in games on the WII look like they are drawings and not realistic. What people want from sports games is some amount of realism.
People want realism but people have very little experienced interactiveness at this level on a Wii.

A large amount of people would be willing to trade realism for interactiveness, which in a way is more realism than any graphics are.


Why the f**k do people love Mario so much?

And those screenshots that you posted Fred don't prove much- shows a very small amount of high rating games for WII. I aint buyin' a console for 2 games in a top 50 when they are ones that won't interest me

And that website is so flawed its not funny- the fact that many of the reviews for those Wii games are done by magazines or websites sponsored by Nintendo...

What are they gonna do, give tham a 2/10?


Staff member
To answer the original question, it IS possible to play Cricket 07 on PC using the Wii remote, apparently it takes some tweaking and configuring but it is possible.


Could you care to explain these possibilities?

Or link me to a site that could tell me? I had a quick look and couldn't find anything.
I just noticed at a GAME shop yesterday that there's a game coming out soon which has a compilation of beach games.

One of the games mentioned is Beach Cricket!!


First Grade
[furrycat];4051077 said:
Why the f**k do people love Mario so much?

And those screenshots that you posted Fred don't prove much- shows a very small amount of high rating games for WII. I aint buyin' a console for 2 games in a top 50 when they are ones that won't interest me

And that website is so flawed its not funny- the fact that many of the reviews for those Wii games are done by magazines or websites sponsored by Nintendo...

What are they gonna do, give tham a 2/10?

ParraJay made the same point before and I'll point out the same glaringly obvious fact to you that I did to him

The Xbox games will also be slanted by Microsoft magazines and the PS2/3 ones by Sony magazines. It's not difficult to work that out. :roll:


ParraJay made the same point before and I'll point out the same glaringly obvious fact to you that I did to him

The Xbox games will also be slanted by Microsoft magazines and the PS2/3 ones by Sony magazines. It's not difficult to work that out. :roll:

Touchy are we?

So tell me- how do the PC games still get good ratings and in the top 10?

FFS Zelda has reviews by a NINTENDO CHRISTIAN GAMING website :lol: I don't see any Xbox360 christian websites.

Only reviews I take are going to be ones by non-partisan gaming websites... Gamestats is flawed and I hate that argument that it is the best game of all time.

But please- Orange Box rates 5th. Who sponsors the PC platform then for it to be slanted?

But, it must be so glaringly obvious that I just can't understand it, right?

Clown. :lol:


[furrycat];4154865 said:
Touchy are we?

So tell me- how do the PC games still get good ratings and in the top 10?

FFS Zelda has reviews by a NINTENDO CHRISTIAN GAMING website :lol: I don't see any Xbox360 christian websites.

Only reviews I take are going to be ones by non-partisan gaming websites... Gamestats is flawed and I hate that argument that it is the best game of all time.

But please- Orange Box rates 5th. Who sponsors the PC platform then for it to be slanted?

But, it must be so glaringly obvious that I just can't understand it, right?

Clown. :lol:
pc's have pc gaming magazines that wank over their killer apps too... just like every other platform.

what relevance does a christian nintendo website having a review there hold? even the non-partison gaming websites that you seem to believe are the people worth listening to have individual units of people that review for a certain platform. it's the nature of the game critic industry.

i'm not looking to get on either side of the argument anymore.. i eventually got over it.. but your post is a joke. it's garbage. the fact is sites like metacritic etc that take scores from reviews all around the world are the most accurate way we have of ranking games. it's statistics 101 really... the bigger the sample the better.

now stop bumping this thread you bastards. everytime i see it hit the top of the list i think there's a new development regarding a cricket game on the wii :fist:


First Grade
[furrycat];4154865 said:
Touchy are we?

So tell me- how do the PC games still get good ratings and in the top 10?

Er...PC magazines, perhaps?

[furrycat];4154865 said:
FFS Zelda has reviews by a NINTENDO CHRISTIAN GAMING website :lol: I don't see any Xbox360 christian websites.

And the fact that their Christian has roughly two tenths of f**k all to do with anything...There are numerous Xbox publications, infact I'm a regular reader of Xbox Buddhist community

[furrycat];4154865 said:
Only reviews I take are going to be ones by non-partisan gaming websites... Gamestats is flawed and I hate that argument that it is the best game of all time.

Well good luck to you, but as perverse said, it's basic statistics to spread the pool as wide as possible and if you can't grasp that you're a moron

[furrycat];4154865 said:
But please- Orange Box rates 5th. Who sponsors the PC platform then for it to be slanted?

I thought we already covered this...

[furrycat];4154865 said:
But, it must be so glaringly obvious that I just can't understand it, right?

Clown. :lol:

To everybody but you and Parradude_Jay it seems

And f**k, I'm a clown. There was a the Pièce de résistance on your tower of idiocy.

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