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Daily Telegraph acting childish

skeepe said:
After the Swans-Cityrail false report that she printed, she was criticised I believe by Rabs for writing it, and she had a whinge saying that it was a disgruntled Bulldogs fan who had steered her in the wrong direction, .

Brillant source a footy fan!

LOL and to funny, great to see that any mug on the street is regarded by her as a credible source hey!


First Grade

May 6, 2005

I am writing to clarify a few points regarding the Bulldogs’ stance against Rebecca Wilson, The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Telegraph.

Firstly, let me say that this decision to take this stance is not one that we wanted to do, but felt we were forced to do as it was the only option left to us. Contrary to what has been reported in the Telegraph we have not banned these newspapers from speaking with the Club, we have limited their access to Bulldogs players and officials. As is required under NRL guidelines both newspapers will have access to all press conferences held by the Bulldogs and will have access to our players after matches in the dressing rooms. Both newspapers will have access to photographing our players during matches and will receive press releases regarding team information. This message was conveyed to the Telegraph two days ago, but was conveniently forgotten about in articles today by Rebecca Wilson, Paul Kent and Dean Ritchie.

Contrary to what Rebecca Wilson has stated yesterday, we do not have a problem with her expressing her opinion, nor do we feel there is a conspiracy against us at News Limited. Our stand is based on the numerous errors and unsubstantiated stories that she has written about the Bulldogs over the past 12 months. This again occurred in her page last Saturday and it was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

The thought of banning Rebecca from any contact with the club was never an option as she never calls the Bulldogs to check any facts, never attends Bulldogs games, never attends Bulldogs press conferences and never requests any interviews or information from the Bulldogs. How do you ban someone who has no contact with the Club? This is the very reason why we felt we were left no other choice but to limit our contact with Telegraph journalists to what is required in NRL media guidelines.

Rebecca’s comment that the Bulldogs should be repairing bridges rather than destroying them is again an incorrect one. If you asked any journalist from any media organization, including the Telegraph, they would tell you that the Club has made a concerted effort to improve our relationship with the media. We recognized that the Club was not as open and receptive to the press as it could have been and have thus introduced steps to change this. Our players, coaches and administrators have all increased their time spent dealing with the media. In fact, in an effort to have open dialogue with Rebecca we invited her to a sit down function we held last month titled Women In A League Of Their Own. She accepted the invitation, then did not turn up.

In addition, the Club has introduced new initiatives including a Club Charter in an effort to be more transparent to the rugby league community, our key stakeholders and the general public.

Rebecca also makes mention of the Club not calling her to discuss any issues from her page. That is at the very heart of this decision. Why are we constantly trying to contact her after she has written a story with factual errors. Shouldn’t she be contacting the Bulldogs anytime she receives unsubstantiated information about the club or its players? Isn’t it the very cornerstone of good journalism that you check your facts?

I agree with the statement by the editor of the Daily Telegraph in yesterday’s paper that our decision is disappointing. It is disappointing that we felt we had no other avenue to turn in addressing this problem. We have tried dealing directly with Rebecca on this issue but she first chose to ignore our correspondence. After only copying in Telegraph editors who oversee her work, did she respond via email by having a personal attack on me.

This is a key secondary issue to this whole problem, Rebecca has a personal issue with me and with the Bulldogs Club. The issue with me extends back to the Sydney Olympics when she used to work for me at News Limited. She was suspended by News Limited for the period of the Games at the request of Lachlan Murdoch for several indiscretions. She felt I should have stood up for her.

With regard to the Bulldogs, Rebecca openly admitted her bias against the Club in her page on Saturday – “I will never, ever attend a Bulldogs home game again because of the Coffs Harbour scandal.” Hasn’t she moved on from the Coffs Harbour incident. Ask yourself, do you think she will ever report any positive news about the Bulldogs?

I also agree with Phil Rothfield’s comments in yesterday’s article that columnists should be encouraged to express their opinion without fear or favour. It is reporting of incorrect information and unsubstantiated rumours that I do not agree with. Again, isn’t the checking of information to see if it is true or not at the core of being a good and credible journalist?

A summary of the errors that Rebecca Wilson has made just in the last three months follows:

1. Sunday Telegraph story on a dispute between Malcolm Noad and Brad Clyde about comments to the media – false, never happened, Wilson never called to check.

2. Sunday Telegraph story on senior Bulldogs players going to coach Steve Folkes with their recommendations regarding player signings – false, never happened, Wilson never called to check.

3. Daily Telegraph story about Malcolm claiming he budgeted for sponsorship money which dried up after Coffs Harbour scandal broke – false, Noad was not at the Bulldogs at that time, Wilson never called to check.

4. Sunday Telegraph story about David Gallop witnessing Bulldogs and Roosters players wrestling out the front of the Clovelly Hotel – false, Gallop has denied this. Rebecca Wilson apologised to David Gallop, not to the Bulldogs.

5. Daily Telegraph story about Gallop text message. Refers to the Bulldogs saying Gallop was wrong in fining them over the salary cap. Bulldogs have always said we will review the breach notice and possibly appeal it. No personal comment was ever made by the Bulldogs against Gallop.

6. Daily Telegraph story claiming that five police officers being investigated by the Police Integrity Commission are victims of the Bulldogs and the Coffs Harbour scandal. This investigation regarding the possibility that police revealed information from phone taps is being conducted in private and no judgment has occurred. How does Rebecca Wilson know if they are guilty or innocent?

After including the newspapers’ editors in correspondence to Rebecca Wilson asking for her to correct her errors, nothing was done by the newspapers. What recourse is open to the Bulldogs when incorrect information is printed in the Daily and Sunday Telegraphs?


Malcolm Noad
Mitsubishi Electric Bulldogs



:clap: :clap: :clap:

Well done Malcolm. No doubt we'll see an acidic response to this in tomorrow's paper.
Explains a lot, and hopefully she'll learn a harsh lesson.

I predict that she will be sacked and I'll be laughing my arse off.


Did anyone see the picture of RW in todays telegragh making her out to be the good guy with her big smile ,oops sorry thats sexist and im a bulldogs supporter , good girl. dont want to be in the papers tomorrow :lol: :lol: :lol:

and paul kent with his opinion saying the bulldogs are childish, it about time someone stood up to these money hungry thugs. i got some good advice one day it was keep your opinion to yourself.


Did Kent really say that?

I always thought he possessed vastly greater amounts of intelligence than Wilson. Oh well...


First Grade
This pointless situation is exactly that - pointless. As Noad points out, it clearly stems from a personal issue between himself and Wilson which she simply seems unable to let go of. Her lack of professionalism as a journalist, and of the Telegraph newspapers in general, is astounding.

It's hurting the game of league. It's almost as if they're trying to generate scandals around the game when there are none other to print tabloids on. This time last year we had the Origin leadup and the dust from Coffs Harbour was still settling. This year things are going wonderfully in comparison, but Wilson had to drag the Bulldogs club through the mud again - based purely on her personal thoughts.

As Noad continues to state, what else is he to do? It is disappointing. The only disagreement I have with his actions is his decision to post that letter on the front page of the club's website. I think that is a mistake. The Bulldogs need to distance themselves from this, leaving the Telegraph newspapers to rant and rave about their restrictions - which will continue to make them look foolish.


Well the Tele declined to print letters to the editor on the subject today.

What is the matter Tele? Are they all pro-Bulldogs??

Tap Twist Snap

I'm no fan of the Bulldogs and i don't like Malcom Noad but one thing is obvious, he is a lot smarter than Wilson. If she doesn't get her act together about using facts in her articles very soon i doubt she will have any to write any more. I think he is handing her just enough rope for her to hang herself and knowing how stupid she is from reading her crap she will probably do it.


Azkatro, I think the Bulldogs needed to put something out there and a letter on the website is the easiest and most low-key option available.

Mighty Tiger

Good on the Bulldogs for making the stance they have made :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Wilson has been getting away with writing crap for years and it’s about time an organisation stands firm and takes the action required.

She shouldn't have a column and she can't possibly be called a journalist especially when she doesn't in-fact approach sources to attain as much information as possible.

To me as it says on the article above which is located on the Bulldogs website, she isn't over what happened back in 2000 and it appears she never will be!

BTW I'm not a Bulldog fan either!

Again well done to the Bulldogs for making this stance :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

fish eel

The tele graph runs a double page spread on this rubbish whilst Dean Widders got how many pars for his work?


Wilson should be fired, simple as that. She reports things as fact, NOT as opinion, and never checks on those "facts." She is negligent in her job, and should not be doing it any longer.

She has shown clear, unabashed bias against League and is on the AFL payroll (hosting "AFL Love Match" on Fox).

I suggest everyone drop some feedback to the Tele at http://dailytelegraph.news.com.au/index.jsp that they will no longer buy the newspaper (whether you ever did or not) while Rebecca Wilson is working for them.


gaterooze said:
Wilson should be fired, simple as that. She reports things as fact, NOT as opinion, and never checks on those "facts." She is negligent in her job, and should not be doing it any longer.

She has shown clear, unabashed bias against League and is on the AFL payroll (hosting "AFL Love Match" on Fox).

I suggest everyone drop some feedback to the Tele at http://dailytelegraph.news.com.au/index.jsp that they will no longer buy the newspaper (whether you ever did or not) while Rebecca Wilson is working for them.

Something like this?

As long as Rebecca Wilson is part of your establishment I will not purchase your paper. I will withdraw all support for the Telegraph. I will not stand for a newspaper that employs a journalist that cannot prove facts stated by herself and does not do the appropriate research to backup her articles.


gaterooze said:
Wilson should be fired, simple as that. She reports things as fact, NOT as opinion, and never checks on those "facts." She is negligent in her job, and should not be doing it any longer.

She has shown clear, unabashed bias against League and is on the AFL payroll (hosting "AFL Love Match" on Fox).

I suggest everyone drop some feedback to the Tele at http://dailytelegraph.news.com.au/index.jsp that they will no longer buy the newspaper (whether you ever did or not) while Rebecca Wilson is working for them.

I wonder how many accused AFL stars she has had on love match?

lemon rabbit

What's interesting is that Noad several times in the paper says he doesn't want to speak to her, indicating he was not "on the record". The Telegraph printing what I would imagine Noad believed to be a personal conversation is awful.

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