Green Machine said:
The subject of this topic is the administration of the NRL not how popular the AFL is in Sydney and South East Queensland. I for one, think David Gallop has done a very good job as CEO of the NRL. As for the people who set policy at the NRL (News Ltd and the ARL), I think their performance is pitiful.
I find it difficult to criticise them because the game is booming, but there are obvious areas for improvement.
Green Machine said:
Ill put a paragraph in for you.
It's an improvement, but you have a long way to go.
Green Machine said:
A case in point would be the recent announcement to support Rugby League in Victoria. All the parties had done an outstanding job in abstracting a brand new stadium and Government funding out of the Victorian Government. News Ltd threw in some cash. One single State of Origin is moved to Melbourne as part of the sweetener to give Rugby League its best shot in Victoria. What happens? All hell breaks loose and everyone from the ARL and NRL are questioned as to why they did this from a radio shock jock who supposed to be a media partner. The amount of money we are spending in Victoria would be spash in the ocean compared to what the AFL are spending in NSW and QLD.
You don't think that's the point?
The AFL have pumped tens of millions into Sydney, for what return?
15,000 spectators per week and poor ratings.
Should we go down the same track in a city that is more hostile to League than Sydney has ever been to AFL?
I applaud that we're giving it a shot, but I'm not confident.
Green Machine said:
On the subject of media coverage of the AFL. I do not here a single complaint from anyone in the media, criticising the money the AFL is spending in Sydney and SEQ.
I think the expectations for Sydney were fairly low to being with. The hops may have been high, but not the expectations.
That they've since dived again doesn't seem to phase anyone probably because the money has already been coughed up.
The problem for the AFL is the next round of TV contract action. If it's 7 and 10 only, AFL will take a bath.
Green Machine said:
I have not heard one TV executive come out say, running fifth in the ratings is bleeding us dry in advertising revenue. At 8.00pm tonight, the Swans will be on again. Next week the ratings will come out and the Eels V Broncos match will decimate their coverage. But, will there be any complaints in the media about poor viewing numbers? The AFL are going to keep coming. As for Saturday night Swans matches running fifth behind The Iron Chef, it might be funny, but look at the down side. The AFL through their awarding of TV contracts have got Channel 10 to offset their losss in Sydney against their Southern States viewing audience. The tragedy is 100,000 viewing audience in fifth means 100,000 Sydneysiders are being given the opportunity to watch AFL. What is Foxsports-1 viewing audience for NRL on a Saturday Night?
That's the point, the AFL have been coming and coming hard for 25 years for not much. They'll keep coming but Sydney has been saturated with the stuff for decades and it isn't working. If anything it's started a negative reaction.
I've heard figures larger than 100k for Super Saturday games, but I don't have them for Foxtel.
100,000 people is nothing. Fact is that 100k probably wouldn't even cover Victorian expats for the past 10 years.
Green Machine said:
What about radio? What does Rugby League provide on a Saturday afternoon and on a Saturday night at 7.30pm? The NRL give out exclusive rights to a station that wont broadcast games. At 1.00pm on Saturday Im looking for some Rugby League talk or debate. Does the Rugby League put on a Premier League match with coverage for me? 2BL now cover AFL on Saturday afternoon. Johnny Gibbs calls Super 12's on Saturday night.
2BL's AFL and Johnny Gibbs' Union audiences could fit comfortably in my shed.
When the radio rights are opened up again, they'll call League.
Green Machine said:
As for expansion, the AFL are at their potential as far as expansion goes. They dont need to expand much more. They have total market supremacy with two teams in Adelaide and Perth. They have a team in both the Sydney and Brisbane markets. Tasmania and the Northern Territory will never have the population base to support a national league team of any code, but the AFL still stages games in these markets to satisfy their fans. What does the NRL do for fans in Perth and Adelaide? The WARL had to go out and recruit Cronulla to play a home in Perth so they could see Rugby League again. The AFLs long term goal is to move two teams out of Melbourne. There are only two growth markets in Australia that have the potential to support for a national league side of any code. The jury is still out on Western Sydney but South East Queensland will be their next stop for sure. I hope the revamping of the Gold Coast NRL will claim back lost territory and dilute the interest in AFL. The points I raise are not to say the AFL will win over Western Sydney or take over NSW or Qld, but to say they are a very aggressive competitor. They are highly organised and a lot more professional than us,
Well, I agree with most of that but I don't believe they're as aggressive as you seem to think or they would have made the move to the Gold Coast before now. They have to move soon or they'll be presiding over the death of a couple of Melbourne Clubs.
And they should be absolutely petrified of Western Sydney. The money they've sunk into the Swans fjust to get a foot in the door will seem like a pittance compared to what they'll have to outlay to get even slight interest from Western Sydney.
The funny thing is I have a feeling that Western Sydney and the Gold Coast may both get AFL teams at the same time. My bet is the Western Bulldogs to Western Sydney and one of the other ailing teams to the Gold Coast.