Stalked his page a bit. The guys not all there.
Claims the TAB or whoever sits down about 9 hours before the game and works out the scores.
He apparently knows this because he's hacked them lol
Keeps getting better :lol:
If he connects the NWO to the TAB please post it
Yes he is into conspiracy theories. He predicted the Christchurch Earthquake, Japan Tsunami four days before it happened and got landfall off by 1 hour, and almost exact time of landfall for Hurricane Irene.
He has friends from all around the world now, he was on 600 friends in March, and ever since it's came out that he predicted the Japan Tsunami his page has gone crazy.
So he reckons all of these tsunami's and stuff were conspiracies of sort?
Can you beg him to do it this week for both games, just to prove it right, would love to see it. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE lol
Yep, HAARP testing, all to do with the New World Order and the Illuminati. Just google 'Japan Tsunami/Earthquake HAARP Testing' or something like that or search on his Facebook wall. It's open to everybody.
Just read page two, dude believes in the illuminati :lol: Bless these nutters
Yeah, it's pretty obvious. As he said - HAARP testing, all to do with the New World Order and the Illuminati.
Sounds legit
Wake up.
Nuff said.
He really claims to have predicted the Japanese and Kiwi quakes? Just how does he propose anyone can control the movements of the earth with such precision?
The sad thing is when these same idiots turn around and rant about vaccines causing autism, sucking parents in who put their own kids and others' lives in danger unneccessarily, based on one study which was proven to be fraudulent.