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Do Australians know how to drive on a 3 lane motorway

Dave Q

You my friend are lucky but so are alot of people. If a cop has his radar out and there are cars doing 4 or 5 kmph over the limit every now and then, he could pull them over, but he could be doing better things and actually looking for the idiots doing 15-40 km over the limit. So he books someone, gets back to the station and the Sargent will say to him "wow....you stopped some real criminals today...."


Dave Q

Honestly don't see an issue with staying in the middle if you're regularily passing slower cars in the left whilst doing the speed limit. As someone else mentioned surely it doesn't make much sense to jam everyone in the left lane with all the mergers.

And to the person who said whoever Undertakes should have their license stripped - bit of an overreaction don't you think? What if the driver in the middle lane starts to slow are you supposed to slow down with them simply because they're to your right?

There are alot of contradictions in driving IMO, just comes down to basic common sense.

Slighhtly OT I was driving to Bryon from Brisbane last year on green p's overtaking on a two lane highway in the right lane, 110km/h road doing 115kms when some guy kna convertable BMW got right up my clacked and started flashing his high beams at me. First time I ever drove into NSW so didn't know the green-p limit was 100 so I thought that must have been what he was on about but that wouldn't apply to me anyway and it was none of that guys business seeing as he was speeding like a tool himself, just a tool or was I actually doing something wrong?

You were speeding, but he probably didnt care and wanted to overtake you.

If you are a Queenslander in NSW, you still have to go the NSW speed limit. You cant carry your own road rules around with you. Otherwise half of NSW would have Northern Territory licences!

All of us know how to drive up to 50kph, after that, anything goes.
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First Grade
Undertaking is dangerous as motorists aren't trained to have to deal with it. Even though we should be looking in our mirrors its fairly natural to assume that anyone in the left lane is not approaching at a higher speed.


Staff member
You were speeding, but he probably didnt care and wanted to overtake you.

If you are a Queenslander in NSW, you still have to go the NSW speed limit. You cant carry your own road rules around with you. Otherwise half of NSW would have Northern Territory licences!

All of us know how to drive up to 50kph, after that, anything goes.

Slightly yes, but the guy behind me took off doing about 140k so i doubt that's why. I was overtaking though it's not like i was sitting in the right lane for no reason and once i got past the car i got into the left lane simple as.

TBF I'd never driven in NSW and didn't know about the (stupid) p-plate speed limits and technically even if i did get caught it wouldn't mean much because I've known people who it's happened to before and they didn't have to pay or cop the demerits because they have a QLD license.
I am quite often overtaking from the left but not on purpose, as i am staying in the left lane. I am a daily user of the M4, where possible ill do 90 in the 90 zone, 100 in the 100 zone, and 110 in the 110 zone. I am constantly in the left hand lane. If i come across a slower vehicle in the left lane, i will wait for an appropritate time to move into the middle lane, overtake and then move back to the left hand lane asap. By doing the speed limit in the left hand lane, i find that i am constantly overtaking cars who are in the middle lane. I do this constant zig zag, every single morning. I never use the right hand lane as i never do over the speed limit.


I am quite often overtaking from the left but not on purpose, as i am staying in the left lane. I am a daily user of the M4, where possible ill do 90 in the 90 zone, 100 in the 100 zone, and 110 in the 110 zone. I am constantly in the left hand lane. If i come across a slower vehicle in the left lane, i will wait for an appropritate time to move into the middle lane, overtake and then move back to the left hand lane asap. By doing the speed limit in the left hand lane, i find that i am constantly overtaking cars who are in the middle lane. I do this constant zig zag, every single morning. I never use the right hand lane as i never do over the speed limit.

That's the truth - people in the middle lane should be in the left lane so that you can overtake them - in Australia it is better just to sit in the left lane at the speed limit because everyone likes to sit in the middle below the speed limit.

Driving yesterday where South Dowling Street joins Souther Cross Expressway near Kensington - you merge from South Dowling onto a 3 lane stretch of motorway. The people coming from South Dowling St get their own lane, with the 2 right nad lanes full of traffic from the Eastern Distributed.

Every car that came from South Dowling Street moved to the middle lane as soon as the motorway section started - leaving the left hand lane free for me to cruise up the left hand lane at 80km/h as no cars were using it. Of course if there was a slow car in the left hand lane, I would not be able to overtake it due to the slow cars clogging up the middle lane.

Please note: There is no traffic merging for at least 5 km.


First Grade
The right lane is the overtaking lane....there are 3 lanes and they should all be used appropriately...

Dave Q

Slightly yes, but the guy behind me took off doing about 140k so i doubt that's why. I was overtaking though it's not like i was sitting in the right lane for no reason and once i got past the car i got into the left lane simple as.

TBF I'd never driven in NSW and didn't know about the (stupid) p-plate speed limits and technically even if i did get caught it wouldn't mean much because I've known people who it's happened to before and they didn't have to pay or cop the demerits because they have a QLD license.

Yeah, but these mates are probably bullsh*tting to you because I understand that the states have agreements to transfer points and demerits.

The way to check that would be to ring the Qld equivalent of our RTA ( dont admit anything, just make it a query).

But a tool, regardless. Welcome to NSW, state of chaos!

Dave Q

I am quite often overtaking from the left but not on purpose, as i am staying in the left lane. I am a daily user of the M4, where possible ill do 90 in the 90 zone, 100 in the 100 zone, and 110 in the 110 zone. I am constantly in the left hand lane. If i come across a slower vehicle in the left lane, i will wait for an appropritate time to move into the middle lane, overtake and then move back to the left hand lane asap. By doing the speed limit in the left hand lane, i find that i am constantly overtaking cars who are in the middle lane. I do this constant zig zag, every single morning. I never use the right hand lane as i never do over the speed limit.

I was on the M4 this morning, it was a long car-parking lot.

I generally will do the speed limit in the middle lane, trucks and slowies on the left and speedsters on the right.

But sometimes the guy on the left is speeding up in a hurry. You have always have to look over that shoulder, take a bit of time before chaging lanes.

The classic accident scenario is Mr Left and Ms Right both changing lanes to get into the middle lane at exactly the same time.

A couple of seconds to check, could save your life.

And so far as Bazza is concerned, mate the best thing you can do is leave a bit of distance between you and the guy in front. That has saved me countless times. Numnuts will exploit the gap, but statistically, they will be answering the dangerous driving and manslaughter charges down the line. Karma, the road is full of it.

When people tailgate me, yeah, sometimes I slow down deliberately to piss them off. Thats probably bad driving, but not as bad as tailgating.

And not too long ago, I was almost in a road rage incident when a brand new BMW pulled out in front of me and I had to brake and swerve pretty suddenly. And the guy on my left had to do the same, we only managed to stop a collision because we were focused and just under the speed limit. So as I drove past dickhead, I abused him with some lound and unkind words, suggesting he learn to be a bit patient. This is beacuse hes half in his lane and half in mine, so he followed me, I was mentally gearing up for some biff ( not started by me) then he pissed off down some side street and I couldnt be bothered. Learning not to go on with it, should be in NSW RTA test. Someone was going to get hurt, me and/or him.

So many drivers are selfish, the stupidity and arrogance on Sydney roads, well, its breathtaking.
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First Grade
also on this section of motorway, about 200m in is a large sign that says:

"Keep left unless overtaking"

In other words, don't drive in the right lane unless you're overtaking. That's what the right lane is for...


I was on the M4 this morning, it was a long car-parking lot.

I generally will do the speed limit in the middle lane, trucks and slowies on the left and speedsters on the right.

But sometimes the guy on the left is speeding up in a hurry. You have always have to look over that shoulder, take a bit of time before chaging lanes.

The classic accident scenario is Mr Left and Ms Right both changing lanes to get into the middle lane at exactly the same time.

A couple of seconds to check, could save your life.

And so far as Bazza is concerned, mate the best thing you can do is leave a bit of distance between you and the guy in front. That has saved me countless times. Numnuts will exploit the gap, but statistically, they will be answering the dangerous driving and manslaughter charges down the line. Karma, the road is full of it.

When people tailgate me, yeah, sometimes I slow down deliberately to piss them off. Thats probably bad driving, but not as bad as tailgating.

And not too long ago, I was almost in a road rage incident when a brand new BMW pulled out in front of me and I had to brake and swerve pretty suddenly. And the guy on my left had to do the same, we only managed to stop a collision because we were focused and just under the speed limit. So as I drove past dickhead, I abused him with some lound and unkind words, suggesting he learn to be a bit patient. This is beacuse hes half in his lane and half in mine, so he followed me, I was mentally gearing up for some biff ( not started by me) then he pissed off down some side street and I couldnt be bothered. Learning not to go on with it, should be in NSW RTA test. Someone was going to get hurt, me and/or him.

So many drivers are selfish, the stupidity and arrogance on Sydney roads, well, its breathtaking.

in the ACT i have 'justin' with me (my baseball bat - just-in case)
have had road ragers follow me, but as soon as you stop get out of the car with a bat, they take off pretty quickly!
but probably wouldn't try it in Syd or Melb, i'd end up being on the end of one of 'muhammads' bullets!


Would you call the middle lane the right lane?

"Keep left unless overtaking" means stay in the left lane unless you are overtaking.

If the cars in the left are too slow - go to the middle
If the cars in the middle are too slow - go to the right
If you are in the right and no one is in the middle - go to the middle
If you are in the middle and no one is in the left - go to the left


First Grade
"Keep left unless overtaking" means stay in the left lane unless you are overtaking.

If the cars in the left are too slow - go to the middle
If the cars in the middle are too slow - go to the right
If you are in the right and no one is in the middle - go to the middle
If you are in the middle and no one is in the left - go to the left

Yes, but if there are a number of entries onto the road on the left you're probably better off in the middle to make it easier for those entering.


Yes, but if there are a number of entries onto the road on the left you're probably better off in the middle to make it easier for those entering.

except in the 5km stretch I drove on the other day that had no merges
And the time I drove up the coast at midnight with very little traffic and people had to drive in the right hand lane
and when I drove back down the coast and there was little traffic and very few merges and people stuck in the middle lane

They have plenty of signs on the motorway notifying drivers of upcoming merging traffic

Dave Q

in the ACT i have 'justin' with me (my baseball bat - just-in case)
have had road ragers follow me, but as soon as you stop get out of the car with a bat, they take off pretty quickly!
but probably wouldn't try it in Syd or Melb, i'd end up being on the end of one of 'muhammads' bullets!

Yes I can fully understand your friendship with Justin and I am pleased to hear of your equalizing.

Like most bullies, the road ragers are often cowards when faced with a genuine threat.

Of course, its always better ( and often safer) to contact the cops and provide them with a full report.

And I might say that in my experience, living in Western Sydney where their are muslims everywhere, that dickheadedness knows no religion!


A few recent trips up and down the coast have confirmed that most people have no idea on the motorway and stick to the middle and right hand lanes.

There is a 40km stretch of 3 lane motorway between Sydney and Gosford with about 3 merges - leaving the pitiful 'stay in the middle incase someone is merging' excuse out.

1 Eyed TEZZA

A few recent trips up and down the coast have confirmed that most people have no idea on the motorway and stick to the middle and right hand lanes.

There is a 40km stretch of 3 lane motorway between Sydney and Gosford with about 3 merges - leaving the pitiful 'stay in the middle incase someone is merging' excuse out.

And your still wrong.