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Dog T - Exposed at last!


methinks someone owes me an apology,or else i owe them for thecompliment



Congrats MM. I would have never considered you a suspect. You sure did liven up the place and I was pulling my hair out at one stage trying to guess who it was and im not at all gullible.

One question though, why Phil Smythe?


Assistant Moderator
The clincher... yeah... well...
I made that up
I was clutching at straws.
The actual clincher for me came afterwards when you said:
Most people thought that I'd disappeared and didn't post anymore. I'd even said as much.

Prior to that, I thought that this guy DogT is someone I know on the forum(s) and someone who I have spoken to before.
Your emails to me were trying to be anonymous but it was too familiar. Don't ask me why.
I just thought that I should keep asking and sooner or later it would be revealed by you or someone else. I always thought it was ultimately up to you.
What really threw me off was your server IP. It said Ozemail in Sydney. I can only assume that Ozemail in Brissie is routed through Sydney. This sent me on a wild goose chase. I thought it was all those Parra supporters. Sorry to them but it kept me guessing.

The truth is I kept cancelling people out. By answering my emails you were actually helping me in cancelling out suspects. For example, in one you told me (without knowing) that you were not Bebeto.
In the end I was running out of suspects and when I saw your last quote just before you revealed yourself I knew it was you. But I still needed a few seconds to be sure. I had you on one of my lists once.

One thing I should correct you on. In one email you said I was bluffing about dropping this. I wasn't. I think you knew that. Obviously, the time had come for you to release your identity.

To answer your other question. 'Dog T - Exposed at last!' as a subject line was made up by me and the contents of the post was penned by Bronco. The name 'GrandMaster was made up by both of us after about 5 seconds of thought.
Legend was never a suspect but we thought it was good to raise the ante and push the mystery in the hope that you'd slip up.

It's no anti climax.... It's a mystery solved.

One more question. Why the name Dog T?



Assistant Moderator
No Moffo. This is it mate. Sorry, but Dog T has left the building....

OK, until i see the proof, im sticking with Meltiger :)
How can one be so sure?? Unless you tracked his IP address or hacked into the ozemail server, for all we know it could just be someone put us off the track. Thats what i meant to say yesterday, how can u be sure that the person who admits to it is actually them?????
Damn conspiracy theories, but a fun one at that!
The Fan.


Assistant Moderator
MFC. What proof do you need? MM has made posts in ths thread and so has Dog T. Look at the style of writing and the frequency of delivery. They are the same person.
Look at the clues.... On second thought don't look at the clues... they're sure to throw you off ;) I speak from personal experience. In my defence... I always knew it wasn't you.:)
Anyway, get use to it.
The Doug is revealed...
Still want to know, why Dog T?

I hope I didn't screw up your boards too much. It started off as just a little thing and spiralled out of control. People seemed to get a kick out of it so I decided to keep it going.

As for the The General Philip Smyth. You have to realise that Dog-T is a wannabe. Dog-T is delusional. Dog-T is a dickhead. The sport of choice for most homies is basketball and when you think of basketball you think of Michael Jordan - 6'6", black, incredibly athletic, freakishly talented. I imagined Dog-T honestly believing that the Australian NBL was the be-all and end-all of basketball. I decided to choose the player who was the complete opposite of Jordan and that was Phil Smythe - 5'10", white, not a trace of athleticism and completely lacking in flair (the hair-style added to the image as well). It was meant to be ridiculous and, hopefully, funny.


Out of curiosity, how did that rule out Bebeto?

As for the bluffing, I was referring to you knowing my identity. I kept reading on this thread how everyone knew who I was, but it was obvious to me that nobody knew. I thought you were trying to get me to reveal myself by making me think that you knew who I was. I just wanted to see if you had nailed me before I came clean. As I said to roopy, I'd had enough anyway. You don't know what it's like having to type like that for days on end!

With regards to this thread, at first I was baffled but then I realised that you and bronco were trying to get me to give up some information based on how I chose to deny the claims.

Finally, the name Dog-T. The way I was speaking comes from this ridiculous lingo that a friend of mine and I made up by imitating this guy we knew. We used to take the piss out of him by talking in the exact way in which Dog-T expressed himself. The word 'Doug' came from that and the '-T' just comes from the rapper Ice-T.


The only thing that could have topped this would have been for meltiger and myself to be in cohorts. Once sworn enemies, our combined powers used to pool the wool over everybody's eyes would have been priceless.

Don't worry, just me sticking to my conspiracy theories ;) It just had Meltigers prints all over it...I wouldn't have thought about MM, not really his style (i thought anyways!)
One question...why doug?? He always said it that way, it is a persons name! 'Dawg' Would've been a much more appropriate way to write it, with much more effect and impact....Perhaps this sik hombre, Mr Dawg, needs a lesson or 2 in grammar. Im sure that Snoop Dawgy Dawg would be more then willing to help out a fellow 'bro' in this area
You're probably right about the spelling, though 'dawg' wouldn't have been accurate either. Perhaps 'dowg' - that's how it's meant to be said.

Anyway, I clearly can't show my face around he anymore- my reputation is shattered. I'll let the community go back to normal.

this is doug-t checking out

i is bad you is all bitches . i is going to is make same ladies very happy .



Assistant Moderator
You don't know what it's like having to type like that for days on end!

Believe or not, I know... LOL. I was at my wits end. Bronco was taking up the charge but so was Roopy and so was I. Then I started getting emails and ICQs and Messengers from all over the world. It was a real hoot but it was getting out of hand.

Sorry, I typed a long post and got the bluff bit wrong.
You won't believe this but even though I didn't know your identity... I actually did know your identity...
... strange thing to say but the only analogy I can draw is when someone has a word on the tip of their tongue.
It was driving me nuts. A few times I said to Bronco and Roopy that I know this guy. It fascinated me but I had to bring it to a stop. I told you I was pulling out and just maybe you felt the same way at the same time...(?)
But you're right , I was bluffing.
In fact, bluffing was our main weapon.

This thread was a bluff. At least it baffled you fora second but IMO, it was all part of bringing an end to this.

About you not being Bebeto:
Inan email, I recall that I told you it was time now to fess up and I referred to you by name.
I said Bebeto's real name (which isn't your average Tom Dick or Harry) so you should have seen it, BUT you didn't react. If you were Bebeto you would have told me outright because it was in response to the bluff.
I guess we were becoming real devious bastards.

(BTW sorry Bebeto... LOL)



Assistant Moderator
Oh another thing.. How do you pronounce 'Doug'.

Is it 'dug' or 'dooog'.

Your reputation is not shattered mate. Like I said. You're in the Hall of Fame.

You're right, I was ready to end it. The main reason I hadn't was because you guys seemed to be having so much fun. But when it was obvious that you were all fed up, I knew the time had come. Still, it was a hoot - for both me and you guys, I imagine.

As for 'doug' - think 'doubt' or the 'dow jones index', with a drawl. eg Douuuug

By the way, kudos for the 'Bebeto' clue. That one slipped right past me.

Anyway, I need to take a break for a while. This much time on the computer can't be healthy. Still, it was all a bit of good fun (and different). Who knows, maybe, sometime in the future, another member might pick up the baton and write a second chapter in this sick and disturbing tale.

Thank you and good night.


Assistant Moderator
EL D: I didn't say I suspected BlueAnGold in this thread. But I did say say I suspectedParramatta supporters.
You can blame your mate Rasputin for that...



Your right, actually it was Bronco & Roopy but as I can see you guys were all working together I thought you'd know. Now I have to ask, also out of curiosity, what has Rasputin got to do with it?


Assistant Moderator
Good question and relevant to the whole saga.
Rasputin repeatedly gave the impression that he knew the identity of DogT.
At one point I assumed that he and the Dog T character were in cahoots and working together.
Apart from being led up the garden path, there was nothing much to it really.


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