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Dragon Army welcomes the September Fans

The Major

It was great to see the influx of new fans and the banners on the hill at WIN "Gong on Friday night. The more support we get for our boys here at the pointy end of the season is of great benefit to players and fans alike. From me and the rest of the Army regulars, we say welcome, enjoy your stay, and dont forget your voices! Lets all work together and bring the boys home with a win in the big one in the first weekend in October.

Also just a quick bit of info on how to better enjoy your September visit to Dragons matches and hanging with the Army. If you bring banners to the games, especially ones that take two people to hold up, please consider a simple rule of etiquette you must extend to everyone else standing behind you on the hill/stand or wherever. That is to pull your banners down when they are kicking off the game. The owner of the "Causing a Dell'Emma" sign was the brunt of a few expletives from the army and other fans due to holding the massive sign up right up til when Hornby kicked off the game and ignoring the hordes yelling to pull the bloody thing down on Friday evening. Just a handy bit of advice.... Keep up the great support but just dont spoil yours and everones night by indulging a small lapse of consideration for those around you. If you bring the big banners, eg those taking 2 to hold up, i reccomend you hold it at the back of the crowd. A bit of a no brainer and a simple bit of advice.

And a more serious note too to our new visitors. Please dont sh*t in your own backyard. By all means, rip into the beers or whatever, fire up, and give your all to support our team, but we especially in the Dragon Army pride ourselves on our high level of acceptable crowd behaviour. A request we ask of you is a simple one... Dont be a dickhead! The last thing we want is to have negative media on us being douche bag supporters as other teams have been tainted with in the past and some still do. Its a stigma that sticks and due to some brain explosions from usually one or two people, it spoils it for the rest of us who make the efforts to get to the games week in, week out. The Dragon Army has relished the non scum bag title for a loooooong time and we wish to keep it that way!

Enjoy your stay!


The owner of the "Causing a Dell'Emma" sign was the brunt of a few expletives from the army and other fans due to holding the massive sign up right up til when Hornby kicked off the game and ignoring the hordes yelling to pull the bloody thing down on Friday evening.

I thought Sowie kicked off, though i couldnt really see :lol:
On the not of banners, like i said Major, i was working on LEAN MEAN FIEN MACHINE and that is now finished. :cool:


That's presuming we get any more fair weather fans after the last couple of weeks! Good points though, Major.

big pat

Or whoever it was that kicked off, sorry lliam. I couldn't see due to the big banner.

nice comeback, would of love to have been there, but i got stuck on the hume h'way for an hour and a half, then drove around wollongong for 20 mins trying to find parking, needless to say i didn't get anywhere near the ground until 15 mins into the game.

The Major

That sucks to hear that big pat. You only would have missed our commanding lead of 2 - nil during that time!

big pat

well i will have to make up for it on saturday night, glad anz is only 15 mins away, we need to fire the boys up, hopefully macca has organised those flags and we can swarm anz with red and white and out do the red and green.


First Grade
That sucks to hear that big pat. You only would have missed our commanding lead of 2 - nil during that time!

U also missed Dragons TV being broadcast right in front of the hill. :D

Seeing the poor bugger lying on the ground in the rain holding up the table and the girls nearly flying over the hill Mary Poppins style when the umbrellas went inside out!!

Princess Deee

The owner of the "Causing a Dell'Emma" sign was the brunt of a few expletives from the army and other fans due to holding the massive sign up right up til when Hornby kicked off the game and ignoring the hordes yelling to pull the bloody thing down on Friday evening.

I'm sorry :(
I wasn't trying to be inconsiderate on purpose. I won't bring it again.


First Grade
I'm sorry :(
I wasn't trying to be inconsiderate on purpose. I won't bring it again.
No way! Make sure you bring it to the Souths Game and the rest of the games. I couldn't make the Friday game :( but I saw your banner on TV and it looked great. Major and the rest of them know you weren't doing it on purpose and certainly not to be inconsiderate!

Remember to come up to where all the Flags are on Saturday and get your RedV and Striped Flags you wanted. Or if you bring your banner I may be able to tell its you and give them to you heheh (I'm Macca's girlfriend btw). And don't worry I have accidentally annoyed some people in the Army with a banner before lol.

big pat

with the hill been packed on friday night, it may have been difficult for larger banners, by all means bring it to anz, their should be plenty of room, and as stated last week anz have a policy on sizes, so you might want to check first.

Richard Gay Was God

First Grade
I'm immensely looking forward to being a "September fan" this year. :) Would be nice though if they could hurry up and seal this Minor Premiership so I could book my flights for week 1 of the finals.

Bloody prices are going up by the day!

The Major

Hey princess Dee. Nobody is sugesting for you not to bring your banner. You have as much right to bring it along as do the rest of us to bring it along. Throwing your hands in the air and saying I simply won't bring it anymore is something I'd expect my 6 year old to say. Just exercise a bit of common sense and pull it down when everyone else does as the players take their spot on the field. You will get your tv time regardless if that's what your after. My suggestion is to you is that if you want to hang it up for extended periods of time, and I applaud your efforts for doing so, do so up the back where nobodys views are obstructed. Crikey, imagine if I stood down the front with my home sweet home banner.... I'd end up with a bottle of coke or 10 permanently lodged in the back of my skull.
So please, don't be daunted by a little bit of constructive criticism. Keep bringing your sign, get it up and wave it loud and proud! A lot of work has obviously gone into it and you deserve all kudos for it! And don't sweat it either, the old bloke with the "slippery slippery slippery oi oi oi" sign standing next to you should have known better too.


I can't wait to bring some banners/flags on Saturday night and I'm going to wave them in your face Major especially when we kick off! just kidding.


Princess Deee

No way! Make sure you bring it to the Souths Game and the rest of the games. I couldn't make the Friday game :( but I saw your banner on TV and it looked great. Major and the rest of them know you weren't doing it on purpose and certainly not to be inconsiderate!

Remember to come up to where all the Flags are on Saturday and get your RedV and Striped Flags you wanted. Or if you bring your banner I may be able to tell its you and give them to you heheh (I'm Macca's girlfriend btw). And don't worry I have accidentally annoyed some people in the Army with a banner before lol.

Thank you Macca's Girlfriend :) hehe
The flags look fantastic! I will definitely be there on Saturday to collect them.. I'm sure I will find you guys on the night & if not I'll just ask someone for some assistance :lol: Can't wait!!


them.. I'm sure I will find you guys on the night & if not I'll just ask someone for some assistance :lol: Can't wait!!

If you can find the army, im sure you will see a swarm of people lining up to get their flags. :lol: it shouldnt be too hard to find. Are you still bringing "Causing a Dell'Emma"?

Steel Dragon

I kinda feel like a September fan (due to my timely change of residence Kloser to Kogarah!) but I plan on being in attendance at Dragon games a bit more regularly now most games are a hop step and a train ride away!

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