A lot of Polish people don't celebrate Xmas GronkThe club tweeted that jerseys (new design with anniv logo) won't go to market until 2017. Dumb missing out on xmas IMHO.
A lot of Polish people don't celebrate Xmas Gronk
Sorry I forgot about the Jewish traditional holiday of giving gifts of spinning tops, chocolate money bags & football jerseys
The club really missed the boat on this one. Imagine all that zloty they could have raked in
Sounds like she needs a wax and Polish.
Ever heard of Hanukkah ? Dec 24 16 through to 1 Jan 17. Derp.
Breaking: News just in suggests that the merkins in the logo were boot polish bogans from the 1981 Grand Final.
Oh, i thought he was a pole dancerI quite like the plain old native australian gentleman logo