knights 2004 said:
so i take it noone has a clue about english ratings....
They don't tend to be published by anyone, in fact I think they definitely aren't as these discussion have gone on long and hard on some UK boards with no one coming up with any answers.
The few snippets we get from the RFL when they are drumming up their cause for the SKY renegotiations say things "Super League regularly out-draws Rugby Union's Zurich Premiership and Heineken Cup".
I can recall the figure 300,000 as an average for a Super League game on Sky with the record being 600,000 for an International once. I can't remember for the life of me where these figures came from so don't quote me on it. Those figures will probably seem horrendous, but it is not bad for Sky, and they do beat Union.
The Challenge Cup Final on terrestrial television (BBC) is somewhere in the millions, certainly one figure that was published was 4 million.
Its a shame really that Super League cannot be on BBC as it would certainly reach a bigger audience. BUT they are not willing to pay anywhere near what Sky pump into the game each year.
Sky has single handidly kept Rugby League in existence in the UK, certainly without them it would be amateurism all the way.