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The Backpacker said:
fibro man said:
......and Fittler learnt his trade in the western suburbs.

No sh*t!

Man, you're just a wealth of little known facts, aren't you. :roll:

:lol: :lol: he's smart BP...very smart :lol: :lol: :lol:

PS. I reckon he must have read my 7's article ;-)

The Backpacker

RoostarGirl said:
The Backpacker said:
fibro man said:
......and Fittler learnt his trade in the western suburbs.

No sh*t!

Man, you're just a wealth of little known facts, aren't you. :roll:

:lol: :lol: he's smart BP...very smart :lol: :lol: :lol:

PS. I reckon he must have read my 7's article ;-)

I'd say he's the brightest piece of tinsel on the tree, hands down. :p (I'm assuming, of course, that you guys who live out West know what tinsel is, being so impoverished and all. :shock: ;-) )

I'd be looking into intellectual ownership of that one, if I was you. :lol: :lol: :lol:


The Backpacker said:
RoostarGirl said:
The Backpacker said:
fibro man said:
......and Fittler learnt his trade in the western suburbs.

No sh*t!

Man, you're just a wealth of little known facts, aren't you. :roll:

:lol: :lol: he's smart BP...very smart :lol: :lol: :lol:

PS. I reckon he must have read my 7's article ;-)

I'd say he's the brightest piece of tinsel on the tree, hands down. :p (I'm assuming, of course, that you guys who live out West know what tinsel is, being so impoverished and all. :shock: ;-) )

I'd be looking into intellectual ownership of that one, if I was you. :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: what is Tinsel?? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah Fibro has it wrapped around his biceps ;-) You can see him coming a mile away :shock:

Yes I will get my Lawyer (Well Solicitor but Lawyer sounds better ;-) ) to look into the intellectual ownership of that piece....can't have those silly westie's stealing my ideas now ;-) :lol: :lol:

The Backpacker

RoostarGirl said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: what is Tinsel?? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now how does the song go?

"We couldn't afford no sparkly tinsel for our Xmas tree..."

The next line might be more appropriate...


The Backpacker said:
RoostarGirl said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: what is Tinsel?? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now how does the song go?

"We couldn't afford no sparkly tinsel for our Xmas tree..."

The next line might be more appropriate...

What is the next line??? gee I am beginning to sound like a bad American TV Games Show.......what is...who is :lol: :lol:

The Backpacker

RoostarGirl said:
The Backpacker said:
RoostarGirl said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: what is Tinsel?? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now how does the song go?

"We couldn't afford no sparkly tinsel for our Xmas tree..."

The next line might be more appropriate...

What is the next line??? gee I am beginning to sound like a bad American TV Games Show.......what is...who is :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: Actually ROFLMAO - but they may have something to do with the evenings consumption. ;-)

"We'd just wheel old grandad in and make the old **** sneeze" Or something like that. ;-)

Come on 8) , being a westie, I thought you'd know the good old Wilson Xmas song.

Geeze... :roll: :roll: :roll:



The Backpacker said:
RoostarGirl said:
The Backpacker said:
RoostarGirl said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: what is Tinsel?? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now how does the song go?

"We couldn't afford no sparkly tinsel for our Xmas tree..."

The next line might be more appropriate...

What is the next line??? gee I am beginning to sound like a bad American TV Games Show.......what is...who is :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: Actually ROFLMAO - but they may have something to do with the evenings consumption. ;-)

"We'd just wheel old grandad in and make the old **** sneeze" Or something like that. ;-)

Come on 8) , being a westie, I thought you'd know the good old Wilson Xmas song.

Geeze... :roll: :roll: :roll:


I told you I don't fit in in Westie land.... ;-) :lol: :lol: :lol:


First Grade
The Backpacker said:
fibro man said:
......and Fittler learnt his trade in the western suburbs.

No sh*t!

Man, you're just a wealth of little known facts, aren't you. :roll:

Sometimes you yuppies need to be reminded of the simple facts. You get so wrapped up in your own importance that you forget that your side would have been in the running for the spoon these last few years if it wasn't for the Panther players you've poached.


First Grade
Fittler/Sing. Catic, and now Rose. Also Gus Mercurio Gould was poached from Penrith, not to mention John 'hoss' Cartwright.. Also Canberra is starting to turn into a 'game park' for you guys too. Sticky Ruart and Brett Finch.

If the young latte sippers had the odd game of cocky laura or brandings down at the beach, you might be able to grow some more talent yourselves? :?
would have been in the running for the spoon these last few years if it wasn't for the Panther players you've poached.

This is the statement you made, I pretended for a moment that you know something about football, so I asked the question WHICH Panthers players have we POACHED?

Your reply

Fittler/Sing. Catic, and now Rose. Also Gus Mercurio Gould was poached from Penrith, not to mention John 'hoss' Cartwright.. Also Canberra is starting to turn into a 'game park' for you guys too. Sticky Ruart and Brett Finch.

Fittler left the Panthers and approached US, as he didn't want to play with Superleague. How is this poaching.

Ned Catic. Panthers sacked him, we picked him up and have developed him.

Gus Gould, Ricky Stuart and John Cartwright weren't Panther players when they came to us in a coaching capacity.

Your claim that as a result of us poaching Panthers players we would have been contending the spoon shows how little you know about rugby league.


fibro man said:
Fittler/Sing. Catic, and now Rose. Also Gus Mercurio Gould was poached from Penrith, not to mention John 'hoss' Cartwright.. Also Canberra is starting to turn into a 'game park' for you guys too. Sticky Ruart and Brett Finch.

If the young latte sippers had the odd game of cocky laura or brandings down at the beach, you might be able to grow some more talent yourselves? :?

Oh like Penrith have never, ever, ever signed players from other Clubs!!! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Gee you are boring....did anyone ever tell you that??? Well they have now :shock:

Don't mind us we like talking about you not to you :lol: :lol: :lol:
Good to see nothing much has changed around here. Don't know why you let Fibrous Biceps get under your skin. The guys is so Yesterday, he put the "I" in Ignorant.

Gotta go, my espresso machine has reached optimal pressure...

The Backpacker

Catatonic_Omnivore said:
Good to see nothing much has changed around here...

Who are you? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Long time, no see. Hope you've got a piece of literary genius ready to go early Jan - apparently, there is no off season. :roll: :D :lol:


First Grade
You guys have got me. You are way too good for me. We will just have to wait and see what 2004 has in store for us. Good luck yuppies.....I will be cheering for you....apostrophe nt. :oops: :roll:
Hey Cat !! It's pretty dismal isn't it when you think about it, that some crew just keep pumping out the same sewerage.

We will just have to wait and see what 2004 has in store for us.

:lol: yeah, we will Fibroman ;-)
Hi BP, Pen, RG...

Sure missed you guys n gals. That includes Fibre Optics & Taxi Dribbler too! Quite ironic really as I was thinking about the latter pair on my flight back home. Wondering whether they managed to come up with new material to entertain us. But alas, the first post I read from Fibre Chunks was the same Shyte same stench. C'mon dude, even the Muppets come up with new material.


First Grade
Catatonic_Omnivore said:
Hi BP, Pen, RG...

Sure missed you guys n gals. That includes Fibre Optics & Taxi Dribbler too! Quite ironic really as I was thinking about the latter pair on my flight back home. Wondering whether they managed to come up with new material to entertain us. But alas, the first post I read from Fibre Chunks was the same Shyte same stench. C'mon dude, even the Muppets come up with new material.

Why should I come up with new material, when the old stuff is still doing so well? Speaking of shyte and stench, did you hear that the roosters players used to go for a swim at Bondi beach, now they just go in the water and go through the ' motions '. :lol: :lol: :lol: I bet deep down, that Freddy misses the good old Nepean River.


Hey Cat I actually wondered where you have been....great to see you back....yes Fibro is still here :roll: entertaining us :lol: :lol: :lol:

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