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Fans get their game back

Bulldog Force

You said that they got a new stadium and that did nothing for their fan base. The stadium is not open yet. They're not the bottom team crowdwise in the NRL. They did not have to cut back their expenses when they knew News would cover their losses - would any enterpreneur do that?

Stop hating the Storm in every possible topic.
I don't hate the Storm. I hate how the club gets a lot of benefits/funding, yet the people down in Melbourne couldn't give 2 hoots about them. I want them to be successful in the stands too.

Dogs Of War

I don't hate the Storm. I hate how the club gets a lot of benefits/funding, yet the people down in Melbourne couldn't give 2 hoots about them. I want them to be successful in the stands too.

They are about as successful as the stadium allowed them to be. I think given 2 seasons you will see a big jump in attendances for the club with a stadium that is modern and perfect for the game.

There are clubs in much worse situations currently, without the upside that Melbourne has for the game.


They are about as successful as the stadium allowed them to be. I think given 2 seasons you will see a big jump in attendances for the club with a stadium that is modern and perfect for the game.
Combine that with a significant increase in central funding as part of the next television deal and I think there really is a good chance the Storm will be close to breaking even in 2013 or very soon thereafter.



My question is how the hell do they expect the Storm to be self sufficient in 6 years time, when, after 11 years, they have won 3 comps, been in 5 grand finals, been gifted a BRAND NEW state of the art RUGBY LEAGUE Home Ground on a platter, AND have had the privilege (not right) of hosting State of Origin games? If 11 years off success has done f**k-all for their fan base, then I doubt the next 6 will do anything, especially considering all their current superstars will be past their best by then!

We need to get an FTA network that plays ball with broadcasting of games into Melbourne as well. Look at how we got treated after the GF this year.


Is it just me or who the f**k is this blow in Michael Searle to be dictating terms?

Blow in? haven't you been paying attention to what he has put into the Titans and the game since he kick started the bid in 2004?! Searle has more balls than all the hacks at the ARL and News combined!


The members of the board should be completely involved in the sport.

Independence has no role at all on the board. With News Ltd running things we see what independence brings - outside interests that may not align at all with the interests of the sport or the other stakeholders.

Auditors should be independent, legal advisers should be independent. The people running the show should have intimate knowledge of the sport and the issues around it. Can't get that from an outsider.

1 Eyed TEZZA

Im a litle concerned that no member of the board van have any position with sponsors. Say Gerry Harvey was on the board, could Harvey Norman then be blocked from sponsorship with RL?


The members of the board should be completely involved in the sport.

Independence has no role at all on the board. With News Ltd running things we see what independence brings - outside interests that may not align at all with the interests of the sport or the other stakeholders.

Auditors should be independent, legal advisers should be independent. The people running the show should have intimate knowledge of the sport and the issues around it. Can't get that from an outsider.

I think the theory is independant of the clubs not the sport.

I.e. I doubt they are looking for someone who has zero knowlege or insterest in Rugby League, they want someone who doesn't have a financial or other stake in any of the Clubs. (i.e Like Arko and Quayle used to)


The years of the NRL have clearly illustrated how successful and progressive Arko & Quayle were. It should be clear to anyone who has been involved before, during and after Super League that the ARL model was the most successful and suitable for the sport.

If you isolate clubs and states from the administration of the game you end up with the sh*t-fight that is the ARU.

If this commission gets up, how long before John O'Neill pops up as the "best sports administrator in the country".

El Diablo

Post Whore

We are not dragging the chain, says ARL boss
December 10, 2009

THE ARL would want any agreement with News Limited on an independent commission to include a guarantee the game's proposed future shareholders - the NRL clubs - would not be able to reduce funding for grassroots development in years to come.

ARL chief executive Geoff Carr said last night his organisation did not see clubs pushing for a reduction of input to grassroots in the near future, should the ARL and News reach an agreement to step away from joint control of the game, but added he could not be sure it wouldn't happen beyond that - particularly if private ownership of clubs increased.

The ARL has been criticised for allegedly holding up the independent commission process because of a refusal to relinquish power, but Carr said it has been painted wrongly and that it would make no apologies for taking the time to try to get the process right.

''We have got the right to protect grassroots development, whether it delays it by a matter of weeks or months,'' Carr said. ''The clubs aren't shareholders in the game under the current structure, but under a corporate structure a legal majority of shareholders can change things at any time.

''We believe we're entitled to get a deal on behalf of the 450,000 participants and 70,000 volunteers in the game to make sure they aren't disenfranchised down the track.

''I see the clubs being very supportive of the concept of grassroots development now, but what if private ownership of clubs increases and we end up with 10 or more privately owned clubs at some stage in the future? A majority of privately owned clubs could have a different view.

''You don't get too many opportunities to get things right when you are talking about major changes in the game and if there is going to be an independent body introduced then there has got to be some long-term protection of grassroots development included in the agreement.''

Carr said the ARL would detail its concerns to News Ltd as soon as was practical.

''We need to discuss it a bit more ourselves first,'' he said. ''And we will forward something to News when we have it ready.

''The ARL meeting on Monday was the first opportunity for us to tweak a few things.

''News, the ARL and the clubs have all acted in good faith in this process and I would anticipate that continuing. Some onlookers seemed to think it was all going to be done before Christmas, but it takes time to get these things right.''

Meanwhile, the Rugby League Players' Association has taken issue with the NRL's decision to hire a former police officer to investigate off-field incidents involving players if the NRL considers that the clubs have not taken appropriate action in the first place.

''I find it astounding that the NRL would not seek the RLPA's input before introducing changes like this, which have the potential to significantly affect players' careers,'' RLPA chief executive David Garnsey said yesterday.

''While I am not naive enough to expect that the NRL would uncritically adopt any suggestions made by me, it is apparently not even prepared to have the debate.''


I'm sure it would help if that halfwit Rothfield didn't keep taking potshots at the ARL every time they try to negotiate something.

Grassroots and rep games must NOT suffer under the changes, rather they should continually improve.


If the ARL QRL etc are stalling because they want to ensure a good structure that is accountable and that protects grass roots footy and local club competition as well as rep games than I'm all for it. Got to get it right. If they are trying to hold onto their free holidays than they can f off.

I'm not really a fan of the clubs owning the game. Conflicts of interest. I reckon the members of clubs should vote in board members through a 4 year election cycle. Candidates put their hand up, provide a brief statement on what they stand for and we vote. Keeps RL in the papers too every few years.


Well, News have shown over the last 15 years that they couldn't give two sh*ts about the game of Rugby League outside of how profitable it can be to them. I'll take the ARLs word thank you

Perth Red

Post Whore
News, seemingly, have only asked for two things. First and last TV rights option and Storm's survival (obviously motivated by the deal they signed with the Vic Govt re stadium use). I don't see them caring what the ARL ask for as long as it isn't impacting on the two stipulations they have made.

Kurt Angle

First Grade
The big one is 'each club gets an equal ownership of the game'.

They will never allow expansion after that point.

Paulie Jay

If the members of the commission are not financially beholden to any club, state league or other corporate organisation then they will be as independent as can be reasonably expected. What we have had in the past under the NSWRL, ARL and NRL is current club CEOs, current chairman and board members of state leagues, and employees of current major sponsors and media partners. These people aren't just appointed or elected by these bodies but continue to be actively employed by these other bodies. Even if the individual wanted to act independently in good faith they have an employer with a nice tight grip around their financial balls who can dictate their actions.



Oh, I'm not making comment on whether the board actually will be independent, just the fluid nature of language.

El Diablo

Post Whore

Carr will quit for the game

* Exclusive by Phil Rothfield
* From: The Daily Telegraph
* December 16, 2009 12:00AM

AUSTRALIAN Rugby League chief executive Geoff Carr has offered to quit to speed up the process of establishing an independent commission.

After 10 years in the role, Carr last night told The Daily Telegraph he was preparing to leave his $280,000-a-year job as soon as the commission is up and running - if not before.

"We've just got to get the structure right and then I'll be more than happy to stand down," Carr said.

"There is no question the commission is the right way to go forward and I certainly don't want to die at the wheel. I'm 58 but feel like I'm going on 100."

Carr has been involved in senior rugby league administration for more than two decades, starting out as chief executive of St George before joining the Australian Rugby League.

"When the commission was first mooted, we all knew it would mean jobs at the ARL would go," Carr said.

"And that's not a problem for anyone. The people on the board have the same view as me about this and they are more than happy to step aside when the time's right.

"Even our chairman Colin Love ... he has never promoted himself to be on the commission as a member or as a chairman.

"Others have put him up for the job and Colin hasn't even said whether he'll take it."

Carr says he hopes to remain in the game as general manager of the NSWRL - but it would require a six-figure pay cut.

"There is going to be a transitional period where I'd like to remain with the NSWRL for a year or two," Carr said.

"I think there would still be a place in the game for NSW and Queensland leagues - the same as cricket, rugby and the other codes still have state bodies.

"They would operate under the commission for State of Origin and to look after the grassroots."


And what has happened with this??? Nothing?


Do you.......
Want a game the fans own?

Do you.....
Want a game that will be owned and administered by a non-profit company?

Do you.....
Want a game where all profits in the future are retained for rugby league?


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