FOFF was the f**k Off Finch Foundation, which started on the old Roosters website forum, The Wall.
It grew and grew every year gaining more and more members, even accepting members from other teams on LU as the mighty organisation flourished. We even made the news. Eventually the club listened to people power and finally got rid of Brett Finch from our club. The FOFF sadly disbanded after that as the cancer left our great club.
New Roosterman and his cronies on The Wall blindly defended him and the club, growing weaker and weaker by the day, until it was just him holding the Finch torch.
Ahhh good times
The old Panther fan invasion of 2003 on The Wall was also something I'll never forget. We had a hilarious rivalry going for a while there, was great fun actually.
p.s. Jesseel, A Parra fan on this website, kindly made this gif for the FOFF to have a good old LOL at when he made the NSW team.