You are Dani, FFB aligned Hawt Arse Chik.
Your player is holding a Penrith Panthers Jersey! This does not affect your player in any way at all, but you’re not allowed to mention this in the Game Thread at all. If you do you will be killed.
You’re the hawtest and probs one of the most popular chicks to ever set foot in the FFB, which makes you everyone’s favourite chick, good for you! You’re a part of the FFB’s elite squad who plans to take back the FFB and restore it to its former glory!
In your pocket you have a packet of cigarettes with three remaining. If you are targeted at night (for any action) you will smoke one cigarette and that action will not affect you, though it will be written in the night write-up that you were on your roof smoking a ciggy.
You win when all threats to FFB aligned people are dead.
You are Dutchy. FFB aligned Pub Goer.
Your player is holding a St George Illawarra Dragons Jersey! This does not affect your player in any way at all, but you’re not allowed to mention this in the Game Thread at all. If you do you will be killed.
You’re known for being the head honcho and you’ve decided to lead the charge which is pretty kewl. Good for you.
Each night you may choose from the following abilities:
- Pub Goer Dutch: You don your pub beanie and take a player of your choosing to the pub. If a kill attempt is made on your mate you step in and stop that shiz.
- Snapchat King Dutchy: You send a player a snapchat and they reply with their alignment. Smooth
- Hungover Dutch: You can stay at home and be immune to any night kills
Should your apprentice Monk be killed you will also receive a one off kill.
You win when all threats to FFB aligned Peeps are dead.
You are Nosir'rom Na'ed. FFB aligned Man with Mullet
Status: MOD
You're Dutchys right hand man. Because of this eveyone knows you're cool and shit. Well done.
Although for Nights 1 and 2 you are doing a poo, so any investigations or kill attempts will fail because you're too busy to answer a door knock.
From Night 3 onwards though you're a party goer and you can kill people. Yewwwwww.
You win when all threats to FFB aligned are dead.
You are Apey. FFB aligned Mathematician
Your player is holding a Newcastle Knights Jersey! This does not affect your player in any way at all, but you’re not allowed to mention this in the Game Thread at all. If you do you will be killed.
You're a nerd, kind of. Maths is nerdy right? You're also super awesome at Mario Kart, so impressive job!
Every EVEN night you're able to use your awesome maths and wii-mote skills to protect an hombre.
You win when all threats to FFB aligned are dead.
You are Bazal. FFB aligned knower of all things.
You're a straight up smart dude, and it's pretty cool. You're one of the bros and everyone knows they can trust you. Which is why you've taken on the investigator role for your FFB Peeps.
Each night you can choose to investigate a fellow player and find out their alignment. Nice.
You win when all threats to FFB aligned are dead.
You are Timmah. FFB aligned Post Whore.
Status: MOD
Your player is holding a Gold Coast Titans Jersey! This does not affect your player in any way at all, but you’re not allowed to mention this in the Game Thread at all. If you do you will be killed.
What needs to be said about Tim? He's a heavy fellow, closet Dragons fan etc etc etc. But most of all, everyone knows he's a post whoe.
Because you're such a post whore, you have a post condition. No post you write can be longer then five words. If you've got something to say, put it in multiple posts. The more posts the better right? The only way you can have a post longer then five words is if you mention the St George Illawarra Dragons (you can simply say "Morris was in" every post if you want). The penalty of this is that your character will be killed (which is detrimental to the FFB. So don't die. Srsly.
You have no actions to take (that you know of). If certain actions hit you then you can get certain abilities though.
You win if all threats to FFB aligned are killed.
You are adamkungl. FFB aligned M9.
Status: MOD
You're a bro, you get somewhat lucky with the ladies. An allround mang some would say.
You can use your skills with teh laydeez to wingman one player in with a hotty each ODD night. This will protect that player from any night kills.
You win if all threats to FFB aligned are dead.
You are Didgi, FFB aligned Midget/Buzz Killington
Status: MOD
Your player is holding a New Zealand Warriors jersey! This does not affect your player in any way at all, but you’re not allowed to mention this in the Game Thread at all. If you do you will be killed.
You go under many names but you were probably the last person to undergo a full FFB hazing and come out the other side as a kewl dude who doesn’t afraid of anything (good for you). You’re still a nub in the eyes of many but as an FFB mod you’ve got shit to do!
Each EVEN night you may PM me the name of a player you wish to kill. Go you!
You win if all threats to FFB aligned people are gone.
You are Alba. FFB aligned Hawt American.
You work at a Casino, so you know your numbers (good for you ay?)
You can use your gambling skills to approach one player each night. You may offer them the chance to gamble their night action in a game of Double or Nothing.
If they choose to gamble then I will flip a coin. Heads they get to use their action twice that night phase. Tails they don't get to use it at all that night phase.
You win if all threats to FFB aligned are killed.
You are Misanthrope. FFB aligned Star of Misanthropes Significant Others.
Your player is holding a Brisbane Broncos Jersey! This does not affect your player in any way at all, but you’re not allowed to mention this in the Game Thread at all. If you do you will be killed.
You're a star baby! Also you're one of Twiz's favourite mangs. You live probably the most dramatic and entertaining life of all time and it's still going strong.
Each night you're able to cast someone to star a character in your awesome TV show. This will give them some much desired spotlight but also prevent them from making their action that night.
You win if all threats to FFB aligned peeps are gorn.
You are Cliffhanger, FFB aligned Buff chick.
Status: MOD
You’re buff and scary but you’re pretty cool so good for you. Much like your partner in crime Didgi, you’ve got responsibilities to uphold so make sure you’re on the ball!
Each ODD night you may PM me the name of a player you wish to kill. Nice job!
You win if all threats to FFB aligned are gone.
You are JobDog. FFB aligned lolJD
Your player is holding a North Queensland Cowboys Jersey! This does not affect your player in any way at all, but you’re not allowed to mention this in the Game Thread at all. If you do you will be killed.
You're a pretty temperamental guy. But you're also pretty useless aside from making banners and wanting to be Tim.
You have no active power. Though should anyone say "lolJD" in the game thread then you will get a point (max 1 point per phase). These points may be used to purchase a night ability to use. The points do go away after use however.
1 Point: (Roleblock or Protect)
2 Points: (Investigation to find alignment)
3 Points: (Kill)
You cannot entice or encourage anyone to say lolJD. It must happen naturally.
You win when all threats to FFB aligned are dead.
You are Twizzle. FFB aligned God of LU
Status: Mod
Your player is holding a Parramatta Eels Jersey! This does not affect your player in any way at all, but you’re not allowed to mention this in the Game Thread at all. If you do you will be killed.
You're the head honcho and kind of a big deal. Because of this you cannot be killed while Timmah is alive.
Your vote also counts for double which is also kewl.
You win when all threats to FFB aligned are dead.
You are Monk. FFB aligned person who needs to f**k up.
Status: MOD
Your player is holding a Cronulla-Sutherland Sharks Jersey! This does not affect your player in any way at all, but you’re not allowed to mention this in the Game Thread at all. If you do you will be killed.
You’re me? WTF! Jokes, good job, aren’t you lucky? You’re a pretty cool dude, but you’ve taken a backseat to Dutchy in this which kind of sucks (sad times). But, if someone says “f**k up Monk” during any DAY PHASE then you get to make a kill attempt (if you so choose) the following night phase.
Side note: You cannot encourage or bait anyone into saying f**k up monk, nor can you say it yourself or do anything which would influence people into saying it. It has to be random.
As Dutchys apprentice, if he dies you will lose your current ability and gain his one (it’s cooler dw) and your role title will be changed from ‘person who needs to f**k up’ to ‘Apprentice of Dutchy’.
You win if all threats to FFB aligned people are killed.
You are McLovin. FFB aligned Head of Kate Beckinsale fan club.
You're a chill dude so you enjoy long walks on the beach and heading out to pubs.
You have the power of the Auto Lynch (nice!). During any day phase you can post a picture of Kate Beckinsale and it will end the day phase and you can choose who gets lynched by PM'ing me the name of the player you want to be lynched.
You win when all threats to FFB aligned are dead.
You are StormChaser. FFB aligned Boobs
Your player is holding a Sydney Roosters Jersey! This does not affect your player in any way at all, but you’re not allowed to mention this in the Game Thread at all. If you do you will be killed.
Because of your boobs, if you're targeted more then once during any night phase both night actions will be nullified and the people who targeted you will be the only people who can be voted for in the following days lynch. Make some noise girl!
You win if all threats to FFB aligned people are deadsies.
You are Madunit. FFB aligned Crankypants.
Status: MOD
I'm not saying you have anger issues but...
You cannot be killed at night. Although if you're targeted by more then one action during any night phase you will self destruct. Killing yourself and anyone who targeted you.
You win if all threats to FFB aligned are dead.
You are JessEel. FFB aligned everyone's favourite.
Your player is holding a Manly-Warringah Sea Eagles Jersey! This does not affect your player in any way at all, but you’re not allowed to mention this in the Game Thread at all. If you do you will be killed.
You have the power of the Census. Send me a PM and a Census will be posted.
You also have the power to pause a day phase (just once). If you choose to pause it send me a PM and I will time stamp it. A Census of the people who had voted in the lynch will be taken.
You win if all threats to FFB aligned are deadsies.
You are Chileman. FFB aligned Greatest Chef Ever!
The crazy concoctions you come up with are awesome! You are the best Chef the FFB has ever seen and you are probably one of the greatest FFB Personalities to in the history of LU. You were even inducted into the FFB Hall of Fame earlier this year. So yeah, you’re kind of a big deal.
Each night you may PM me the name of a player to cook dinner for. This player will be so overwhelmed at how awesome your food tastes that they’ll be unable to make an action at night. Although, be warned. If you give food to certain players it will trigger extra abilities. That could be beneficial to the FFB or not. Just thought I’d give you a heads up.
You win when all threats to FFB aligned people are dead.
You are Frederick. FFB aligned IT Man.
Status: MOD
Your player is holding a Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs Jersey! This does not affect your player in any way at all, but you’re not allowed to mention this in the Game Thread at all. If you do you will be killed.
You’re a pretty smart dude, you seem to know what’s going on and you’re up with all the hip and current events which is pretty cool for a nerdy guy... uhh, no offence. But yeh, awesome job being a part of the FFB’s team of dudes who are fighting evil. Go you!
Because you always know what’s what. You’re able to keep track of stuff. So each night you may PM me the name of a player and you can see who they targeted with their night action that night. Yehh... awesome.
You win if all threats to FFB aligned people are killed.