I think a few have missed the original post and the idea that it’s the not so glamorous reasons you remember a certain player
Yow Yeh - most wont immediately think of the rep jumpers and a great start as a rookie, just a bone sticking out of his ankle, poor guy
Ben hunt - speaks for itself really
Kris Kahler - honest toiler, never a superstar but when the nrl site did the best hits of the round back when he was at the titans I remember kris being a regular feature but always with a the ball in his hands. Just never seen someone not just get dominated regularly but absolutely pole axed
Phil leauluai (can never spell it) - getting hooked in the grand final for the roosters
Sean long - the Chinese laundromat combo of long and Lang will forever sit in sharks folklore but for poor old Sean I think of him knocking himself out off the kickoff in the city v country and having the shortest rep career of all time
Ben Ross - pre neck and knee problems was an awesome prop and a powerhouse for the panthers but I’ve watched the YouTube clip of him getting obliterated by josh perry so many times it is the first thing that comes to mind
Trent Barrett- getting snapped in half by Matt rua
Brad Meyers- my old school/team mate Greg Eastwood once told a story when he was a teenage rookie at Brisbane that brad needs special underwear as he is “a freak of nature”
Darren Lockyer - worst international debut ever