Not sure how that constitutes Jimbo talking about you, considering he didn't post it.
But you made sure you mentioned him anyway.......and you say he's obsessed.
Of course
He is someone who likes to watch other people. There are some guys who have this big telescope to see what happens in other families. He must be one of them
He speaks and he speaks and he speaks about Chelsea. He is always speaking about other families. Being a voyeur is a sickness. Now and again you have to speak about your opponents, you have to answer a few things - it is part of the game
You have to try to put pressure on them and send a message but when you do it all the time in the same direction it looks like a sickness
You can do it when your morale is great but when the only way your team can win anything is by getting relegated first, he should be worried about them
But he is worried about us because he is always speaking about us - Chelsea, Chelsea, Chelsea...