Tommy Smith...I'm not getting in a pissing match with you on Michael Myers versus Voorhees!
At least Myers didn't sell out and do Jason V.s. Freddy.
Myers is more real than fake Voorhees.
Voorhees is too supernatural remember Jason X? Hmmmm?
I agree with you that the remake was pretty pissweak. It wasn't scary at all. Every kill had absolutely zero impact.
Why are horror movies these days so impatient that they have to get into the killing scenes straight away - do they not know how to build up the tension against the backdrop of, you know, character development and a storyline? (not that 90% of the Friday the 13th installments have been famous for those qualities).
The only part i liked was when Jason put on the hockey mask. But apart from that it was entirely underwhelming and lacked alot of the atmosphere and style of some of the earlier installments.
Ive always preferred Friday the 13th to Halloween, not that i dont mind Halloween. What can i say, i guess we all have our favourites and Jason always gave me the creeps when i was young.
But i think its safe to say that both remakes were big disappointments. Very lacklustre and i hate how the writers/directors think that they're "updating" them for modern audiences when really they're just making them very crap and predictable.